Psychodynamic Personality Theories Analysis Essay

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There are many of varied scientific character theories.

All theories are a reflection of their author’s personal backgrounds, years as a child experiences, idea of existence, interpersonal human relationships, and exclusive manner of taking a look at the world (Feist & Feist, 2006). Persona differences among theorists are the cause of fundamental disagreements between individuals who lean toward the quantitative side of psychology; behaviorists, social learning theorists, and trait theorists; and those keen toward the clinical and qualitative area of psychology: psychoanalysts, humanists, and existentialists (Feist & Feist, 2006).

Individual Psychological Theory Person Psychological theory is defined as, a modified system of psychoanalysis, developed by Alfred Adler, that sights maladaptive habit and character disorders because resulting from a conflict involving the desire to rule and thoughts of inferiority (Agnes, 2004, p. 751). Individual Psychology affects specific personalities in several ways. According to Boeree, (2006), Freud’s defense provide protection of the Ego against instinctual demands, whereas Adler’s safeguards protect the self esteem coming from threats simply by outside requirements and complications of existence.

It is not against instinctual demands that people need to safeguard themselves, it is that their self esteem is struggling, because there is a feeling that they cannot fulfill the demands of life that come from the outside. Defense are used equally to provide protection of the Ego against instinctual demands [the Freudian idea is that the Id doesn’t want to feel soreness so it inspires the Ego to use defense mechanisms to defend it from anxiety], and as a safeguard to guard the self confidence from risks by outside the house demands and the many concerns of your life. Defense mechanisms happen to be ways in which the Ego deals with conflicts in the psyche.

Adler believed that feelings of inferiority, generally subconscious, put together with compensatory defense mechanisms played the greatest role in determining habit, particularly habit of the pathological sort. Adler’s theory of individual mindset stressed the necessity to discover the cause of emotions of inferiority, to assist the development of a strong Ego and thus help the person eliminate neurotic defense mechanisms. Person Psychological Affect on Interpersonal Relationships Social problems of adulthood would be the realities of friendship, comradeship and interpersonal contact; those of one’s career or job; and those of love and marital life.

It is failure to face and meet them directly which results in neurosis and possibly in mental ill-health [which have been defined simply as: madness, badness and sadness]. “It has been well said that the neurotic turns half-away from lifestyle, while the outrageous person turns his back on it; it can be added that those possessed of sufficient cultural courage deal with it! ” (Boeree, 2006). There is merely one reason for a person to side-step for the useless area: the fear of defeat on the useful aspect – his flight from the solution of 1 of the social problems of life.

In the event the person is definitely unprepared intended for social living he will certainly not continue his path to self-actualization on the socially useful aspect; instead of dealing with his problems he will make an effort to gain distance from them. Deductive Psychology Conditional psychology was developed by a friend of Freud named Carl Gustav Jung. Jung thought that each people is enthusiastic not only by repressed encounters but as well by specific emotionally ripped experiences passed down by our ancestors (Feist & Feist, 2006).

It absolutely was also Jung’s belief that it was those passed down images that made up what he referred to as the group unconscious. The fundamental assumption of his theory is that the most important part of the regular human psyche is the personal unconscious. Nevertheless , for the psyche to become whole there must be consistent conversation between the unconscious and mindful parts. The principle that dreams present emotions, ideas, and beliefs is also essential. Although people may not be aware about these emotions, they should be mainly because they will be stated through image metaphors, individualized vocabulary and most exclusively their dreams.

Conditional psychology is dependent on the concept there is a difference between the personal and collective unconscious. According to Jung, our collective subconscious is made up of archetypes that are popular among all people. One of the most inclusive archetype is the notion of self-realization, which can be achieved by getting a balance between numerous opposing makes of individuality (Feist & Feist, 2006). Objects RelationsMelanie Klein, is well know for the modern theories of object relations, which mainly pairs the mother as the principal subject.

Klein examined children coming from a very early age and the lady thought age between four to six months was critical in the development of object relations. This kind of stage is definitely when the infant’s drives of hunger, sexual intercourse, and needs will be directed to a subject. Examples of these kinds of objects include; breast, vaginal area, and penile.

If the kid receives what they wish from the thing, they will recognize and like the object, when they are to not get what they want, they are going to reject the object. Many theorists including Klein agree that failure to formulate relationships early on will result in romantic relationship issues down the road. Object Relationships Theory developed by Melanie Klein is a great offspring to Freud’s behavioral instinct theory, but it differs as it places fewer emphasis on biologically based hard drives and more importance on consistent patterns of interpersonal associations. Object contact theory is commonly more maternal, stressing the intimacy and nurturing with the mother.

Thing relations theorists generally observe human speak to and relatedness-not sexual pleasure-as the prime objective of human behavior (Feist & Feist, 2006). Psychoanalytic Social Theory Psychoanalytic Interpersonal Theory was developed by Karen Horney. This kind of theory influences individual people by the lifestyle of the individual. Horney believed that, while inherited genes were important to personality, cultural experiences had been more important. These types of experiences decided whether an individual was normal or neurotic.

All persons required particular needs, including love and affection. Whether these demands were achieved affected the individual’s romance with others. This theory influences social relationships by way of how basic hostility and anxiety alter relationships. People either approach away from others, towards all of them, or against them. When the defenses are based on normal reactions, they are spontaneous.

When they are depending on neuroses, they are really compulsive and destructive (Feist and Feist, 2006). Sociable Theory’s Affect on Person Personalities The interpersonal theory is the conversation between two people that is more a spur of the instant conversation. This theory of conversation will certainly set goals for a person that they can want to complete with their social relationship. The Interpersonal Theory of discussion achieves emails that “offer to initiate, define, keep, or further a relationship” (Daintan. qxd).

The connection that is included in the Interpersonal Theory can motivate a person’s personality and traits to influence the person’s action to be positive or adverse. This could be dependant on what kind of outcome they are really trying to accomplish or the goals they want to reach. The way that an Interpersonal Theory can affect an individual is “a depressed person’s negative sociable behavior triggers other people to reject them”(Nemade n. m. ). This action creates a cycle for the depressed person to have all their symptoms intensify because of the being rejected that they receive from the others. The depressed person wishes reassurance via these people that have rejected them and without this kind of reassurance will end up more depressed.

The Sociable treatment by a psychologist really helps to reverse the cycle intended for the despondent person with reassurance in interpersonal interaction which will included in their treatment plan for most stressed out type of personas in people. Conclusion Theories range from one theorist to another with regards to the personal activities the thinker has created. While each theory has many points in common, every single theory has its own well-known markings. Freud with his Psychoanalytical Theory, Adler with his Person Psychology Theory, Jung and his Analytical Mindset Theory, Klein and her Object Relationships Theory, Horney with her Psychoanalytic Interpersonal Theory and then Sullivan and his Interpersonal Theory.

Each theory is motivated by their creator’s awareness and understandings of the world surrounding them. References Agnes, Michael (2004). Webster’s ” new world ” College Dictionary (4th education. ). Cleveland, Ohio: Wiley Publising. Klee, T. Deb. (2009).

Object Relations Theory. Retrieved This summer 26, 2009, from Subject Relations:, R. (n. d. ) Depression: Key Depression and Unipolar Varieties retrieved July 23, 2009 website

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