South playground and computer culture essay

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South Playground and Conversation Theory: Symbolic Interactionism


In the first episode (Stunning and Brave) from the 19th season of Southern Park, a brand new principal has come to the town of South Playground named PC Principal. PC Principals primary objective involves cleaning up the town of its bigotry, sexism and hateful speech. Halfway through the instance, other LAPTOP OR COMPUTER characters be present in a pub where the tired residents of South Park are attempting to loosen up away from all of the stress of obtaining to be COMPUTER all the time. COMPUTER Principal knows there are others like him and they choose to hang out and begin a PERSONAL COMPUTER frat home. The landscape in the bar in which the PERSONAL COMPUTER characters come to meet one another is full of signals and words that can be examined using the theory of Symbolic Interactionism.

The scene contains relevance because PC culture and social justice are incredibly popular today (Poniewozik, 2015) and that shows how people of two different cultures coming together can clash more than misperceptions of words and gestures. The complete 19th period in fact was sketching something such as a grand in the event that messy specific theory of anger, inequality and disillusionment in 2015 America (Poniewozik, 2015). To raised understand how everything anger is usually expressed and frequently misinterpreted with individuals being stigmatized inappropriately, this paper will certainly analyze the You COMPUTER, Bro?! field (South Playground Studios, 2015). The research query this paper asks is definitely: Can too much focus on what others think create stigmas that are over-communicated?

Literature Assessment

Mead (1934) asserted that gestures are symbols which exist in the head and that the relationship to a attitude is what has to be regarded as. Words will be arbitrary terms that have several attachment into a designated government (Mead, 1934, p. 224). The word is employed a signal with an predicted reaction which will accompany this. However , once there is non-conformity among folks as to what the gestures, symbols or terms should indicate, dissonance occurs (Festinger, 1957). According to Festinger (1957), people aim for harmony using their environment and if they experience cognitive cacophonie, they will change their patterns, change their very own perception, or change all their beliefs to be able to obtain harmony. For example , a person wants to smoke nevertheless smoking is definitely an unwanted social motion. The person can either stop smoking in order to be in conformity and harmony together with his environment, smoke cigarettes anyway and justify this by quarrelling that smoking cigarettes is so good for ones health insurance and those who condemn smoking happen to be wrong; or tell one self that it just does not matter what others believe as they cannot hurt one. Festingers theory of cognitive dissonance could hardly have been indicated without the theory of emblematic interactionism, which usually stipulates that gestures have meaning due to response.

The situation of taboo in society occurs when individuals are up against gestures and symbols that they can cannot manage or don’t realize how to respond to appropriately. Mead (1982) explained that the specific mind can easily exist simply in relation to additional minds with shared meanings(p. 5). Therefore when two minds that do not connect with one another talk about the same space, conflict comes up and cacophonie occurs. This may lead to one group associating negative opinions with the various other and vice versa. It can also cause negativity becoming reinforced through communication.

Chambliss (1973) described this concept with all the problem in the saints and roughnecks. As Chambliss mentioned, the label of deviance could become a self-fulfilling prophesy. Or perhaps it can be described as the void of primary and secondary deviance, with principal deviance becoming largely acknowledged and unpunished while second deviance prospects more to punishment and the feeling of as an outcast (Liberman, Kirk Kim, 2014). What Chambliss (1973) showed was that the approved group, the Saints, were not punished for his or her deviance because society distributed the same brain as they and viewed these people as good males overall who came from good families and who would carry on to do good stuff. And as a result that they went on to obtain successful lives and never believed the need to eyelash out. The Roughnecks on the other hand were penalized for their deviance because world did not perspective them since like-minded and so they did not reveal the same concept of gesture-response interactions and regarded that they originated in bad people and had nothing to offer culture and could most likely business lead bad comes from the future until they were penalized now. Consequently, only a third of the Roughnecks went on to have success (Chambliss, 1973). The various other two-thirds lapsed into the self-fulfilling prophecy element of deviance. All their secondary deviance pushed them into a feeling of social pressure, wherein they sought to gain social control through deviance.

Thus, from the Symbolic Interactionist perspective one can possibly see that interpersonal behavior is an item of everyday interactions. People have an effect on people who goes down profound, alters all their psychology and impacts the way they live and think and behave. The evidence of the New orleans saints and Roughnecks study demonstrates that when people are treated like saints and revered as saints, they tend to take to live better lives. When people are remedied like deviants, like Roughnecks, they tend to be on to think that deviants also to embrace a lifetime of deviancy as that is what society can be pushing these people towards. Yet , identifying saints and roughnecks depends on the notion of the generalized otheri. electronic., the ability to recognize like-mindedness rather than unlike-mindedness: as Mead (1934) states, 1 takes his attitude over against kinds self (p. 230). The other provides meaning for the self: to have self-consciousness a single must have the attitude of some other in types own organism as controlling the thing that he is going to do (Mead, 1934, p. 230). Thus, types sense of self is communicated being a response to the expertise of the different.

Chambliss (1973) emphasize this time in the analyze on New orleans saints and Roughnecks and showed that what drove a residential area of others being at probabilities with one another was their feeling of home as being defined by the different who was several. Those who were from a lesser income background had a

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