Rethinking of Filipino Values Essay

  • Category: Mindset
  • Words: 397
  • Published: 09.23.19
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Enriquez was critical with this approach to study regarding Filipino ideals. He prompted Filipino scholars to take another look at these kinds of values utilizing a Filipino orientation. Social experts such as Lagmay, Salazar, and Bonifacio used the challenge in their own analysis. Let us analyze three of the ‘‘Filipino values” from the exogenous and native perspectives.

54 Rogelia Pe-Pua and Elizabeth Protacio-Marcelino? Blackwell Publishers Limited with the Hard anodized cookware Association of Social Psychology and the Japanese Group Characteristics Association 2000Bahala Na. The Filipino ethnic value of bahala em has no precise English translation. Bostrom (1968) was the initially psychologist to assess this benefit by contrasting it with American fatalism.

This is naturally a pervasive interpretation that after Thomas Andres published the Dictionary of Filipino Culture and Beliefs, he continue to defines bahala na because ‘‘the Philippine attitude which enables him accept sufferings and problems, departing everything to Our god. ‘Bahala mhh ang Diyos (God will require care of us)’… This frame of mind is a fatalistic resignation or perhaps withdrawal from an diamond or turmoil or a shirking from personal responsibility” (Andres, 1994, l. 12). The Sikolohiyang Pilipino perspective interprets bahala na differently.

Lagmay (1977) discussed that bahala na can be not ‘‘fatalism” but ‘‘determination and risk-taking”. When Filipinos utter the word ‘‘Bahala mhh! ” they can be not giving their fortune to God and leftover passive. Somewhat, they are telling themselves that they can be ready to confront the hard situation available to them, and will do their best to achieve their goals. The expression can be described as way of water removal courage to their system so they do not strip down. In fact , even before they may have said ‘‘Bahala na! ” They have almost certainly done their utmost to prepare pertaining to the forthcoming situation.

Gday. Sibley (1965), an American college student, translated hiya as ‘‘shame”. Another American, Lynch (1961) saw hiya as ‘‘the uncomfortable feeling that occurs with awareness of becoming in a socially unacceptable situation, or carrying out a socially unacceptable action. ” For instance , when an worker is scolded in front of other folks.

To add to the negativity of the interpretation of hiya, Andres (1994) explained hiya as ‘‘an ingredient in for what reason Filipinos overspend during bamboulas in order to please their guests, even towards the extent of going into debt”.

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