Identifying Macromolecules in Common Foods Essay

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Abstract: We tested five prevalent food items to ascertain which macromolecules were present. We tested for the macromolecules of simple and complicated carbohydrates (sugars and starch), lipids, and proteins.

The foods tested had been coconut milk, karo syrup, potato chips, almond butter, and banana foods for infants. We hypothesized that coconut milk could contain all types of macromolecules, karo syrup could only consist of simple all kinds of sugar which are monosaccharides and/or disaccharides, potato chips would contain starches and fat, peanut rechausser would have sugars, fat, and healthy proteins, and clown baby food could consist of sugar and starch. Each macromolecule test consisted of five test out tubes in the food item individually diluted in to solutions to get reacting every single with Benedict’s reagent showing the presence of sweets, IK2I pertaining to starch presence, and Buiret’s reagent to get protein presence.

A simple newspaper test utilized evaluting lipid existence for every food. Each of our results verified our quotes of the foods’ compounds. Therapy results verified that coconut milk covered all four types of macromolecules, karo viscous, thick treacle contain simply simple all kinds of sugar, potato chips had been starches and fats, peanut butter contained sugars, body fat, and healthy proteins, and clown baby food consisted of sugars and starches. Advantages: Identifying macromolecules in the foods we eat is vital in composed of a healthy well-rounded diet ensuring our nutritional needs for cellular processes in the body of a human. The largest biological molecules are known as sugars, lipids, and proteins.

Carbs are compounds of monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides called sugars and starches. Fats, known as body fat, are storage molecules in animals and plants. Healthy proteins bind to other substances performing key roles in DNA and RNA capabilities. Five diverse food items had been tested to get the presence of certain macromolecules recognized as sugars, starch, lipids, and proteins.

The foodstuff items were coconut milk, karo viscous, thick treacle, potato chips, almond butter, and banana food for babies. We utilized chemical signals and brown paper to detect the presence of different macromolecules in various solutions made from every single food sample. If all kinds of sugar were present in a foodstuff, then the Benedict’s reagent and heat might turn the solution orange and precipitate is going to form.

In the event starch was present, then this iodine potassium iodide might turn the perfect solution dark purple or brownish and kind a precipitate. If fats were within a foodstuff, then the brown paper it absolutely was rubbed upon would contact form a clear area. When a food includes protein, then your Buiret’s reagent would switch the solution violet or purple in color. Our findings of the becomes the solutions in color and uniformity indicated the presence of each different macromolecule according to the food item (see Table 1, Chart 1).

We believed that coconut milk might contain sugars, starch, lipids and proteins; karo viscous syrup would just be a simple sugars; potato chips were made of starch and fats; peanut butter would have sugars, fats, and healthy proteins; and clown baby food would only include sugars and starch. Supplies and Strategies: We analyzed five food items for sugars, starch, fats, and necessary protein. The items analyzed were cocunut milk, karo syrup, potato chips, peanut chausser, and banana baby food. Most of these food items were thick in consistence.

Also, several of the meals had large coloring which will would make some of the tests challenging to visually measure. Solutions were made of each food item. Our research laboratory professor thin down the foods with water to form solutions for us to test.

According to our lab manual, The Pearson Custom Library to get the Natural Sciences, section Macromolecules, the testing methods are as follows (reference II). Before any assessment chemicals or perhaps testing procedures were performed, the intial states and colors of the food solutions were as follows: the negative control water was clear and colorless; coconut milk was opaque and white; karo syrup option was entirely transparent and colorless; potato chip option was impair and a little bit yellow; almond butter answer was gloomy and a bit beige; clown baby food answer was cloudy and slightly yellowish beige. Simple Sugars (Sugar) Tests: Using Benedict’s testing on our foodstuffs, we tested for simple sugars.

Six clean evaluation tubes had been labeled individually with every testing food item plus one unfavorable control test tube. Solutions of each meal in the level of one complete dropperful was added to every labeled check tube and one total dropperful of water was added to the control conduit. Then, every test conduit received 1 full dropperful of Benedict’s reagent and was gently shaken to combine the solution. Every test tube was then placed in a hot water bath in a beaker of normal water on a warm plate for approximately 2 mins.

After approximately 2 a few minutes, the test pipes were removed from the water and placed into test tube stand for us to observe any changes to the alternatives. The resulting states and colors of the test tubes had been as follows: The negative control water was clear and blue in color; coconut milk was opaque having a dark lemon precipitate inside the bottom and orange through the rest of its solution; karo syrup was opaque with a dark fruit precipitate in the bottom and orange throughout its solution; potato chips answer remained gloomy with no precipitate and was blue in solution; almond butter remedy was funeste with a brown precipitate in the bottom and brown through its remedy; and the banana baby food answer was opaque, dark brown in color and formed a dark brown medications in the bottom of the check tube.

Intricate Carbohydrates (Starch) Testing: Iodine potassium iodide (IK2I) was used to test for polysaccarides. Six clean check tubes were labeled and placed in a test tube rack. Five of the test out tubes had been individually labeled with your five foods and one particular test pipe was labeled control. The control test tube a single full dropperful of drinking water, the additional five check tubes received their discovered food item in the quantity of 1 full dropperful.

