Awareness of k+12 Essay

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Rationale “Change is avalanching down after our property and most folks are utterly unprepared to cope with it”, states Alvin Toffler. For most countries today, changes happen to be happening and so fast that people are at occasions unable to protect relevant ethnic aspects and values. In the field of curriculum, alter is and definitely will continue to be, the factor for just about any educational commencing. (Bauzon, 2002) In the new century, the educational environment can be rapidly changing and the jobs and responsibilities of the tutor s become demanding in the most portion of the world. Within our country today, the programs of our educational system has become revised to satisfy its demands.

According to President Suave S. Aquino, “We ought to add 2 yrs to our basic education. Individuals who can afford pay up to 14 years of schooling before school. Thus, their children are getting in the best schools and the best jobs after graduation. I need at least 12 years for our open public school children to give them a level chance in succeeding” (www. google. com ). In line with the K to 12 Deped Primer (2011), “K-12 means “Kindergarten and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education. ” Pre-school points to the 5-year older child who have undertakes the standardized curriculum for young children. Elementary education refers to six years of main school (Grades 1-6) although secondary education means 4 years of jr high school (Grades 7-10 or HS Season 1-4).

Additionally, two years are actually allotted pertaining to senior high school (Grades 11-12 or perhaps HS Yr 5-6). Furthermore, the transientness of our simple education plan puts Filipinos who are interested to both work or study overseas at a disadvantage. This is because various other countries see our 10-year program because incomplete, which then, causes Philippine graduates never to be considered because professionals in foreign countries. The initial teacher in the children are their particular parents. There is a great role in the development of the youthful.

They become part of the environment of learning at home. They follow-up the lessons of their children particularly in the basic education. They dispatched their children to school to be taught, to be trained and to gain knowledge. Mom and dad are supporters in the curriculum.

They wish to get the best of his/her investment in education. They can be willing to pay the expense of educating their child for given that their children get the best learning or education experiences. They will aims to include a kids that has a glowing future and a altered individual who is easily adjusted to his quickly changing globe. (Bilbao, l. 80) This study sees it important to study about the awareness of the k+12 curriculum in the father and mother of the quality 7 college students. The parents of the Grade 7students ofCantilan Countrywide High School, Madrid National High school graduation – Union Annex, and Surigao Delete Sur State University Cantilan Laboratory Senior high school are the respondents of this analysis.

The courses offered by the University are on Level one particular and a couple of and it is certified by the AACUP. In as much as the data that will be gathered in this study will very likely be highly helpful to the curriculum experts, managers and administrators who also play an important role in shaping the school curriculum and who are in charge of in the ingredients of the beliefs, vision, quest, and targets. The result of this study may provide the necessary information in formulating possible solutions to get reactions with the parents with the grade six students of the CNHS, MNHS-Union Annex and SDSSU Cantilan Laboratory High school graduation.

Conceptual Structure As demonstrated in figure 1, the first field contains about the k+12 curriculum and level of understanding of the parents of the Grade six students regarding it. The middle package contains the independent variables which are the parents in the Grade six students of the CNHS, MNHS-Union Annex, and SDSSU Clinical High School. The interaction from the independent and dependent variables is now the awareness of k+12 program in the fogeys of Grade 7. This really is shown in box several, the output of the study. INPUTTHROUGH PUTOUTPUT FIGURE 1 . Schematic Diagram in the Research Paradigm Statement from the Problem This study should determine the awareness of k+12 curriculum among the parents of grade 7 students.

This aims further how the k+12 curriculum affects the tricks of the educators and exactly what the modification to prioritize. The main difficulty seeks to reply to the following supplementary problems. 1 ) What is the socio-demographic account of the respondents?

1 . 1 ) Age 1 ) 2 . Sexual intercourse 1 . several. Educational attainment 2 . Precisely what is the extent of understanding of parents for the k+12 curriculum in terms of the subsequent indicators? 2 . 1 . Features of the k+12 curriculum 2 . 2 . Assessment of the k+12 curriculum installment payments on your 3. Advantage/benefits of the k+12 curriculum towards the students several. Is there a significant relationship between the socio-demographic account of the participants and the extent of consciousness in the K+12 program in conditions of: several.

