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MBA System LIST OF MEETINGS, READINGS AND CASES Research. net: http://www. study.

net/r_mat. asp? crs_id=30033488 March twenty-five Culture Psychic readings DT: Chapters 1 through 3 Osland, J. S., , Bird, A. 2000. Beyond complex stereotyping: Cultural sensemaking in context. The Academy of Management Business, 14(1): 6579. http://proxy. lib. sfu. ca/login? url=http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true, db=bth, AN=2909840, site=bsilive, scope=site Drive 26 Sales and marketing communications and Talks Readings: DT: Chapters four and six Sebenius, M. K. 2002. The invisible challenge of cross-border transactions.

Harvard Business Review, 80(3): 76-85 Document can be found online via lib. sfu. florida Cases: Evans, G. (2003, reprint) Street to Heck. In M. Thomas (Ed). Readings and cases in international management: A crosscultural perspective. 1, 000 Oaks, CA: Sage. Offered via Analyze. Net Social relativity of management theories: decision-making, inspiration and praise distribution. Moral dilemmas in decision making DT: Chapter six (pp 145-153) and Part 5 Donaldson, T. mil novecentos e noventa e seis. Values in tension: Values away from home. Harvard Business Review, 74(5): 48-62. Article can be found online through lib. sfu. ca Buller, P. Farreneheit. Kohls, M. J., , Anderson, E. S. 2150. When values collide: Taking care of conflicts across cultures. Organizational Dynamics, 28(4): 521|Page 04 2 Psychic readings MBA System 66 http://proxy. lib. sfu. ca/login? url=http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true, db=bth, AN=3617480, site= bsi-live, scope=site Situations Shay, Jeffrey P. (2001) West Indies Yacht Club Resort: When ever cultures clash. Reprinted within a. M. Francesco , M. A. Gold (Eds) Worldwide Organizational Patterns, 2nd impotence. (pp. 401-415). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson Education. Offered via Research. Net Fryer., B. (2003) In a Regarding Pay.

Harvard Business Review, 81(11): 31-35 (for class discussion only, not any write up) Article is available online through lib. sfu. ca 04 8 Range Multinational groups Virtual teams DT: Part 8 DiStefano, J. M. M., Martha L. 2k. Creating worth with varied teams in global management. Organizational Dynamics, 29(1): 45-63. Permalink unavailable. Article is found online via lib. sfu. ca Siebdrat, F., Hoegl, M., , Ernst, H. 2009. How you can manage online teams. MIT Sloan Supervision Review, 50(4): 63-68. Permanenter hyperlink not available. Content can be found on the web via lib. sfu. florida Case Dietz, J., Olivera, F., O’Niel, E. 2009) Leo Burnett Company Ltd: Virtual Staff Management. Ivey Publishing (product number 9B03M052). Available through Study. Net Readings 2|Page MBA Software April on the lookout for Readings Global leadership DT: Chapter six (p154-end) Earley, P. C., , Mosakowski, E. 2004. Cultural intelligence. Harvard Business Review, 82(10): 139-146. Content can be found on the net via lib. sfu. ca Javidan, M., Teagarden, Meters., , Bowen, D. 2010. Making it international. Harvard Organization Review, 88(4): 109-113. Article can be found on-line via lib. sfu. los angeles Hollenbeck, G. P., , McCall Jr., M. W. 2001. What makes a successful global executive. Business Strategy Assessment, 12(4): 49-56.

Permalink unavailable. Article can be found online via lib. sfu. ca Green, S., Hassan, F., Immelt, J., Markings, M., , Meiland, M. 2003. Looking for global market leaders. Harvard Business Review, 81(8): 38-45. Article can be found online via lib. sfu. los angeles Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. W., Sully de Luque, M., , House, R. J. 2012. In the eye in the beholder: Cross-cultural lessons in leadership by project GLOBE. In G. K. Stahl, M. Elizabeth. Mendenhall, , G. 3rd there’s r. Oddou (Eds. ), Psychic readings and instances in international human resource management, fifth ed.: 131-166. New York: Routledge. Article available on Sharepoint in Bus 712 folder.

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