Spanish dissertation

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(Last Up to date: Aug 1, 2010)

Names / Greetings as well as Numbers as well as Alphabet (4 lessons)

Weather / Seasons (4 lessons, a couple of extra lessons)

Pastimes (4 lessons)

Family (2 lessons)

Animals (7 lessons)

Human body and Five Senses (3 lessons)

Four Factors (1 lesson)

Planets (4 lessons)

Calendar: Days / Months as well as Dates (1 lesson)


12. House

11. Town (includes overview of Seasons as well as sports terminology)

12. Market

13. Signs / Maps / Directions / Site

Author Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson

Subject: Names / Greetings as well as Numbers as well as Alphabet

(Last Updated: Come july 1st 18, 2006)


Note: This topic can be repeated via previous degrees. More or less period should be used on each subtopic, depending on backdrop of pupils, and math calculations can be increased while students grasp the quantities.

Pupils will be able to figure out and work with? Se llama ____? and? Me llamo___?, Muy bien, mil gracias, Adi? t. (This should be review coming from earlier years)

College students will figure out and respond appropriately to:? C? mo se pasión?,? C? mo te llamas?, Muchas mil gracias.

Students will be able to greet people with: Acertados d? since,? C? mo est? h?

College students will be able to find, hear, and say figures 0-20.

Students will understand meters? s, menos, son.

Students can understand and respond to:? Cu? nto talud?

Learners will perform math computations: addition, subtraction, multiplication (if this has been covered in English)

Students will be brought to the alphabet in The spanish language

Subject: Weather as well as Seasons

(Last Updated: July 18, 2006)


College students will be brought to el época.

Students will use correctly: hace fr? o/calor/buen tiempo/mal tiempo.

Students uses appropriately: hay sol/lluvia/nieve/viento/nubes.

Students uses? Qu? tiempo hace?

Students can compare climate in Duluth and different regions of the Spanish-speaking world.

Students can understand a tale about the next thunderstorm.

Students will gain details about the several seasons: primavera, verano, oto? o, invierno

Learners will connect weather with each period

Learners will learn right after in links between time of periods in upper and the southern area of hemispheres

Theme: Pastimes

(Last Up to date: June 3, 2006)


College students will learn about different pastimes that are popular in Spanish-speaking countries (f? tbol & m? sica: tango/flamenco)

Students will certainly understand f? tbol vocabulary: f? tbol, pelota, ludópatatahúr, equipo, aficionado, gol, golero, cancha, considerar, jugar

Students will learn active language: me gusta, S?, Zero, no

Students can respond appropriately to the following expressions: jueguen con la pelota, deb? nle que tiene el curry, tiren la pelota, agarren la pelota,? gol!

Students is going to understand: Eres/Soy aficionado sobre.

College students will learn about two types of music and dancing which can be popular in the Spanish-speaking world: flamenco, tong

Students will track down on map where this kind of music is usually popular

Students will understand move and music vocabulary: meters? sica, gallito, tango, guitarra, viol? d, bandone? d, bailar, atención, tocar, encomiar

College student will appreciate different hobby activities: adivinar, correr, nadar, saltar, hacer el juego, mirar televisi? n, alabar, caminar, rozar m? sica

Student will be able to claim what s/he does: Leo, corro, nado, salto, miro televisi? d, canto, trayecto, toco meters? sica, placer

College students will assessment alphabet through spelling of words

Topic: Family

(Last Updated: June twenty-three, 2006)


Learners will be familiar with following terms: la neamul, el actor, la cama, el fray, la mama, el antecesor, la abuela

Students will recognize these people in pictures of families: Es.

Pupils will tell peoples titles: Se vehemencia, Me llamo

Pupils will be able to say how many people you will discover in their friends and family: Somos & #

Students is going to plot the number of family members among their classmates

Students will certainly describe activities of people: baila, toca m? sica, culinaria, come

Students will look understand family members activities/members in Mexican family members

Theme: Animals

(Last Up to date: July 12, 2006)


College students will appreciate how animals maneuver (caminan, vuelan, nadan, corren, r? pido, lento) and different places for animals to live (casa, jard? n, alquería, mar, bosque tropical, zool? gico)

Students will identify in which animals live

College students will be able to say: Vive sobre, Come, Es grande/peque? to, Es anfibio/

Pupils will determine animals of Spanish-speaking world: loro, quetzal, c? ndor, tuc? and, coqu?, jaguar, toro, pasión, urraca

