Subject matter in the poems essay

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In this dissertation I am going to check out two poems written by Robert Herrick and William Wordsworth called “To Daffodils” and “Daffodils”. At first it is helpful to look at the biographical details of the poets studied. The two poems are very comparable in theme they decide to write about however they handle their material in another way. The content of Robert Herrick’s poem is approximately the short life span of daffodils and relating this by saying the human contest life is also short.

The poem is pretty depressing since it is mainly regarding the dying of the daffodils/humans. The composition also describes how time passes away quickly (the phrase ‘haste’ appears a few times) and eventually many of us get older and die.

I think the fact that daffodils in the poem relate with people-perhaps this individual got a lot of inspiration as such from the detrimental war if he could of possibly lost friend(s) and family, producing him realize that a lot more too short and he expresses his feelings using the daffodils instead of persons as daffodils live pertaining to little time (approx.

1 season). This content of Bill Wordsworth poem is that may occur to a wide range of thoughts. Wordworth’s poems are not gloomy like Herrick’s but have a light-weight, optimistic feeling to all of them.

Robert Herrick was born in London in 1591 and apprenticed his uncle. Herrick deserted this career in 1613 and then went on to take on a master’s degree in 1620. He was ordained a priest in 1623 and became military chaplain to the Duke of Buckingham. In 1625 he was awarded pertaining to the armed forces service when you are appointed Parish Priest to Dean Preceding village. Throughout the civil war and the commonwealth period he backed the incorrect side and stayed dedicated to the top. The majority of his poems came out in Hesperides in 1648 but by this time his poems were out of fashion and the publication sold very slowly. I do believe that his life and experience of violent uprising and issue gave him an increased understanding about the preciousness of his your life that is shown in one of his ideal poems-To Daffodils’

William Wordsworth was born in Cumbria in 1770 and attended Hawkshead Grammar School. In 1787 this individual went to Cambridge. Wordsworth had an affair using a French woman and had a young child but they didn’t marry. Having been always tormented with guilt particularly throughout the war among England and France. I believe that these feelings had an affect in his beautifully constructed wording. Wordsworth had a very close sister-Dorothy whose journal used to provide him inspiration. Wordsworth got married and in 1813 he was appointed Stamp Distributor that meant that whilst he published his poetry he had a guaranteed income. In 1843 he started to be Poet Laureate. His sonnets are amongst his most widely known poems. My spouse and i wondered lonely as a impair was printed in 1807. And this individual also likes to bring a sense of meaning to his poems.

The first couple of lines;

“Fair Daffodils, all of us weep to find out

You rush away thus soon”

Start of the poem in fact it is saying that ‘we’ are sad to see the ‘daffodils’ fade ‘haste’ away so soon. Robert Herrick provides set the tone from the poem simply by saying that the daffodils will be dying and is said to find out them get.

Third and fourth lines;

“As the early-rising sun

Has not attain’d his midday. “

Early rising may also indicate the fact that seasons are changing and beginning of any new day time.

5-7th lines;

“Stay, stay

Until the hasting day

Features run”

This kind of part says that he doesn’t want the daffodils to go or perhaps die right up until the day has ended. Herrick details the day because going extremely fast ‘hasting day’

8-12th lines;

“But for the evensong;

And, having pray’d together, all of us

Will go along along”

“We have a moment to stay, whenever you

We have because short as spring; “

Robert Herrick is saying that individuals (humans) have as short as existence as daffodils. And says that it is while short as spring through which is the just season when daffodils might survive.

13-15th lines

“As quick as progress to meet corrosion

As you, or anything.

We die”

Describing that when we have older all of us will ‘meet decay’ elizabeth. g. Disorders. And then expire.

16-20th lines;

“As the hours carry out, and dry


Like to the summer’s rain;

Or perhaps as the pearls of morning’s dew

Ne’er to be found again. “

Carrying no from prior to still saying that as we ‘dry away’ which in turn for human beings could indicate getting older or for daffodils which could mean the soil around them dries up (in which usually case the daffodils are unable to survive). At the conclusion of the composition he’s saying that life is very precious like a ‘pearl’ delicate but after getting gone weight loss return to lifespan that’s simply past you.

“Stay, stay. Until the hasting day” is known as a type of assonance that adds to the effect of Robert Herrick’s composition.

The initial few lines;

“I wandered lonesome as a impair

That floats on high o’er bassin and slopes, “

Begins in graceful person saying that he is very lonely relating it as being a ‘cloud’.

3-4th lines;

“When all at once I saw a crowd

A number of golden daffodils; “

This kind of part implies both people ‘host’ and daffodils a ‘crowd’ describing that there is a lot of daffodils or perhaps people.

5-6th lines;

“Beside the lake, beneath the trees

Fluttering and dancing inside the breeze. “

Describing the position and whereabouts of the daffodils and conveying the scenery. The next line ‘fluttering and dancing’s telling us the action in the daffodils saying that they are whirling in the breeze.

7-8th lines;

“Continuous since the stars that shine

And twinkle for the milky way, “

Stars are limitless and the milky way gives the sense from the universe, plenty of open space, which can not be filled.

9-10th lines;

“They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay: “

‘Never-ending’ possibly a feeling of immortality. ‘Bay’ is still placing scenery from the daffodils.

11-12th lines;

“Ten thousand I saw at a glance

Tossing their minds in sprightly dance. “

Ten thousand is a very lot and is a form of hyperbole presenting an exaggeration to get an effect, demonstrating that the place is quite crowded and the ‘tossing of their heads’ indicates they could problematic vein and the ‘sprightly dance’ shows the power levels happen to be high and they are very dynamic.

13-14th lines;

“The dunes beside these people danced; nonetheless they

Out-did the sparkling ocean in glee: “

Talking about more of the scenery and that the ocean are also cheerful and sparkling. And trying to do better than the daffodils. I do believe this is a great piece of imagery because while reading the beautifully constructed wording you build-up a picture in your head.

15-18th lines;

“A poet cannot but end up being gay

In such a jocund business:

I gazed-and gazed-but tiny thought

What wealth the show to me had brought: “

Saying that the view could not bring anyone more joy while the daffodils, waves and so forth are so content and merry.

19-20th lines

“For?fters on my couch I sit

In empty or pensive mood, “

This is an alteration of picture when the poet person is deep in thought.

21-22nd lines

“They expensive upon that inward vision

Which is the bliss of solitude; “

‘They’ subjects people. ‘Inward eye’ could mean a vision or perhaps describing some sort of meditation.

23-24th lines;

“And then my personal heart with pleasure fills

And dances with the daffodils. “

‘My heart’ which in turn represents head is completing with joy from taking into consideration the daffodils and dreams of backed by the daffodils, ‘dances together with the daffodils’.

In William Wordsworth’s poem this individual used representation e. g. “The dunes beside them danced” and “Tossing their heads in sprightly dance” in which ocean do not boogie and daffodils do not toss their brain in a sprightly dance. With this poem you cannot find any alliteration by which I can take note.

“Continuous since the stars that shine” is actually a type of simile that increases the effect and imagery.


I think Robert Herrick’s poem was very successful when he shows that period passes quite quickly and describes the preciousness of life. My spouse and i also think that William Wordsworth poem was also a superb success. I think that the composition is open-minded and a cheerful one to read. My favourite out from the two analyzed though is usually Robert Herrick’s as you can correspond with it and know the emotions that he is expressing through the entire poem.


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