Chapter twenty eight the digestive system

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abomasum last section of the ruminant belly that acts as the true abdomen and permits food to be digested
alimentary channel veterinary medical terminology to get the GI system
amylase chemical produced by the pancreas that breaks down starches
anastomosis surgical removal of a dead part of tissue over the digestive tract and resectioning areas back together
ascending intestines first section of the large intestine
avian program specialized gastrointestinal system of chickens
beak avian mouth area with no the teeth that varieties an upper and lower bill
fiel yellow smooth that helps breakdown food intended for digestion and absorption of food
bloat condition that causes the abdoment to get swollen and painful because of air and gas within the intestinal tract
physique central portion of the stomach that expands as food enters
canine tooth also known as fangs that are used to tear apart foodstuff
cardia entrance with the stomach that filters food
caniasial tooth higher 4th premolar and decrease first gustar in dogs and cats that often become abscessed and contaminated
cecum the small barda de golf that is situated between the large and small intestines
cloaca end of the digestive tracct in which waste material moves
colic condition in horses that triggers severe stomach pain
digestive tract common term for the large intestine
constipation occurence in the digestive tract that can cause little to no intestinal movement
crop tiny sac that acts as a holding tank pertaining to food as it is passed from the esophagus in birds
crown the upper part of the teeth that is above the chewing gum line
cud mixture of grass sources and saliva that is certainly chewed and regurgitated in order to down foodstuff for effacements
perishable baby teeth which can be developed in newborn animals and eventually shed when adulthood is come to
lacks loss of fluids in the body
dentin second part of teeth, a lot like bone
dentition the way teeth are established in the body
descending colon third or last section of the large intestine
diabetes condition that is produced when ever too much or perhaps too little blood sugar is made and the body finds it difficult to regulate
diarrhea process of waste materials and feces becoming smooth and watering
digestion breaking down food particles into nutrients to be used by the entire body to allow the pet to live
digestive system your body sytem which has the intestines and stomach
distended inflamed
duodenum brief, first portion of the small intestinal tract
teeth enamel hardest element in the body that covers and protects pearly whites
enema procedure of passing liquids into the rectum to become softer feces to make a bowel activity
eructation gas accumulation where belching occurs to rid the rumen of surroundings
esophagus tube that passes food from the mouth for the stomach
fermentation process of soaking food which allows bacteria in order to down foodstuff for less difficult digestion
flanking taking a look at or biting at the attributes of the stomach due to abdomen pain
international body blockage an animal eats a foreign thing that is no digestibe and it becomes influenced within the intestinal tract
free gas atmosphere accumulates in the dorsal rumen of a ruminants stomach leading to the animal to choke when the esophagus turns into obstructed with food and saliva, creating the gas to not manage to escape
frothy bloat caused by gas getting trapped within just small bubbles within the rumen cxausing the abdoment for being swollen and painful
fundus beginning of the stomach
gall urinary organ that stores acrimonie
gastric dilation veterinarian term pertaining to the condition generally known as bloat through which air or gas floods the belly causing the abdomen for being swollen and painful
digestive, gastrointestinal dilation volvulus (GDV) condition where the stomach and large intestine rotate following becoming swollen due to air flow or gas in the GI tract, creating the intestinal tracts blood flow to be stop t
gastrointestinal system (GI) the gastrointestinal tract that contains the stomach and intestines
gizzard muscle organ located after the proventriculus in chickens that grinds down hard food chemicals
glucose veterinary clinic term for blood sugar
herbivores animals that eat and are also foods
ileum third and last section of the small intestine
incisors front side teeth located in the upper and lower teeth
insulin chemical manufactured by the liver that is released into the bloodstream and manages the bodys blood sugar
intravenous into the problematic vein
intussesception condition where the abdomen or intestine telescopes upon itself, removing circulation for the organ
jejunum second or perhaps middle area of the small is going to
Lactated ringtones solution smooth of lactic acid that is certainly commonly used to change fluids shed in dehydration
laxative veterinary term for feces softeners or perhaps medicine directed at soften fecal material to produce a intestinal movement
lipase enzyme manufactured by the pancreas that breaks down fats
liver organ in back of the tummy that makes fiel and creates glucose
mesentery connective cells from the peritoneum and bears blood vessels and nerves to the small intestinal tract
molars last set of teeth that are huge and positioned in the back from the mouth
monogastric digestive system of your animal with one simple belly
mucosa thin connective muscle that lines the intestinal tract
mucous membrane layer (mm) gums
necrotic lifeless tissue
nonruminant system digestive system similar to monogastric pets with a greater well developed cecum for digesting fiber
typical saline solution together with the same focus level while salt
NPO practically nothing by mouth
omasum third area of the ruminant stomach that absorbed drinking water and nutrients
omentum thin lining that surrounds organs in the abdomen
omnivores consumes both crops and family pets
common barium research barium solution given by mouth to pass through the gastrointestinal system to allow xrays to be taken over time to view interior structures with the GI tract
pancreas appendage that is placed next for the stomach and secretes enzymes that aid in digestion
papillae hair for the tongue that act as taste buds
peristalsis wavelike motion from the stomach that moved foodstuff through the gut in contractions
peritoneum clear slender lining from the abdomen
long lasting permanent teeth that are created after the perishable teeth are shed
pharynx throat or area of the back of the mouth
PO orally
premolars wider the teeth at the back of the mouth used to mill and tear food
proventriculus acts as a monogastric stomach and begins the digestion method in chickens by publishing excretions to soften meals
pulp cavity center from the tooth maintain nerves, veins, and arteries
pylorus exit lobby of the belly
radiopaque solution that fluoresces and enables radioation to feed to view inside body set ups during xrays
regurgitation process of bringing food into the mouth from the abdomen to break it down
underlying part of the the teeth located under the gum collection that holds the dental in place
reticulum second section of the ruminant stomach that provides for a filter pertaining to food
rumen 1st section of the ruminant belly that provides a storage value-added tax and softens food to get fermentation
rugae folds in the stomach if it is empty
ruminant animal using a digestive system with a stomach with four areas or storage compartments
saliva liquid that helps become softer and break down food to get ease of ingesting and digestive function
salivary glands place within the oral cavity that generates saliva
skin area turgor process of assessing an animal to get dehydration simply by lifting the skin over the base of the the neck and throat or back
salt chloride saltwater fluid
feces softeners medication given to develop a bowel movements by softening the fecces
subcutaneous offered under the skin area
tacky slight dry, as in the gums
tongue muscle in the mouth accustomed to hold food within the mouth area
slanted colon second or middle section of the top intestine
canjear plastic or metal pointed instrument placed into the rumen of the ruminant animal that has bloated to ease the pressue on the animals stomach
trypsin enzyme created by the pancreatic that figé proteins
vent external area of an bird that moves waste materials, also known as the pocilga and exactly like the rectum
throwing up technique of brining up partially or undigested meals that has been in the stomach of monogastric family pets

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