Type and structure of crime and punishment

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  • Published: 03.27.20
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Crime and Punishment is known as a psychological new that deals with Raskolnikovs aspirations to

transcend shame, guilt, as well as the desire for friends. He is psychologically tormented because of his mental

disgust with his caring and obedient, compliant, acquiescent, subservient, docile, meek, dutiful, tractable nature that suffers individuals pain. Both these styles Raskolnikovs

personalities are personified inside the novel.

The embodiment of the cold, mental side of Raskolnikovs figure is Svidrigailov, who

cares tiny of other peoples requires but will do anything to see that his individual are attained. Svidrigailov can even

overcome and eliminate his wife and feel no remorse (Dostoevsky 282). He keeps to him self mainly and have

a want for close friends. However , it truly is seen that Svidrigailov is definitely wrong in the ways if he is rejected by

Dounia and may no longer stand living alone in the dark areas of contemporary society, and resorts to suicide(511).

Svidrigailov is actually Raskolnikov would like to become. In the theory of the extraordinary man

there is no room to get bothering with others feelings. And since Raskolnikov despises the concept of being a

louse, or perhaps an ordinary person who is dominated by values, accepting charitable trust from a classic woman nauseates

him as soon as this individual leaves it up to the evil part of his character that dissects just about every action and compares this to

how Napoleon (113-14) may have acted. It of his personality is in charge of the murders

of Alyona Ivanovna and Lizaveta.

The compassionate humble element of Raskolnikov can be symbolized in Sonia Semyonovna

Marmeladov. Sonias daddy, Semyon Zakharovitch was a bum and could not financially support the

family, thus Sonia displays a great amount of compassion and prostitutes herself in order to look after the

Marmeladovs, very much like Raskolnikov giving virtually all his funds to the family (14, 185-86). The

outstanding humanitarianism of Sonia is also illustrated by her reaction to Raskolnikovs confession.

Instead of turning her backside on him, she sympathized and announced that there is not any onein the world

since unhappy whenever you (411-12).

Sonia is the redemptive figure in the novel, too, persuading Raskolnikov to confess to the law enforcement.

Sonias relation to Raskolnikov was rightly paralleled in the novel to that of Christ raising the dead Lazarus

(325-28). Raskolnikov was separated by society, and through confessing to first Sonia and after that the

police, he previously nothing to conceal and was brought back in the world, despite the fact that as a prisoner in a Siberian

labor camp (535). Raskolnikovs emotional dilemma can be solved through Sonia.

Criminal offenses and Punishment is the tale of Raskolnikovs dissatisfaction with himself, which is the

cause of every his complications. Sonia, though passivley, will help Raskolnikov get comfort in faith and

morality, which coincide along with his natural personality.

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