The aztec empire history essay

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The Aztec Empire History

The center from the Aztec world was the Pit of South america, a huge, oblong

basin about 7, 500 feet over sea level. The Aztecs were produced after the Toltec

civilization occurred when a huge selection of civilians arrived towards Lake Texcoco. In

the swamplands there was only one piece of land to farm on and it was totally

surrounded by more marshes. The Aztec households somehow changed these

cons to a enormous empire known as the Aztec Disposition. People say the

empire was partially formed by a deeply believed tale. As the legend proceeded to go, it

stated that Aztec persons would produce an disposition in a swampy place wherever they would

find an bald eagle eating a snake, when perched on a cactus, that was growing away of

a rock in the swamplands. This is what priests stated they observed when coming into

the new terrain. By the 12 months 1325 their very own capital town was completed. They named it

Tenochtitlan. In the capital city, aqueducts were made, bridges had been

built, and chinapas were made. Chinapas were little island destinations formed by pilled up

mud. On these chinapas Aztecs grew their meals. The Aztec Empire included many

cities and neighborhoods, especially in the Pit of South america. The early settlers built

sign rafts, then covered these mud and planted seed to create beginnings and

develop more stable land intended for building homes in this marshy land. Waterways were also

cut out through the marsh so that an average Aztec residence had their back to a canal

having a canoe linked at the door. In the early on 1400s, Tenochtitlan joined with

Texcoco and Tlacopan, two additional major metropolitan areas in the Area of Mexico.

Tenochtitlan became the most powerful member of the alliance. Montezuma I reigned over

from 1440 to 1469 and conquered large areas to the east and to the south.

Montezumas successors extended the disposition until it expanded between what is now

Guatemala and the Mexican State of San Luis Potosi. Montezuma II started to be emperor

in 1502 when the Aztec Empire was at the height of their power. In 1519, the

Spanish manager Hernando Cortes landed within the East Coast of Mexico and marched

inland to Tenochtitlan. The Spaniards were joined by many of the Indians who

had been conquered and forced to spend high fees to the emperor. Montezuma did not

oppose Cortes because he thought that all he was the God Quetzalcoatl. An Aztec

legend stated that Quetzalcoatl was driven away by simply another compete with god together

sailed across the sea and would go back some day. His return was predicted to

come in the entire year Ce Acatl on the Aztec Calendar. This kind of corresponded to the year

1519. Due to this conjecture, Montezuma II thought Quetzalcoatl had delivered

when Cortes and his troops invaded. This individual did not withstand and was taken captive by

Educado and his soldiers. In 1520, the Aztecs rebelled and drove the Spaniards coming from

Tenochtitlan, but Montezuma II was killed in the struggle. Cortes reorganized his

soldiers and resurged into the city. Montezumas replacement, beneficiary, Cuauhtemoc

surrendered in August of 1520. The Spaniards, staying strong Christian believers, felt that

was their duty to wipe out the temples and everything other footprints of the Aztec

religion. That they destroyed Tenochtitlan and constructed Mexico Metropolis on the ruins.

However , archaeology have excavated a few sites and have discovered many

remains of this world. Language: The Aztec spoke a language called Nahuatl

(pronounced NAH waht l). It is owned by a large band of Indian ‘languages’, which

include the different languages spoken by the Comanche, Pima, Shoshone and other

tribes of western America. The Aztec used pictographs to communicate

through producing. Some of the photos symbolized ideas and others represented

the sounds of the syllables. Food: The key food from the Aztec was obviously a thin

cornmeal pancake called a tlaxcalli. (In Spanish, it is called a little torta. ) They will

used the tlaxcallis to scoop up foods although they consumed or.. that they wrapped the foodstuffs

in the tlaxcalli to form precisely what is now known as the taco. That they hunted for most of

the meat inside their diet plus the chief game animals had been deer, rabbits, ducks and

geese. The only animals that they raised to get meat were turkeys, rabbits, and pups.

Arts and Crafts: The Aztec ornement, which embellished their temples and other

properties, were among the most elaborate in most of the Unites states. Their goal

was to you should the gods and they attemptedto do that in everything they did.

Many of the statues reflected their particular perception of their gods and just how they

interacted in their lives. The most famous surviving Aztec sculpture is the

large circular Work schedule Stone, which in turn represents the Aztec whole world. Religion:

Religion was extremely important in Aztec life. They worshipped numerous gods

and goddesses, every single of which ruled a number of human actions or facets of

nature. The individuals had many agricultural gods because their particular culture was based

heavily on farming. The Aztecs made various sacrifices for their gods.

The moment victims come to the church they were expanded across a sacrificial rock. A

priest with an obsidian blade cut open the patients chest and tore away his cardiovascular system.

The center was put into a bowl called a chacmool. This cardiovascular system was used while an

present to the gods. If they were in dreadful need, a warrior can be sacrificed, but

for any additional sacrifice a regular person would be deemed satisfactory. It was a

great prize to be picked for a sacrifice to the gods. The Aztec held many

religious ceremonies to ensure very good crops by winning the favor of the gods and

then to thank all of them for the harvest. Just about every 52 years, the Aztec held a great

celebration known as the Binding up of the Years. Prior to the party, the

persons would let their fireside fires step out and then re-light them from your new

fire of the celebration and banquet. A partial list of the Aztec gods: CENTEOTL

The hammer toe god. COATLICUE, She with the Serpent Skirt. EHECATL, The god of wind.

HUEHUETEOTL, The fire goodness. HUITZILOPOCHTLI, The war/sun goodness and special guardian

of Tenochtitlan. MICTLANTECUHTLE, The the almighty of the deceased. OMETECUHLTI and his wife

OMECIHUATL, They developed all life on the globe. QUETZALCOATL, The god of

civilization and learning. TEZCATLIPOCA, The goodness of Evening and Sorcery. TLALOC

The rain goodness. TONATIUH, Direct sunlight god. TONANTZIN, The privileged grandmother. XILONEN

Young maize ear, Maize represents a chief basic piece of the Aztecs. XIPE TOTEC

The goodness of early spring and re-growth. Aztec dances: The Aztec Dance is famous for

it is special way of expressing reverence and plea to the unnatural gods of

the sun, globe, sky, and water. Formerly, the resources available to the

native Indians were limited, but they were in a position to create dynamic music with all the

howling in the sea conch, and with rhythms created by drums through dried seed products

which were generally tied to the feet of the ballroom dancers. Summary: General, I feel

the Aztec civilization was extremely advanced. Completely a very intricate structure

in which there were decrease class, midsection class and upper class individuals. They had

a fantastic system of travel and water sources through the use of canals. They

had a strong rivalry system, that has been seen by their conquering of several lands.

Additionally they had their particular language, and the own numerical system. All their

scholars were also very clever, they had developed their own system of time

dimension and a calendar system that was very accurate.


1) Grolier Multi-media Encyclopedia Edition 7. 0. 5 CD-ROM Grolier Inc. 1995

2) Microsoft Encarta 96 CD-ROM Microsoft, mil novecentos e noventa e seis

3) Net Addresses:

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