Producing and receiving telephone calls essay

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The Novice will:

1 . Learn how to make telephone calls.

1 . a couple of Give reasons behind identifying the goal of a contact before making this. To not spend time, so you understand what information you need and are for that reason able to request the right queries. It is also significant as you will sound professional and organised, that will reflect well upon the company you help. It may be a good idea to have a checklist drafted down of you need to know, in this way you won’t neglect anything and you can avoid being forced to call back later for forgotten information.

This will likely prove to be a lot more efficient technique of working and save period. For example: If I was at work and I required to phone a GP surgery to do with a fax that they’d directed through. I would firstly make certain I had the fax in front of me together with the relevant patient information on.

That way when I talk to the surgical treatment I will have all the information to hand they may primarily ask for before they are then simply able to help me with my problem.

It is necessary to think by using a conversation before making the call this means you are prepared and have the knowledge they may need. Once again if I was phoning another department within the hospital looking to locate a group of patient records I would make sure I could let them know, the patient term and medical record amount, where the paperwork are tracked to on the computer and on what day, some by whom, if they have any meetings booked quickly and in which and if there is any useful information on the newest pin note, all of this could help narrow down the search to locate the patient’s records.

1 . three or more Describe different methods of acquiring the names and numbers of people that need to be approached. If you know the name in the company you need to contact then you might look up their contact details online on the Internet. You could also how to use online telephone book just like the yellow pages site for most info. You could merely ask someone within your office/department if they have the contact details to hand as it may have been an individual they have handled before. In Musgrove wehave the intranet, our internal website, about this you can find plenty of information about the hospital, including an internal directory, to find out anyone’s extension number who functions within the medical center by adding in their name or perhaps department. It is good to say a list of connections on my pin number board intended for numbers inside our department and for the rest of the medical center. If I need to make calls to GP surgical procedures or surrounding hospitals I go on yahoo and find them easily like that.

1 . 5 Describe how to use a telephone system to make contact with people inside and outside a great organisation.

In Musgrove we have a process that I think about is the same with most businesses. To make an outside call you just press 9 to gain an outdoor line then type in the quantity you require, like the area code if necessary. With inside calls you simply need to enter the 5 digit file format number pertaining to the appropriate person in the ideal department. Should you be unsure from the extension number for the decision you need to produce internally you can simply go on Musgrove’s intranet and use their internal index. Here you may enter their particular name and department and it will bring up all their contact information i. e email and extension number.

1 ) 6 Explain the purpose of summarising the outcomes of your telephone chat before finishing the call. It is necessary to make sure and clarify that most the information is correct and correct so you are both aware of decided times and goals and so forth, avoiding any confusion. It can avoid wires getting entered as it is not really recorded like in an email to look over following, this is also for what reason it’s always highly recommended to make a notice of the mobile phone conversation.

1 ) 7 Identify how to discover problems and who to refer them to. If perhaps someone mobile phones the office with a difficulty and it is not really something I can deal with I would firstly take their term and info. I would look for their phone number in case for any reason they will get disconnected at any point throughout the call, we are then continue to able to call them back. Next I would uncover what the problem was and what department they spoke to and then transfer them on one of the secretaries with the received information.

1 ) 8 Explain organisation constructions and conversation channels within an organisation At Musgrove there are particular channels we might go down according to what the call up was concerning. I often receive telephone calls that I are unable to handle so need to redirect to other lines in our section. Patients often contact my own line querying their meetings and as My spouse and i am unable to help them with this I transfer these to the Meetings office across the street. To do this I would personally, firstly inform the harasser that I would definitely transfer these to the Appointments office in which their issue could be responded. I would in that case press the Recall key on the phone and dial the 4 digit expansion number for one of the young ladies in charge of preparing appointments. Whenever they answered We would briefly make clear the callers query after which hang up, thus connecting the caller to the transferred series.

It is important to keep the explanation quick so you no longer keep the sufferer waiting any longer than is totally necessary. In the event for any cause no one was available to take those call in meetings I would then simply need to transfer the call back to the unknown caller by pressing the recollect button then *1. I might then need to explain that they can were occupied at present so offer them the phone number to call them immediately. If I obtain any problems over the telephone the 1st action I would personally take should be to transfer the phone call through to one of the secretaries because they are better equipped to deal with this kind of situations. Depending on the outcome with their conversation they might need to be transported on to BUDDIES where they can deal with the complaint even more appropriately.

1 ) 9 Illustrate how to follow organisational techniques when making a telephone call It can be important to introduce yourself and state where you are calling by for example basically was making a call to a DOCTOR surgery I would start the call by saying ” “Hello my name’s Nic and I’m phoning from the cardiology department at Musgrove Park Hospital We would make sure ahead of making the call that I acquired any concerns needed to inquire, to hand or know what information I required from the mobile phone conversation.

That way you make certain that the phone contact is carried out efficiently, it is usually good to recap the conversation exactly where appropriate to confirm you have all of the correct and accurate information needed. It is vital to always remain well mannered andspeak obviously whilst within the telephone. You should remember that you are addressing your company and so need to stay professional. Operating at a Hospital you need to always be aware and careful with who you are speaking to, ensuring that you merely give out patient details to appropriate persons such as GP surgeries, different local Hospitals or certainly the patient themselves.

