Unconscious mind Essay

  • Category: Mindset
  • Words: 598
  • Published: 02.12.20
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? Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1960) features the existence of the unconscious. However , he does not see the subconscious as animalian, instinctual, or sexual; like Sigmund Freud; he views it since more spiritual (Cherry 2013). He do spend time working together with Sigmund Freud which a new major influence on Jung’s later theories and helped him develop a enchantment for the unconscious brain. Jung wished to further comprehension of the human head through dreams, myth, skill and philosophy (Cherry 2013).

Jung thought the human mind exists in three parts: the ego (the mindful mind), the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Images sensed by the spirit are considered to be conscious. The ego hence represents the conscious side of character, and in the psychologically fully developed individual, the ego is secondary for the self (Mcgraw-Hill 2003).

The unconscious identifies those psychic images not sensed by the ego. Jung divided the unconscious in the personal unconscious, which provides the complexes (core pattern of emotions, thoughts, perceptions), plus the collective subconscious, or concepts that are further than our personal experiences and this originate from the repeated activities of our forefathers (Mcgraw-Hill 2003). Jung believed the collective unconscious was a reservoir of all experience and knowledge of a persons species (Cherry 2013). Jung’s most famous theory is that of the collective subconscious, a shared memory of symbols, imagery, and memories that he referred to as archetypes. (Mannion 2013).

Archetypes are not the memories of actual physical experience, but rather the repetitive subjective emotional reactions to repeated human encounters are impressed on the unconscious mental processes (Mcgraw-Hill 2003). This kind of internal point out, this proneness to react in certain techniques is handed down. Examples of a number of the archetypes are; Darkness and Anima-Animus (Mcgraw-Hill 2003). Jung called his equivalent of Freud’s, Id and Superego merged the Darkness. The Darkness is, in simple terms, a person’s dark side, the impulses and desires and traits that remain under the surface following years of parental and societal pressure.

Jung felt individuals have a tendency to project all those negative shadow elements about people that we dislike (Mannion 2013). To succeed in full mental maturity, Jung believed, we have to first realize or accept our darkness. Another archetype is Anime-Animus, Jung recommended that within every guy there is a great inner girl, and within every woman there is certainly an inner man — a feminine and masculine strength, actually, which usually he labeled the alma (inner woman) and animation (inner man) (Mannion 2013). He believed that you had to embrace that side of yourself and own it so as to have optimum mental health.

In case the anima or animus was too highly effective or also passive, you were at risk of psychological problems (Mannion 2013). Other archetypes include the great mother (the archetype of nourishment and destruction); the wise old fart (the archetype of intelligence and meaning); and the leading man, (the image we have of the conqueror who vanquishes bad, but who have a single fatal flaw). (Mcgraw-Hill 2003). One of the most comprehensive archetype is the do it yourself; that is, the image we have of fulfillment, finalization, or excellence. The ultimate in psychological maturity is self-realization (Mcgraw-Hill 2003).

References: Cherry, Kendra; Carl Jung Resource (1875-1961); About. Retrieved September 11, 2013 from http://psychology. about. com/od/profilesofmajorthinkers/p/jungprofile. htm Mannion, James; Carl Gustav Jung. Retreived Sept, 11 coming from: http://www. netplaces. com/philosophy-book/psychology/carl-gustav-jung. html code Magraw-Hill; Psychodynamic Theories Jung: Analytical Mindset.

Theories of Personalities. Gathered Sept 10, 2013 via: http://highered. mcgrawhill. com/sites/0072316799/student_view0/part2/chapter4/chapter_outline. html#

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