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Because promised, listed below are the made characters which Gauthier (in his 1986 paper) combines Archaeopteryx with modern wild birds, outside of other theropods (with Gauthiers original clarifiers in parens):

Premaxillae increase, narrow, and more pointed anteriorly, with longer nasal procedures.

Maxillary process of premaxilla reduced so that maxilla participates broadly in external naris (also in troodontids).

Enlarged brain/basicranium (temporal musculature fails to prolong origin onto frontal our bones.

Double-condyled quadrate displaced from distal position on opisthotic to more anteromedial position in touch with prootic (Currie, pers. comm. and Walker, pers. comm., disagree with Whetstones presentation of the fit: Currie paperwork the preliminar displacement in the quadrate in troodontids, and Walker does not consider the quadrate to be double-condyled in Archaeopteryx).

Maxillary and dentary teeth reduced in proportions and amount (or lost), with unserrated crowns and enlarged beginnings that completely enclose replacement unit teeth within them.

Robust furcula for hypertrophied flight musculature.

Scapula with more or less visible acromion method for ligamentous connection to clavicle.

Lenght/bredth ratio of scapula at midlength is higher than nine (ofcourse not in penguins) and scapula tapers distally.

Acrocoracoid tuberosity bigger than in other coelurosaurs.

Coracoid enlaged and inflected posteromedially more so as compared to other coelurosaurs.

Lengthy forelimb and hands (e. g., in Archaeopteryx forelimb is 120-140% of hindlimb length, plus more than two times as long as distance between glenoid and acetabulum), with forearm more than 87% of humerus length and mcII approaching or exceeding one-half of humerus length.

Ischium pressurized and dorsoventrally deep.

Compared to different theropods, shin, fibula, and metatarsals relatively more increase with respect to femur, regardless of body size (mts short in penguins and a few other birds).

Fibula attenuate distally, and may certainly not extend to finish of tibia.

Proximal tarsals fused to tibia/fibula and to the other person in adults.

Distal tarsals and metatarsals fused at least distally in totally adult people (convergent in certain ceratosaurs, elmisaurids, and Hulsanpes).

First pedal number elongate and reversed (may be corrected in some extant birds).

Metatarsal We attached on the distal 1 / 4 of metatarsal II.

Tail decreased to no more than 23 free caudal backbone.

Down cover braches and butt, feathers about lateral perimeter of end and detras margin of arms enlarged, curved, and asymmetrically vaned, indicating sleek function.

Thus, you will discover derived features linking Archaeopteryx to modern birds. To be able to falsify this hypothesis, additional analyses must be conducted which usually: a) tasks characters, or perhaps demonstrate that the above aren’t coded correctly, and b) add new taxa, or display that the taxa previously used are not coded effectively. Abundant fresh discoveries of Mesozoic chickens and new bird-like theropods will help upon both these matters. With several teams working away at just this issue (thankfully not really me: nonavian theropods can be a problem enough! ), we need to get some interesting results.

Dinosaurian Synapomorphies Found In Archaeopteryx


Allow me to share 20 to get started on (characters distributed with/retained from dromaeosaurids and also other related theropods and dinosaurs):

1 . Tridactyl manus with manual numbers IV, Versus lost 2 . Manual digit I robust 3. Manual digit 2 longest at your fingertips 4. Manual digit III slender, with phalanges several, 4 the two short 5. Semilunate carpal 6. V-shaped furcula present 7. Straplike scapula eight. Functionally tridactyl pes with retroverted hallux 9. Advanced mesotarsal ankle 10. Splintlike metatarsal Versus 11. Ascending process on astragalus doze. Slender fibula 13. Femur with orthogonally inturned head 14. Perforate acetabulum 15. Pelvis reasonably opisthopubic 16. Pubis long, rodlike with distal expansion 17. Bladelike ilium 18. Sacrum with at least 5 backbone (A. provides six) nineteen. Long tail, distally stiffened 20. Jaws with pearly whites

There are a lot moreIve scarcely touched the skull in this list. Nevertheless, you get the idea, yes?

Dromaeosaurid Archaeopteryx

Gregory S. Paul

Getting ready intended for the Soc Avian Caveman & Evol conference upon Mesozoic wild birds in Summer in POWER has triggered me to restudy Archaeopteryx and protoavian (sensu Paul 1988 PDW) theropods. With all the specimens outdated and new now available, virtually the entire head and skeletal system is now reputed for Archaeopteryx. A conclusion are as follows.

Archaeopteryx truly is known as a flying theropod that reveals virtually no bird characters not really observed in various other theropods (the large, distal, fully reversed hallux can be the only exception). Contrary to studies otherwise, there is no evidence intended for avian head kinetics, plus the postorbital tavern was most likely complete. The palate and braincase are entirely theropodian in framework.