1 . Popular features of the k+12 curriculum several. 2 . Evaluation of the k+12 curriculum several. 3. Advantage/benefits of the k+12 curriculum for the students Hypothesis: This examine will test out the null hypotheses at 0. 05 level of relevance. Ho: you cannot find any significant relationship between the appartenente demographic account of the respondents and the level of understanding of the k+12 curriculum.

Value Of The Analyze This research will profit the following: Father and mother —The result of this examine helps the fogeys of the grade 7 pupils to accept the changes in our educational system today and one of those changes is the k+12 software. Future Researchers—The result of this kind of study will certainly serve as their guide that help them to acquire new concepts and information’s, if their examine is interrelated with this kind of study. The authors wrote simple words in every section of this book pertaining to the readers to understand easily.

Opportunity and Constraints of the Examine This study will cover the next limitations: Participants. Parents of Grade several students in Cantilan National High School (CNHS), Madrid National High School-Union Annex and (SDSSU) Surigao del En deambulant State University-Laboratory High School. Area. The area of the examine is the Cantilan National Senior high school (CNHS), Madrid National Excessive School-Union Annex and (SDSSU) Surigao delete Sur Express University-Laboratory High school graduation.

Time Frame. The time frame within which the research will be conducted is through the school year 2012-2013. Meaning of Terms Curriculum. Is a cover what is being taught in schools. Subjects studies really are a field of inquiry in how educational institutions programs will be developed, applied, and assessed.

K-12 Curriculum. The program aims to uplift the standard of education in the Philippines for the teachers to be quickly employed. Additionally, it aims to satisfy standards required for professionals who want to work abroad.

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE To offer depth and meaning with the study in front of you some related literature and studies taken from articles, ebooks, magazines and periodicals, by different research and papers read which may have bearing for the study executed and talked about. Related Literary works Clearly each of our country’s capability to provide quality education for its people can be hinged to its success as well as the ability to contend in the global market and be a significant partner in the world affairs. (Philippine yearbook, 2003). Though each of our government produced ways and means in order to uplift the coffee quality education that we get, but still it really is a issue for every Filipino that our educational system is declining.

With this kind of, lots of changes went through, and the teachers plus the learners are definitely the primary area of issue this. The gradual difference in curriculum is one of the means to get rid of this fall. As Smithers (2003) declared, “it has been around contention that teachers should certainly play a more pivotal function in all stages of curriculum-making from first planning through development try-out, installation, analysis and version. More and more classroom teachers happen to be being tapped to provide in school curriculum committees and task pressure.

A puzzled teacher said once that the subjects is like a maze in his words “a complex circumstance involving a multiplicity of considerations that need profound study”. It is our contention that it is need not being so removed to its base requirements, curriculum producing is surprisingly simple. (Bruner, 2002) In accordance To Bauzon (2002), “the aspirations of any ideals of virtually any society function as determinants in the educational system. The desire rises simply to the level of its people’s aspirations. The most important instrument in nation building which is education distills the goals inside the society.

In the school placing, each kid learns much more than he is taught included in the curriculum. Not every learning is definitely the result of the planned experiences in the school. The programs of the school includes individuals experiences which is why the school welcomes responsibility. These types of curricular activities are arranged and promoted in order to satisfactory objectives and needs of children might be responded properly.

They are prepared sequentially in order that many learners needs social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical will be prepared. The viable subjects is based on nice that growth factors and experiential qualifications conditions preparedness to learn. Therefore, the instructor provides new advices before the child’s amount of development. (Gronlund, 2004). Jerome Bruner focuses on that in this article must be an emphasis upon reducing an interest to their fundamental tips or structure. To grasp the structure of your subject, he argues, a single must be familiar with relationship among facts and ideas which will constitute the niche.

