The Legalization of Marijuana Essay

  • Category: University
  • Words: 768
  • Published: 12.14.19
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The legalization of marijuana is one of the many debatable debates in America today.

Many people believe that pot is a entrance drug and is very hazardous, marijuana lover argue that marijuana isn’t dangerous and can significantly improve the American economy. “Marijuana prohibition expense America $7. 7 billion dollars 12 months. “(Head 2012) The legalization of weed would avail many persons. If marijuana is legalized then the American government could tax that and help pay out the U. S. debts also, one more benefit of legalizing marijuana is the fact it can be used for a few medicinal reasons, and lastly the legalization of marijuana would save the Americans taxes dollars for not having to look after prisoners who does be imprisoned dealing with pot.

Approximately 440, 000 people die a year from smoking cigarettes tobacco products and alcohol poisoning kills 55, 000 people annually, whilst no one drops dead from cigarette smoking marijuana. “Alcohol and tobacco, though are legal, are for more harmful than pot. “(Head 2012) Over 4000 harmful chemicals are in cigarettes that cause countless deaths every year but cigarettes is still for some reason legal. A large number of people declare marijuana is known as a gateway medication but over 60 mil people try marijuana, if marijuana really was a entrance drug millions of crack minds and heroin addicts can be running around America right now. Since marijuana is the most popular drug in America obviously people who maltreatment other chemicals have tried out marijuana.

America is more than 10 trillion dollars in debt. “The legalization of pot would create another item that could be taxed. ” (Messerli 2011) The taxation of marijuana may drastically maximize Americas Economic climate. Over 20 , 000, 000 people in America smoke cigarettes marijuana for the regular basis. “A research found that legalizing marijuana and challenging it can create considerable earnings for America. ” (Head 2012) Pot is already a significant cash crop in the United States and billions of dollars are made from taking the medicine. If cannabis was taxed then the United States will not have to consider being in a debt problems. The government could also generate income if weed was grown in the United States and sold to additional countries around the world.

Marijuana isn’t only used for pleasant purposes but it also used for healing purpose too. Marijuana works extremely well for people struggling with many different kinds of sicknesses. Marijuana can be used being a pain reliever; marijuana can also help mind trauma patients, stroke victims, and people who suffer from anxiety or perhaps depression. THC is a potent anti-oxidant which will doctors count for stroke and brain trauma patients. Cannabis can be utilised for a cancers patient that may be going through chemotherapy; marijuana will act as a nausea reducer which will help the patient be able to take in.

If pot was legal then more studies can be done to help created more medicinal purposes for the herb. The prohibition about marijuana price tax payers millions of dollars yearly. “The marijuana prohibition price 7. six billion dollars a year. ” (Head 2012) Marijuana illegality is helping other countries become wealthier, while the Us is taking a loss, by importing the element in to America. The United States govt arrest above 700, 000 people a year for a fee dealing with cannabis, the money intended for taking care of individuals offenders are coming out of the United States tax payers pocket.

Taxes payers are throwing away 1000s of dollars to feed and shelter people who received arrested for achieveing a flower. “Marijuana legalization would make simpler the development of hemp as a beneficial and varied agricultural crop in the United States, which include its expansion as a new bio gasoline to reduce co2 emissions. ” (Unknown) The legalization of marijuana can better our planet, marijuana posseses an untapped potential to make anything better in the world. In conclusion, the legalization of marijuana could benefit everybody. If pot was legal the United States of America debts would substantially decrease.

Also tax payers would have more cash in their pouches since they will never have to pay to get the weed fugitives in prison. In the event that marijuana was studied even more then maybe diseases will be cured that folks thought would never be remedied. It is zero reason that marijuana needs to be illegal as tobacco and alcohol eliminates thousands a year while marijuana kills none.

As Sir Paul McCartney said “I support decriminalization. People are smoking pot anyways and to make them into bad guys is wrong. It’s the moment you’re in jail you truly become a felony. ”

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