Archaeopteryx is not only a theropod, it is just a dromaeosaur as it shares several detailed personas only with dromaeosaurs. Various other characters are located only inside the two forms and some basal birds. Some of the Archaeopteryx-dromaeosaur heroes are as follows.

oNasal depressed sinus and snout upturned oDorsal process of maxilla almost extends to preorbital bar oPreorbital bar slender & straight preorbital in assortment view oDorsal depression around the ectopterygoid oDiamond shaped supraoccipital oStrongly garbled paraoccipital method (noted simply by Currie) oHighly modified butt with hyperdorso-flexible base (condition approached in troodonts) oMiddle finger the majority of robust oIlium parallelogram shaped (also basal birds) oPubic peduncle substantial & turned oIlio-pubic connection inverted V shape oPubic shafts will be flat discs oriented a hundred and forty degrees to one another

Additionally , the foot of Archaeopteryx is functionally two toed, with a short toe II that is hyperextendable.

A large number of Cretaceous theropods dromaeosaurs, troodonts, oviraptors will be more bird-like than Archaeopteryx people, and have a shoulder belt that is similar to secondarily flightless birds. This suggests that bird flight 1st evolved in arboreal theropods (where that they developed big brains and forward facing eye, features certainly not found in flying insects and pterosaurs), which some of the traveling by air theropods dropped flight. Certainly not knowable at this time is whether Archaeopteryx was a part of the true chicken clade, or perhaps was a completely independent experiment flying, or where theropods end and chickens begin, amongst other concerns.

Copyright? 1996 individual authors. This document was a public post to the Prehistoric Mailing List.

Feathered non-avian theropods found

Jeff Poling

Researchers reported inside the June twenty-five, 1998, edition of the log Nature the discovery of two fresh fossils coming from Liaoning, China and tiawan. The early Cretaceous Liaoning site is already known because of its spectacularly preserved fossils of soft cells including feathers on individuals of Confuciusornis and likely protofeathers in Sinosauropteryx. Both the new family pets, named Protarchaeopteryx robusta (robust first ancient-wing) and Caudipteryx zoui (Zou Jiahuas butt feather), also provide feathers conserved but add to the list of extraordinary Liaoning discoveries for a different reason: they can be, according to the writers, the initially dinosaurs conserved with unambiguous feathers which are not in the clade Aves, the clade generally referred to as parrots.

The animals had been covered with feathers, which includes down, like those of Archaeopteryx and modern birds, with central rachis, radiating vanes and barbules. Unlike the ones from Archaeopteryx and all flying wild birds, the primary feathers of Protarchaeopteryx and Caudipteryx were symmetrical, indicating these people were incapable of endured powered air travel. The feathers covered all their bodies and formed wings on their forelimbs and large enthusiasts on their tails.

Protarchaeopteryx and Caudipteryx were roughly turkey-sized using firm legs ideal for swift working.

Neither animal acquired the totally reversed 1st toe kept close to the ground that Archaeopteryx and modern birds have, an version for perching. Instead, the toe was farther up the foot in a situation typical of non-avian theropod dinosaurs.

Both animals had U-shaped furculas common of those known from both equally avian and non-avian theropods.

Both fossils had been found with gastroliths, or perhaps stomach stones, like all those found in contemporary birds and some predentatan dinosaurs, but hardly ever before seen in theropods.

Both animals had gastralia, or stomach ribs, typical of those of non-avian theropods and early on birds.

The teeth of Protarchaeopteryx were serrated, in contrast to those of most known wild birds, including Archaeopteryx. The teeth of Caudipteryx had been confined to the premaxillary, and were elongate and spike-like, unique among all theropods.

Both family pets had the semilunate (half-moon) shaped cuboid in the arm typical of birds and other maniraptoran theropods such as the dromaeosaurs, which includes pets like Velociraptor. Their unfused fingers also had the conventional theropod and early chicken phalangeal method (number of bones in the fingers) of 2-3-4-x-x. Most fingers supported claws, with keratinous sheaths preserved in two claws of Protarchaeopteryx.

The tail of Protarchaeopteryx was comprised of approximately 28 vertebrae, similar to non-avian theropods, whilst Caudipteryxs butt was comprised of 22 backbone like that of Archaeopteryx.

The forelimbs of Protarchaeopteryx were shorter, compared with the femur, within birds unfortunately he longer than those of long-armed non-avian coelurosaur theropods including the dromaeosaurs. The forelimbs of Caudipteryx were shorter relative to the femur than in both equally birds and non-avian coelurosaurs.

As a result of lack of the perching variation and the different synapomorphies that uniquely recognize Aves (not listed here for brevity), equally animals have already been placed beyond the birds. The fossils do, yet , have the heroes typical of theropod dinosaurs. On the prehistoric family tree, Caudipteryx is placed very close to, nevertheless more simple than, Archaeopteryx and all different birds when Protarchaeopteryx is considered to be closely relevant to the dromaeosaurs.

A large number of paleontolgists and enthusiasts go through the presence of confirmed down on non-avian dinosaurs ought to remove virtually any lingering concerns that wild birds are dinosaurs. It is a historical moment when a controversy is resolved, Doctor Phil Currie of the Regal Tyrrell museum in Alberta, Canada, said at a National Geographic Society information conference. This kind of shows that dinosaurs are not extinct, but are well-represented by 10, 000 types of birds.


Qiang, Ji, Phillip J. Currie, Mark A. Norell and Ji Shu-An. 1998. Two feathered dinosaurs from northeastern China. Character June twenty-five, 1998.

Copyright? 1998 by Jeff Poling.

Feathered non-avian theropods discussion

Shaun Poling

From: Thomas R. Holtz, Junior.

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