Structure is very important in instructing a subject because it permits a “massive basic transfer” of learning. In a nutshell, it allows one to “learn how to learn”. Related Research The division of education’s k to 12 system is 1 concrete response to reverse this kind of steady drop and to approach toward it is goal of long-term educational reform and sustainable financial growth. The central feature of the k to 12 program may be the upgrading with the basic education curriculum to make certain learners find the relevant expertise and skills they will have to become successful members of society.

This seeks to introduce relevant skills creation courses and special fascination subjects that may suit the personality, strengths and career path of each spanish student. (http://www. gov. ph/k+12) In the report of EFA(2002), “As early1925, studies have noticed the in adequacy in the basic education curriculum. Among the most well studied reconstructs, recommendations of either adding or restoring the grade or adding an extra 12 months to simple education have been put forward. According to the different review of the curriculum: Monroe study (1925): extra education would not prepare for lifestyle and recommended training in culture, commerce, and industry.

Prosser survey (1930): recommended to boost phases of vocational education such as 7thgrade shop job, provincial educational institutions, and sensible arts learning the regular substantial schools, home economics, placement work, growing plants, and gardening education. UNESCO mission survey (1949): recommended the refurbishment of quality. Education action.

Of 1953: under section3, mandates that”[t]this individual primary course shall be made up off each of our grades (grades I to IV) and the intermediate course of three levels (grade VTOVII). ” Swanson Survey (1960): recommendedtherestorationofgrade7. President Commission To Survey Filipino Education (PCSPE) (1970): high priority be provided with to the execution of an11-year program; Advised program contains 6 years of compulsory elementary education and 5years of secondary education In one analyze conducted for the influence of standards on thek+12 instructing and pupil learning, professors described with this research were actively chasing alignment between the content they were teaching (at classroom level, we make reference to this while ” instructing curriculum” as well as the content scored by the numerous state check. (The Freeman Foundation2006).

Based on the k-12 educators examine tourprograms funded by theFreeman foundation the overseas applications of the Oriental Studies Outreach Program (ASOP) is 1 element of amulti-pronged, statewide method to introduce Asian studies in each and every Vermont college and buildthe leadership required to support this kind of goal. The overseas plan for teachers, the equivalent of a three-hour graduate level training course, places huge emphasis on content material relevant to both travelexperience and teachers’ subjects.

The program should: • increase teachers’ awareness/cultural sensitivity and teachers’ comfort level in instructing about Asia through immediate experiences with Asian persons, history, and culture; • enhance the quality of teachers’ classroom teaching through increased knowledge ofAsia; • encourage curriculum revising to build a sustained cross-discipline presence for Asia in grades K-12; and • build the capacity of educators to lead the efforts to feature Asia inside the curriculum. In selecting individuals, ASOP thinks areas of the state of hawaii where involvement in the abroad program could introduce or strengthen Asian studies. Additionally , ASOP examines the level ofadministrative commitment and the availability of teams of teachers from a school or section.

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH TECHNIQUE This examine will use the descriptive study method appropriate for profiling the variables of this research. Exploration Environment Among the municipalities of Surigao Del Sur, Cantilan is located in the Northeastern part of Mindanao and part of the CARAGA region. it has a qite large and basic are regarding 10, 575 sq . kilometers. facing the pacific ocean about theeasternpart. almost40, 000 people comprises the 17 barangays in which the sustenance is mostly based on agriculture, aquaculture and salary of the professionals. as theoldesttownintheprovince of surigao del en allant sur it is the support of all the five municipalities. Staying centered in education, Cantilan has a wide range of schools to be proud of.

Among of this are the Madrid Nationwide High School-Union Annex, Surigao Del En allant sur State University and Cantilan National Secondary school. Although Sdssu-Cantilan concentrate to get the tertiary education however it offers a secondary in which they called since the laboratory high school with its limits to100students as of scoolyear2012-2013. on the other hand, thecantialn national senior high school offers 3 curriculum the ESEP, DAY SPA, and RBEC with 2000 students as its latest enrollees. as an institution of higher learning, both schools happen to be known in uplifting a top quality education and promoting the expansion and progress the students inconsonance with the countrywide development toward quality education.

