Useful areas in oxfam and sainsburys composition

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The main purpose of the Fund department is to support the general aim of making a profit simply by working with various other departments to ensure they no longer spend too much money and that what they are doing is definitely profitable. In addition they work with various other departments to finance the purchase of more effective equipment. Analysis & Expansion (R&D): The Research and Expansion department are responsible for creating new releases or companies and monitoring relevant analysis done anywhere else.

They also locate ways of offering new or perhaps additional features and find out about the customers future wishes or demands by tinkering with different concepts and pinpoints the best.

Additionally, they may work within the environmental focuses on or social responsibility in the business. All their main goal is to help a business produce new concepts that can help the business enterprise produce a fresh or better product or perhaps develop a more effective way of carrying out something greater than their competitors. Human Resources:

Human Resources are responsible to relieve symptoms of employee related matters including; writing up job descriptions and advertising to sponsor new personnel and establishing interviews to try job applicants.

They are also responsible for staff schooling (if required) and keeping records of staff (absence, illness, and training). They also handle the legal facets of HR (contracts, safety and fair treatment). Their main purpose should be to support different functions and business is designed by making sure correct personnel are hired and trained to a high regular so that the products or services is of a superior quality.

The HOURS department will try to make sure there are ways of inspiring all the staff to work effectively. They may try to ensure there is small absence coming from staff and that they behave very well. Marketing: Marketing involves a range of procedures concerned with figuring out what the consumer wants, then providing associated with it. Marketing is an integrated process in which, individuals and communities discover that existing needs and wants may be satisfied with the products and services of others.

Their primary purpose is to research what customers want through researching the market and help the organization produce a merchandise the customers are willing to buy. Once the right item has been manufactured, it is important for the Marketing function to advertise the product, be sure it is charged competitively which is available to buyers. Administration in Cotham Outdoor Activities ” they will support professors taking learners off web page, making sure established procedures are in place.

Presence Officer ” allows the school to identify issues with low attendance and poor punctuality along with good presence. Human Resources ” they put together any advertising; agree date, timeline, final date, interview date ” crucial to include the correct data. Examinations Official ” are in charge of for getting and invigilating, with a team of invigilators all public and interior exams. Examination Manager ” they contain the personal information on students, such as; name, talk about, gender, home number and date of birth.

In addition they keep a record of all the students and their transcripts. Significant Others ” organising brain teacher journal, arranging meetings, typing reports, memos and letters. They also produce notifications among other things. ICT in Cotham MIS updates, availability and troubleshooting, server and network services contains equipment, switches, wireless technology, cabling etc . they also cope with day to day hardware and software support for all users, staff and college students.

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