Sexuality dissertation

  • Category: Essay
  • Words: 931
  • Published: 03.19.20
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Since Process

The aim of this essay, is to try and establish in the event sexuality, can be an inborn

biological process that happens as a result of our genetic cosmetic makeup products or wether

sexuality is a result of our social back ground plus the environment through which

we are elevated. These two varying theories are known as the nature/nurture

debate, characteristics representing the biological theory for each of our sexuality and nurture

representing environmental impacts for our behaviour. The first area of the

essay, will focus on the biological part of our libido and will submit

theories by Barnard, Hamer and Small, who will argue the point, our

sexuality is made at the foetal stage of the development.

It is only at that

early level of lifestyle, that genes carry specific information about whom we are. A

gene is actually a unit of hereditary our sexuality is made through and the

genes determine the neurological characteristics of an individual, equally physically

and mentally. The essay will likely then give further evidence that our sexuality can be

biologically motivated, by explaining the changes our systems undergo once we reach

growing up, changes which can be triggered simply by hormonal transitions. Hormones happen to be

chemical messengers, they give massages coming from glands throughout the body, which usually

triggers a response in other parts of our body structure.

The essay will offer evidence

that, hormones certainly are a biological indicator that we happen to be biologically influenced

towards our sexuality. The other part of the dissertation will believe, sexuality

is greatly affected by environmental factors, environmental factors just like

rearing models and differing cultural practises. It will take a look at different

societies and the method by which they perceive sexuality and argue that sexuality

is discovered through a combination of expected cultural norms and observational

learning, giving facts from Bandura, Mead and Money on the way. Finally

the essay look at the proof that has been submit and sum up what

has become debated, it will then draw a summary.

From your point of conception

humans are made up of 46 chromosomes, 3 male and 23 female. After

insemination, paternal and maternal chromosomes fuse, this kind of fusion determines the

love-making of the child. The amalgamation of two X chromosomes creates a girl child

even though the combination of By and Sumado a chromosomes, contributes to the development of a male

children. Each chromosome contains thousands genes every gene consists of

specific info on how section of the body will be formed.

Genes are

responsible for nearly all aspect of the human body, from hair colour for the

development of each of our organs, bodily organs like the brain and it is in the brain had been

the biggest improvements take place once our bodies get their sex

metamorphous, during sexual growth. When we reach sexual maturity, we have

our first insight into our sexuality, an insight which can be genetically set

into our consciousness through our DNA, this theory is maintained the work of

hamer ain al ( 1993) who also conducted research of guy sexual orientation. Hamer

examined 40 pairs of gay and lesbian brothers. This individual examined 22 genetic guns distributed

over the X chromosome in order to find out if brothers concordant for

homosexuality, were also concordant for the markers.

He located that the

chromosomal region of xq28, in the tip of the long arm of the Back button chromosome, 33

of the forty five pairs of brothers shared all the indicators. This was statistically

different from the expected rate (20 out of 40) suggesting that the gene

affecting male intimate orientation, lies within that chromosomal location

In this study, Hamer along with many additional fellow geneticists, is claiming that

he has found the gene which dictates each of our sexual alignment, therefore family genes are

a precursor to the sexuality and our libido is decided in a anatomical level

in the womb. Whilst inside the womb, it seems that our sexuality is being pre

programmed by our genetics but you will discover other biological developments taking

place, particularly the formation of our hormones, bodily hormones which will rest dormant

before the onset of growing up. The hypothalamus an important co-ordinating

centre in the brain, alerts the start puberty.

The hypothalamus stimulates a

gland just below it, the pituitary, to secrete hormones (chemical messengers

carried inside the blood). These are carried to other junk secreting glands. In

their very own turn these release different hormones which usually regulate physical growth and

development (DR Christian Barnard. 1981) Both the main bodily hormones released at

sexual maturity are testosterone for males and oestrogen for females.


Androgenic hormone or testosterone is allocated throughout the sexually maturing man, his copie

will expand and begin producing sperm. His body will start to

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