Fig. a couple of presents the map of Surigaodel En deambulant where Municipality of Cantilan is located. Study Design This is a descriptive evaluative or perhaps assessment examine appropriate for profiling the factors of study which hopes to know the amount of awareness between parents from the Grade -7 students below K-12 program of Madrid National High School- Union Annex, Cantilan National High School, and Surigao Del En se promenant sur State University- Laboratory Senior high school. The data that to be accumulated will be noted, organized, and interrupted in view of the aims set in the analysis.

Research Respondent This research is confined to all the parents of grade-7 students in Madrid Nationwide High School- Union Annex, Surigao de Sur Express University-Laboratory Secondary school and Cantilan National High School in the institution year 2012-2013. Table 1 . Distribution In the Respondents University Number of level 7 parents/guardians Number of respondents MNHS-UA 3 11 SDSSU-Lab. H. S i9000. 24 12 CNHS 45 20 TOTAL 87 43 Research Devices A do it yourself made questionnaire is purposely made for the study.

It contains two parts. The first part contains the Account of the parents. These include the name, age group, educational achievement, occupation, and monthly salary. The second component contains the diverse questions according to the k+12 plan.

Research Methods Gathering of information. The questionnaires will be provided to the parents in the Grade several students of This town National Large School- Union Annex, Cantilan National Secondary school, and Surigao Del En se promenant sur State College or university. Statistical Treatment. The following remedies will be used with this study: 1 . Weighted Imply This is used to determine the Socio-Demographic Profile of the parents interms of age, educational attainment and career.

Likewise, weighted mean is to be applied to determine the acceptability of the k+12 program among the parents with the Grade several students of This town National High School- Union Annex, Cantilan National Senior high school, and Surigao Del En deambulant State University or college. 2 . Simple Percentage Computation This is utilized to determine the percentage of the participants. 3. Pearson Chi-Square This really is used to determine if there is a significant relationship of the respondent’s socio-demographic profile plus the extent of awareness of the k+12 subjects.

CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, EVALUATION, AND PRESENTATION OF DATA This kind of chapter gives, analyzes and interprets the data gathered through the questionnaire towards the concerned respondents. This section shows the numerous relationship between socio-demographic profile of the respondents and the magnitude of awareness of the k-12 curriculum. Romantic relationship Between The Socio-Demographic Profile From the Respondents As well as the Extent Of Awareness Of The K-12 Curriculum This section evaluates the result of the respondents’ socio-demographic profile plus the extent of awareness of the k-12 programs.

TABLE 2: Relationship of Respondent’s Grow older and Extent of Recognition in Terms of the Features of the K+12 Curriculum Popular features of the program X2 a. The number of years inside the basic education is elevated up to 13 years including Kindergarten. doze. 481 b. The students “will graduate twice” because they will earn two certificates: one for completing the DepEd subjects in Grade 15 and the additional for polishing off the technological skills topics integrated into the curriculum. 18. 336 c. New topics taken by your student Rustic Reform, Family Planning, NSTP, Philippine Metabolic rate, Physical Educ., Population Educ., Rizal and Taxation. almost eight.

568 g. There are specializations in Science and Technology, Music and Arts, Agriculture and Fisheries, Sports, Organization and Entrepreneurship. 8. 881 e. Chance to take training like Internet and Calculating Fundamentals, Specialized Drawing, Home Management/ House cleaning, Cooking/ Meals Processing, Power Installation and Maintenance, Costume Making/Tailoring, Woodworking, Crop Development, Animal Creation and Attention giving. 6th. 790 f. Mother tongue is utilized as a medium of instruction for Grades 1 to 3. 7. 830 g. Solid collaboration of CHED, TESDA and DOLE in teaching the Senior High School students. 6. 567 INDICATE 9. 3504 X2; DF= 6 12.

592 The table reveals the calculated X2 in every single features of k-12 curriculum when it comes to age. The degrees of flexibility is 6 and the suggest of the computed X2 is 9. 3504, since the indicate computed benefit is smaller than x2 at five per cent, there is no enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ age group is self-employed with the extent of awareness in terms of the characteristics of the k+ 12 program.