Then, 1 droplet with the IK2I reagent was included in each of the six test pipes and had been mixed very well. The causing states and colors of the test tubes were as follows: The negative control water was clear and yellow silpada in color; coconut dairy formed a dark brown medications and a great opaque answer color of violet-beige; karo syrup remained translucent and deep amber in color; motherboards solution formed a dark purple precipitate with a great opaque remedy color of purple; peanut chausser solution continued to be cloudy and yellow in color; plus the banana food for babies solution created a violet brown precipitate and an opaque remedy of pinkish beige. Lipid Testing: We all performed a non-coated newspaper test in our chosen food items to spot the presence of fats.

Six potager of non-coated brown paper were attained and labeled with the five food items being tested and one control paper tagged water. The control newspaper received a droplet of water applied into the daily news. Each of the five separate foods were added and applied onto the center of each with their identified brownish paper.

The papers had been set aside intended for 30 minutes to soak up the material and dry out. After the thirty minutes, each paper was held towards overhead mild. The coconut milk, potato chips, and almond butter paperwork all confirmed translucent locations where the food was applied. The Karo viscous, thick treacle and the clown baby food dried up completely and showed no translucent areas, being completely opaque in their paper centers.

Protein Testing: The Biuret’s test was performed to each of our five food items to recognize the presence of protein in the foods. Six clean test pipes were branded and put into a test tube tray. Five from the test tubes were separately labeled with each of our five food items and one evaluation tube was labeled control.

The control test pipe had 1 full dropperful of drinking water, the other five test tubes received their discovered food item inside the quantity of one full dropperful. Results: Coconut milk tested positive for sugar mentioned by a dark orange medications forming and an lemon solution. Coconut milk examined positive pertaining to starch since it formed a brown medications with a bis colored answer. Coconut dairy tested great for fats as the paper designed transparency.

Coconut milk examined positive pertaining to proteins by resulting in a great opaque, violet-brown solution. Karo syrup tested positive pertaining to sugar by simply exhibiting a dark orange precipitate and an lemon solution. Karo syrup examined negative to get starch, lipids, and protein as there was no causing changes.

Potato chips tested confident for starch by making a dark purple precipitate and a crimson solution. Motherboards tested confident for fats forming openness on the assessment paper. Poker chips tested negative for sugar and protein indicated simply by no trend changes to their solutions. Almond butter tested positive to get sugar developing a dark brown precipitate and a brown solution. Almond butter examined positive intended for lipids by developing openness on the tests paper.

Peanut butter examined positive pertaining to protein by simply resulting in a pinkish beige solution. Peanut rechausser tested bad for starch as the solutuion remained yellow in color. The banana food for babies tested confident for glucose resulting in a darkish precipitate and dark brown solution.

Banana baby food tested confident for starch by ensuing a brownish precipitate and a pink-beige solution. Clown baby food tested negative pertaining to lipids and proteins noticing no trending changes. Dialogue: Our outcomes supported the hypotheses and predictions developed from our prior exposure to these food types with knowledge of taste, feel and prevalent dietary info. Coconut milk contained all kinds of sugar, starch, lipids and protein; karo viscous syrup contained straightforward sugars; motherboards contain starch and fats; peanut rechausser contained sugars, lipids, and proteins; and banana food for babies contained sugars and starch (see Table 1 and Chart 1).

According to Functional Properties of Food Macromolecules, Second Edition (reference IV), Benedict’s reagent is known as a clear, green liquid used to test to get simple all kinds of sugar such as monosaccharides and disaccharides. When Benedict’s reagent and simple carbohydrates will be heated collectively, the solution can turn color to lemon red. This kind of color modify is due to the copper (II) ions in the reagent are lowered to water piping (I) ions.

Sometimes a reddish precipitate forms in the base in the test conduit. Information given by Science and Health Education Partnership, SEP Lessons simply by University of California S . fransisco (reference III) details that Buiret’s reagent is a very clear, blue liquefied that when inside the presence of proteins changes to a purple or even lilac color if the copper atoms of the reagent react with proteins or perhaps polypeptide stores. Iodine solution or Lugol’s reagent alterations from an amber color to dark purple of even dark. Due to the original coloring in the foods, the resulting color changes and formed precipitates were modified according to the combination of the reacting coloring.

Intended for examples, the peanut butter and clown baby food both were an innovative brown color so as they will reacted with Benedict’s reagent and were heated they will resulted in a darker darkish color because the common fruit reacting color mixed with their very own original darkish coloring. These types of brown colorings were considered as we evaluated the ending reactions to justify a good or adverse identification. Referrals Cited: 2. Pearson Learning Solutions. Macromolecules, in The Pearson Personalized Library pertaining to the Natural Sciences. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2012, pp.

69-87. III. Science and Health Education Partnership, SEP Lessons. College or university of A bunch of states San Francisco. Accessed Feb . 11, 2013. IV.

T. E. Hillside, D. A. Ledward, and J. R. Mitchell. Functional Properties of Food Macromolecules, Second Copy. Gaithersburg, MARYLAND: Aspen Publishing, 1998.

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