The Advantages and Disadvantages of Television Essay

  • Category: Education
  • Words: 256
  • Published: 02.13.20
  • Views: 530
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Nowadays many people all over the world spent most of their very own free time watching tv; but because the beginning, tv has brought to man a large number of advantages and disadvantages. Dear Teachers and friends, I would really prefer talk few words regarding advantages and disadvantages of television. If you watch to discover shows, it will help us to increase our expertise.

When we are exhausted with research, we can make use of the television to observe cartoons, motion pictures without going to a film lounge. Various shows like cookery programs and art courses can help visitors to learn new things in that field. We can become skilful and clever for doing jobs, making cakes or planning flowers through practical courses taught on television.

It will help all of us to improve our knowledge in lots of ways. Through language teaching applications, we can the language we all like including: English, Tamil and so on. It will help us to look at sports activities such as Cricket fits and Olympic Games live from our home although they are going on in a very much country. In addition to its advantages, however , tv also provides lots of disadvantages to audiences too.

Several unwanted displays, frequently proven on television, just like using alcoholic beverages, smoking may have bad impact on children’s mind. Children’s who are hooked on watch tv set instead of playing outdoor games, are getting health issues. Watching television will have bad influence on our eyesight.

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