TABLE a few: Relationship of Respondent’s Age and Extent of Awareness in Terms of the Assessment from the Curriculum The table shows the calculated X2 atlanta divorce attorneys parts of the assessment in the curriculum in terms of age. The degrees of freedom is 6th and the mean of computed X2 is usually 9. 7606, since the suggest computed benefit is lesser than x2 at 5%, there is no enough evidence to reject the null speculation. Therefore , the respondents’ age group is independent with the magnitude of consciousness in terms of the assessment of the k+ 12 curriculum.

DESK 4: Romance of Respondent’s Age and Extent of Awareness when it comes to the Advantages/Benefits of the K+12 Curriculum towards the Students The table shows the calculated X2 atlanta divorce attorneys advantages towards the students when it comes to age. The degrees of liberty is 6 and the mean of calculated X2 is 8. 6699, since the indicate computed benefit is reduced than x2 at five per cent, there is no enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ age group is 3rd party with the level of awareness in terms of the advantages/ benefits associated with the k+ 12 program to the college students.

TABLE five: Relationship of respondent’s sex and extent of consciousness in terms of the features of the k+12 curriculum Popular features of the subjects X2 a. The number of years inside the basic education is increased up to 13 years which includes Kindergarten. a few. 239 b. The students “will graduate twice” because they are going to earn two certificates: a single for completion of the DepEd subjects in Grade 15 and the additional for completing the specialized skills subjects integrated into the curriculum. some. 143 c. New themes taken by your student Arcadian Reform, Friends and family Planning, NSTP, Philippine Cosmetic, Physical Educ., Population Educ., Rizal and Taxation. 6th. 131 deb.

There are specializations in Scientific research and Technology, Music and Arts, Farming and The fishing industry, Sports, Organization and Entrepreneurship. 1 . 325 e. Possibility to take courses like Internet and Computer Fundamentals, Technological Drawing, House Management/ House cleaning, Cooking/ Foodstuff Processing, Electric Installation and Maintenance, Gown Making/Tailoring, Carpentry, Crop Creation, Animal Creation and Care giving. 2 . 168 farrenheit. Mother tongue is used as a medium of instruction for Grades 1 to 3. 3. 503 g. Solid collaboration of CHED, TESDA and DOLE in teaching the Senior High School students. 1 . 946 IMPLY 3. 4936 X2; df= 2 five.

991 The table reveals the calculated X2 atlanta divorce attorneys features of the curriculum when it comes to sex. The degrees of liberty is 2 and the mean of calculated X2 is usually 3. 4936, since the imply computed benefit is reduced than x2 at 5%, there is no enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ love-making is 3rd party with the extent of consciousness in terms of the features of the k+ 12 subjects. TABLE 6: Relationship of respondent’s sexual intercourse and magnitude of consciousness in terms of the assessment of the curriculum Examination Of The Programs X2 a. Focused on the learner’s acquisition of effective conversation, information, press and technology, learning and innovations eliminates, and life and career skills. zero.

157 w. Has well-balanced assessment software. 5. 454 c. Advertising and retention of the college students shall be by subject. 0. 530 g. Honor pupils shall be drawn from among people who performed with the ADVANCED LEVEL. 0. 293 e. The performance of students will probably be described inside the report cards based on the following levels of skills: B, Deb, AP, S, A certainly not their equal numerical beliefs. 3. 345 MEAN 1 ) 9558 X2; df= a couple of 5. 991 The table shows the computed X2 in every evaluation of the programs in terms of love-making.

The degrees of freedom is usually 2 plus the mean of computed X2 is 1 ) 9558, considering that the mean computed value is definitely lesser than x2 for 5%, there is no enough proof to deny the null hypothesis. Consequently , the respondents’ sex is usually independent while using extent of awareness regarding the evaluation of the k+ 12 program. TABLE several: Relationship of respondent’s sexual and magnitude of recognition in terms of the advantages/benefits of the k+12 program to the learners The desk shows the computed X2 in every advantages to the college students in terms of sexual. The examples of freedom is 2 plus the mean with the computed X2 is six.

