Useful leadership style in healthcare essay

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The regular leadership unit focuses on three main areas which are looked over to be the primary areas of leadership; task, specific, and crew (Al-Touby, 1). Our text message does not cover the traditional management model however it does cover the path-goal leadership theory which in a lot of sense relates to both the traditional leadership unit and the useful result-oriented health-related model. The path-goal theory focuses on the effectiveness for any leader to develop high production and spirits in a offered situation (DuBrin, 147). Inside the path-goal theory it is important that the manager select a style of management that concentrates on the characteristics of the team and the demand for the work.

In the classic leadership design there is more emphasis on one core region over one more; where in the path-goal management theory there is absolutely no emphasis on either. The path-goal theory lays the objective in black and white-colored. The path-goal theory is/ would be a powerful leadership style for healthcare, however changing it more closely to any organization will make it far better and effective.

The main objective that can never become forgotten with healthcare is a patient’s outcome; if the end result is misplaced, the leader, they, and the process have failed.

The Oman Medical Journal has mastered a leadership model particularly for healthcare facilities. The record only compares the new healthcare model towards the traditional leadership model however; it could end up being compared with the functions of the path-goal leadership theory. If a health-related facility focuses on their individual staff features, the center will risk the possibility of losing sight of the patient’s needs (Al-Touby, 1). In any medical profession most employees is there for one reason, the patient’s services. With that being said, specific characteristics aren’t exactly the priority in the healthcare leadership style. Moving on to having the task end up being the priority of the practical model; the task by itself is still incomplete until the patient stabilizes from the medical problem or the disease is maintained (Al-Touby, 1-2). One individual is a activity for too many people, but each employee contributes to the outcome in the patient.

Lastly, healthcare leaders cannot just focus on the team, because the team has not finished the task before the patient recovers or the disease is been able. The team can be combined from the individuals as well as the task however in health care non-e of people elements need priority over another. Health care teams could work hard and be efficient but still be ineffective (Al-Touby, 2). In healthcare effectiveness must always be the goal above efficient teamwork. These examples and reasons are why the Oman Medical Diary decided to put the fourth factor results or patient final results; and they consider the adjustment as the “functional results-oriented leadership model(Al-Touby, 3). No matter how perfect the healthcare team is; regardless of motivated the care staff is; regardless of well the care methods are articulated and applied, the yardstick of good healthcare leadership is usually patient final results, the effects of care. (Al-Touby, 4)

The practical leadership style is based on three core areas in management; task, individuals, and teams. All of these are crucial in effective leadership, however , the customized theory; functional-orientated leadership meets my life-style more specific. Working in health-related and going after a profession in healthcare administration I can observe how the typical practical leadership unit does not suit the health care world. Sufferer care is an essential focal point of each move produced in the medical industry; focusing even more precisely using one of the 3 elements inside the typical unit could easily distract a leader in shedding focal point on the patient’s result/outcome. Making the end result the center of the three elements works. The business I work at now uses the functional-orientated leadership style, and all the policies happen to be based surrounding this model. Person’s safety and wellbeing is usually priority.


Al-Touby, S. (2012). Functional Results-Oriented Healthcare Command: A New Leadership Version. Oman Medical Journal, 27(2), 104-107. doi: 10. 5001/omj. 2012. 22 DuBrin, Claire J. (2013). Leadership: Analysis Findings, Practice, and Expertise. Mason: South-Western.


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