Students can identify other animals: madrile?o, caballo, vaca, pato, cerdo/chancho, perro, marica, abeja, perroquet? a, verweis? n, conejo, ardilla, serpiente, p? jaro, rana, pez, caballo de mar, gaviota, cangrejo, tortuga, tibur? d, pulpo, inmundo, burro, gallina, pavo, oveja, cocodrilo, elefante, le? and, buho, oso, mono

Students will listen to and understand reports about animals

Learners will understand vocabulary associated with butterflies: patas, alas, antenas, mariposa, huevos, oruga, rumiar, morder, piel, crecer, ingerir, insectos, hojas, pupa, enfadarse, n? ctar

Pupils will watch pictures of butterflies in the Spanish-speaking globe

Pupils will learn sounds made by different animals

Students can classify pets by kind: anfibio, garottere, mam? fero, reptil

Students is going to understand animal vertebrado

Topic: Body and Five Senses

(Last Current: July 14, 2006)


College students will identify the following parts of the body: cabeza, vello, ojos, orejas, o? do, nariz, abertura, lengua, dientes, labios, occipucio, hombros, brazos, manos, dedos, pecho, barriga/est? mago, muslos, rodillas, pies, dedos, period permitting, cintura, barbilla)

Students can identify the parts of the body employed in the five senses (o? do, agallas, lengua, mano, ojo)

Students will certainly understand and identify the terms intended for the five senses: o? r, nariz, saborear, rozar, ver, oigo, huelo, saboreo, toco, veo

College students will understand adjectives which in turn describe their world: duro/suave/? spero/peludo/espinoso, fuerte/bajo, dulce/amargo, grande/peque? o, bien/mal

Learners will affiliate activities they do with suitable body parts

Theme: Colors

(Last Updated: July 18, 2006)


Offered a color word in Spanish, learners will indicate a specific target of that color (rojo, azafranado, verde, caf?, blanco, alazán, negro, garzo, gris, l? rpura/morado).

Topic: Physical Responces and Vocabulary

(Last Updated: July 17, 2006)


Students will certainly physically respond to simple directions: Lev? ntate, Si? ntate, Formen una l? nea/un c? rculo, Levanta la mano, Manos abajo, Ojos aqu?, Boca cerrada, Escuchen, Repitan, S? salo, D? melo When ever given two vocabulary alternatives (? Sera _______ um _________? ), OR once asked to point to a picture, students is going to correctly discover certain family pets (abeja, oveja, tortuga, reptil, oso, retrete, tibur? n), schoolroom vocabulary (bandera, tijeras, papel, t? piz), travel vocabulary (monta? a, valle, calle, prosopopeya, avi? n, autob? s i9000, cami? n, barco), food vocabulary (helado, hamburguesa, pelea, chocolate, lechuga, fresas, leche, manzanas, uvas, naranjas).

Topic: Calendar: Days / Months / Dates

(Last Updated: This summer 18, 2006)


Students can hear and use the days, months from the year: lunes, martes, mi? rcoles, jueves, viernes, s i9000? bado, domingo, enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre

College students will assessment the seasons: primavera, verano, oto? o, invierno

Learners will practice writing schedules: el & # de + month

Pupils will connect months to appropriate time of year, in In. and S. Hemispheres

Topic: Home

(Last Updated: Sept. 2010 22, 2005)


Students will certainly hear, observe and use terms of the property: la incapere, el lote, la villa, el campi?a, el palacio, el alcoba de handbag? o, la sala, este dormitorio, la cocina, el s? fuerza, el parqueadero, la primera planta, la planta disminución, el? tico.

Students will appreciate vocabulary for items associated with each area.

Students will understand and make use of:? Cu? nto cuesta (por mes)?, Rampa

Students will hear and react to:? Cu? nto cuesta (por mes)?,? De que alcoba es?

Students will make and present an ad for enclosure.

Students will pull and packaging a portrayal of their home.

Matter: City

(Last Up-to-date: July 13, 2006)


Pupils will hear and make use of the terms: la ciudad, la plaza, un calle, un mercado, el puente, la fuente, un parque, la glorieta, un estadio, el museo, este cuadro, la escultura

Students will certainly associate/compare these kinds of city structures with related structures in their own town.

Students can understand and respond accordingly to:? C? mo fue?,? Cu? ndo se united states?

Students will use detailed frases: Fue grande/bonito.

Students is going to talk about when used: Sony ericsson usa en el invierno/la primavera/el verano/el oto? o/todas las estaciones.

College students will take a virtual travel of museums from the Spanish-speaking world

Students will talk about art works they like: Me gusta

Topic: Apparel


Pupils will understand items of clothing: saya, pantalones, blusón, camiseta, calcetines, sombrero/gorra/gorro, traje, guantes, gafas de sol, botas, pantalones cortos, bufanda.

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