0027, considering that the mean computed value can be greater than the x2at 5%, there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ love-making is certainly not independent together with the extent of awareness regarding the advantages/benefits of the k+ 12 program to the pupils. TABLE eight: Relationship of Respondent’s Educational Attainment and Extent of Awareness with regards to the Features of the K+12 Subjects Features of the curriculum X2 a. The number of years in the simple education is definitely increased approximately 13 years including Kindergarten.

27. 967 b. The students “will graduate twice” mainly because they will generate two certificates: one pertaining to completion of the DepEd topics at Level 10 plus the other to get finishing the technical abilities subjects incorporated into the subjects. 38.

701 c. New subjects used by your pupil Agrarian Change, Family Preparing, NSTP, Philippine Constitution, Physical Educ., Population Educ., Rizal and Taxation. 26. 768 d. There are specializations in Science and Technology, Music and Artistry, Agriculture and Fisheries, Athletics, Business and Entrepreneurship. seventeen. 201 electronic. Opportunity to consider courses just like Internet and Computing Basic principles, Technical Attracting, Home Management/ Housekeeping, Cooking/ Food Digesting, Electrical Unit installation and Routine service, Dress Making/Tailoring, Carpentry, Plants Production, Pet Production and Care supplying.

26. 446 f. Mother tongue is used like a medium of instruction pertaining to Grades you to 3. of sixteen. 845 g. Strong effort of CHED, TESDA and DOLE in training the Senior High School students. 24.

094 MEAN 25. 4317 X2; DF= 8 15. 507 The table shows the computed X2 in every highlights of the curriculum in terms of educational attainment. The degrees of liberty is almost 8 and the mean of calculated X2 can be 25.

4317, since the suggest computed value is higher than x2 in 5%, there may be enough facts to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ educational achievement is not independent with the extent of awareness with regards to the features from the k+ doze curriculum. STAND 9: Relationship Of Respondent’s Educational Achievement And Magnitude Of Understanding In Terms Of The Assessment Of The Curriculum Examination Of The Subjects X2 a. Focused on the learner’s acquisition of effective communication, information, press and technology, learning and innovations eliminates, and life and profession skills. twenty eight.

956 b. Has balanced assessment software. 28. 448 c. Promotion and preservation of the learners shall be by subject. almost 8. 995 g. Honor pupils shall be sucked from among those who performed with the ADVANCED LEVEL. 23.

507 e. The performance of students shall be described in the report card based on the following levels of effectiveness: B, G, AP, P, A certainly not their equivalent numerical principles. 19. 981 MEAN 21. 9774 X2; df= almost 8 15.

507 The stand shows the computed X2 in every analysis in the program in terms of educational attainment. The degrees of independence is eight and the mean of computed X2 can be 21. 9772, since the indicate computed worth is more than x2 for 5%, there is certainly enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ educational achievement is not really independent together with the extent of awareness in terms of the examination of the k+ 12 program. TABLE 15: Relationship Of Respondent’s Educational Attainment And Extent Of Awareness When it comes to the Advantages/Benefits Of The K+12 Curriculum Towards the Students Advantages/Benefits Of The K+12 Curriculum For the Students X2 a. More emotionally older, socially mindful and Pro-active.

18. 995 b. Get mastery of basic competencies. 25. 042 c. Become legally employable with potential for better earnings. 21.

290 d. Students will own competencies and skills tightly related to the job market 13. 974 e. Become globally competitive. 20. 517 f. Just about every graduate from the enhanced K+12 Basic Education program will probably be empowered to find out through the software that is seated on sound educational guidelines and intended for excellence and the foundations to get learning through life. forty-nine. 488 g. Students can prepare their own business for future. forty five.

415 they would. Senior High School college students will be offered an opportunity to perform OJT (On the Job Training), internship or apprenticeship twenty three. 504 i. After graduation Senior High School, graduates will be able to function immediately, even before or devoid of seeking degree because college students will have not just a high school degree or diploma needed for further studies, nevertheless also 1 or more records needed for instant employment.

