Alzheimers disease health advertising case study

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Alzheimers Disease Health Promo Case Study

Portion 2: Male or female, Culture, and Developmental Levels

February 18, 1999

Gender, Culture, and Developmental Stages


This section will discuss the impact of Alzheimers disease on racial, cultural, and gender parameters, with the focus being for the various approaches to care of the condition. Developmental phases and jobs will be reviewed for both the customer and the caregiver.

Gender and Culture

Alzheimers disease and related dementias affect most races, nationalities and cultures equally. (Anonymous, 1998) Of men and women over sixty-five an estimated 6-10% will be troubled by some form of dementia. (Hendrie, 1998) It is only in gender wherever we see more women than men who are affected by this kind of destructive condition.

(Lautenschlager et ‘s., 1996) The only controllable risk factor that is certainly known at this point is cigarette smoking. Within a large research in Philippines smoking cigarettes bending the risk of dementia in the more mature population. (Ott et al., 1998)

Alzheimers disease individuals can survive pertaining to 3-20 or more years. It is far from the ADVERTISING that gets rid of the patient, somewhat it is conditions of aging and/or lack of exercise, with pneumonia being the key cause by 70%.

This is then heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, and cancer. (Thomas, Starr, & Whalley, 1997)

Ethnical Differences

Contest, culture, religion and ethnicity all play a part in how we care for the elderly. Each family makes decisions based upon background, encounter, expectations, understanding base, and economics. Most people would like to be able to care for all their aging father or mother or partner with as little disruption to lifestyle as is feasible. Alzheimers Disease, however , can be described as full time determination, not just eight hours each day, but , day-to-day, as the present idiom suggests, the patient requires continuous attention. Sleep practices are disrupted, wandering is common, medications has to be carefully managed, safety is usually important.

Home proper care soon becomes frustrating and exhausting in the event left to 1 or two caregivers. When the main caregiver provides his/her very own medical must see to, is also older, or is a parent of young children too, the burden can become overwhelming. In-home care is a possibility as is placement within a live-in service, but the two are expensive alternatives.

In California ethnic hispanics make up a sizable part of each of our population. In the book Culture and Nursing Attention: A Pocket sized Guide, you will discover characteristics of the groups and generalizations are made about how that they care for all their elderly. (Lipson, 1996) This table shows some of these groupings that are symbolized in the These types of Area.

American IndianStatus of, elder, starts in central age. Superb respect and veneration of elders.

Expanded family cares about elders.

Prefer home care. (Only twelve SNFs in all US reservations. )

African AmericanPrefer to keep at your home.

May want patient to die in hospital seeing that death at home brings bad luck to the house.

ArabExtended family cares for sufferer. Will search for hospitalization to stop death.

CambodianExtended family executes home proper care. May feature memory reduction and depressive disorder to Khmer Rouge Conflict atrocities.

Central AmericansPrefer residence care by extended relatives.

Hesitant to place in SNF. Might attribute dementia to great or significant life function e. g. death of child or other half.

ChineseExpect house care simply by extended relatives.

FilipinoExpect residence care by extended relatives.

Religion a large a part of daily life.

HmongHome care simply by female family expected. Nasty spirits might cause harm, therefore illness is definitely not spoken of.

JapaneseHome care predicted by friends and family. Shame connected with mental damage.

MexicanHome proper care by extended family.

Mental deterioration a sign of weakness.

Southeast AsianHome care preferred. Desire to pass away at home with family members attending.

RussianPrefer home proper care, but SNF OK if near residence and family participates in care.

Developmental Stages

The job of the older adult in respect to Erikson is, ego integrity vs despair,. (Boyd, 1998) At this stage the old individual principles independence and self-care, maintaining their own home and retaining friendships and family ties.

Despair comes from shedding that independence to disease or economics, and burning off friends to infirmity and death.

With dementia, freedom is dropped. The unreliability of short-term memory and confusion causes it to be difficult to continue to be around the person. and leads to more isolation from friends. Support and ease and comfort come from praising the tasks which can be accomplished and offering recurrent reminders of place and time.

The principal caregiver to get the Alzheimer.

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