24. 652 INDICATE 26. 4308 X2; DF= 8 15. 507 The table reveals the calculated X2 in every single advantages for the students with regards to educational attainment. The degrees of freedom is definitely 8 plus the mean of computed X2 is twenty six.

4308, considering that the mean computed value is definitely greater than x2 at five per cent, there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ educational attainment can be not independent with the degree of awareness in terms of the advantages/benefits of the k+ doze curriculum towards the students. CHAPTER V BRIEF SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This kind of chapter presents the summary of the whole study that serve as the basis for conclusions and suggestions. This includes the statement from the problem, results, conclusions plus some recommendations from the study.

SUMMARY This study seek to discover the level of understanding of the k+12 curriculum among the list of parents from the grade 7 students in CNHS, SDSSU-H. S RESEARCH LABORATORY., MNHS-UA. The respondents of the study had been the parents of the grade six students in CNHS, SDSSU-H. S RESEARCH LABORATORY., MNHS-UA. The researchers limit their respondents to 50% of the populace from every single school.

The analysis made use of the survey technique which was appropriate for the profiling and gathering of data. Moreover, the data were interpreted making use of the mean, simple percentage computation and the Pearson chi-squared test. Findings Based on the research of the gathered data, the various findings with this research study will be summarized the following: 1 . The relationship of respondent’s age and extent of awareness in terms of the features ofthe k+12 subjects, since the suggest computed worth which is 9. 3504 lower than x2 at five per cent, there is no enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ grow older is 3rd party with the extent of consciousness in terms of the characteristics of the k+ 12 subjects.

2 . The relationship of respondent’s age and extent of awareness with regards to the evaluation of the program, since the suggest computed benefit, 9. 7606, is reduced than x2 at 5%, there is no enough evidence to reject the null speculation. Therefore , the respondents’ age is 3rd party with the level of consciousness in terms of the assessment of the k+ 12 curriculum. 3. The relationship of respondent’s grow older and level of consciousness in terms of the advantages/benefits of the k+12 program to the learners, since the indicate computed value, 8. 6699, is smaller than x2 at 5%, there is no enough evidence to reject the null speculation.

Therefore , the respondents’ age group is independent with the degree of consciousness in terms of the advantages/ great things about the k+ 12 curriculum to the college students. 4. The partnership of respondent’s sex and extent of awareness when it comes to the features from the k+12 program, since the indicate computed worth, 3. 4936, is smaller than x2 at 5%, there is no enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ sex is impartial with the level of awareness in terms of the features of the k+ 12 curriculum.

5. The partnership of respondent’s sex and extent of awareness with regards to the evaluation of the curriculum, since the suggest computed value, 1 . 9558, is lesser than x2at 5%, there is not any enough facts to reject the null hypothesis. Consequently , the respondents’ sex is definitely independent with all the extent of awareness with regards to the evaluation of the k+ 12 programs. 6. The relationship of respondent’s sex and extent of awareness regarding the advantages/benefits of the k+12 curriculum to the students, because the mean calculated value, six. 0027, is usually greater than the x2at 5%, there is enough evidence to reject the null speculation.

Therefore , the respondents’ sex is certainly not independent while using extent of awareness with regards to the advantages/benefits of the k+ 12 curriculum to the pupils. 7. The relationship of respondent’s educational achievement and magnitude of consciousness in terms of the features of the k+12 curriculum, because the mean computed value, 25. 4317, can be greater than x2 at 5%, there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ educational attainment can be not impartial with the degree of consciousness in terms of the characteristics of the k+ 12 curriculum.

8. The relationship of respondent’s educational achievement and degree of recognition in terms of the assessment from the curriculum, because the mean calculated value, 21. 9774, is definitely greater than x2 at five per cent, there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore , the respondents’ educational attainment can be not self-employed with the level of understanding in terms of the assessment from the k+ 12 curriculum. 9. The relationship of respondent’s educational attainment and extent of aware

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