1 . twelve and 2 . 9 Describe how to report telephone program faults To be able to be because precise and informative as possible, concerning a telephone program fault, will usually help to resolve the issue as fast and just as possible. In the event there was a fault with my telephone system at the office I would firstly make sure it was not a simple error my personal end ” for example in case the telephone line got accidently been pulled out in the wall, or perhaps if the device was not put back on the stand correctly, that means you were not obtaining any cell phone calls connected. After checking these kinds of simple things, if there was clearly still a problem I would advise my instructor or among the secretaries in the event it was an error they were familiar with. Failing that I would contact the switchboard about the error or even the THIS department.

2 . Understand how to receive and transfer telephone calls

installment payments on your 1 Illustrate how to determine callers and the needs

Within the medical center many calls are made in house between office buildings and departments. I specifically deal with telephone calls like these the moment other departments are requesting patient paperwork that are located to the Cardiology department. The caller could state their particular name and department when I answered the phone as this is trust procedure. I may then ask “how may i help you although this will not normally be essential for this type of call as the caller may have already said “I need a set of paperwork that are at present traced to you. We would next correctly . for the patient’s complete name and medical record amount.

I would as well reconfirm the department these people were calling from, where the remarks were necessary and the date the remarks needed to be with them. We would also request the harasser for their extendable number so I could diamond ring them back again if needed, for example easily couldn’t track down the records or if perhaps they needed the paperwork as soon as possible thus were visiting collect all of them when they were ready. All of this information would be written inside a note pad so Ialways had that to hand easily needed to direct back to it at any point.

installment payments on your 2 Describe the purpose of offering accurate or more to date data to callers Giving a buyer accurate data over the cell phone is crucial to the success and reputation of an enterprise and could identify their upcoming. If a unknown caller is phoning a company with regards to a price on a product they may be selling and they are told the wrong information, the customer will have instantly lost their trust in the organization and as a result will be almost selected to take all their business somewhere else. It will not simply make the firm look inadequate but of poor quality also. By Musgrove it is vital to relay accurate and up-to-date details, whether it is right to a patient as well as to a DOCTOR surgery regarding a patient.

It can be especially important within a hospital environment as inaccurate information could cause possible life threatening situations to get patients and a lot of unnecessary get worried and annoyed. When a individual is producing a call to the hospital they are often probably be anxious and worried and can need to be set at ease and reassured. In order to do this you need to answer their queries quickly and professionally with appropriate information provided in a very clear and exact way since this will also help to build trust with the patient.

2 . 3 Clarify the purpose of confidentiality and protection when working with callers The moment talking to someone over the phone there is no convenient way to validate the identity from the caller, nothing to easily validate to you that they can be who they say they are. That is why often buyers have to identify themselves which has a password when ever speaking with a firm over the cellphone regarding sensitive and personal details. Confidentiality and security types of procedures must be firmly followed and adhered to in the hospital under the Data Safeguard Act 1989.

If a individual calls work at work enquiring about an investigation or treatment they are due to have or perhaps indeed have gotten and are awaiting the results, the secretary taking the contact must always look for some personal details about themselves before revealing any information. Possibly then there is certainly only limited information they are permitted to see the patient within the phone. They generally have to wait until a notice arrives inside the post because a much more protected way of conveying theinformation.

installment payments on your 4 Describe the types of details that could impact confidentiality and security as well as how to handle these types of The Data Security Act was put in to place in 1998 to avoid confidential or security details from being shared or perhaps being released for the public. Lenders personal information such as all their National insurance number, Pin number numbers for bank accounts or passwords to get access to information are all things that must be retained confidential all the time. Everyone at Musgrove is responsible for keeping secret information private and revealing any personal details will actually be breaking the law. At work we come across a lot of patient’s medical records, they are also purely confidential and must not reveal this information with anyone who is not authorised to determine them.

At the job if we appear in to contact with medical data that are part of somebody we realize they must instantly be given to to another employee to deal with, because seeing them would compromise the confidentiality and level of privacy of the individual. There was recently an enormous confidentiality infringement within the clinic when a celebrity visited the hospital and an associate of personnel put a message about it about twitter. With so many social websites outlets nowadays it makes it even more essential to keep information private, I think the employee was dismissed through the trust and rightly therefore.

2 . five Describe means of identifying the correct person to whom a contact is transported Often the unknown caller won’t have got a name of the person they want to talk to so it is always good to reconfirm they have called the best department. If they happen to be a little uncertain it is important to ask briefly the actual call is usually reference to, this would then ideally give you enough information to know the proper person to cope with it. At your workplace there’s generally only a few distinct locations I may need to copy calls to. I occasionally take calls from people that need to reschedule another appointment or perhaps that merely want a few information about it.

In this case We would tell the person that I required to transfer them through to the sessions office, where somebody could help them with all their query. It is good calls type patients and GP surgeries that I sometimes are unable to handle myself. During these circumstances I would personally transfer them through toone of the assistants, whoever was taking the cell phones that day. If I was still unsure on the call We would explain to the caller that we just need to wear them hold for the minute when i try to determine the most appropriate person to help them simply by speaking to the secretaries to get advice.

2 . 6 Illustrate the information to get given once transferring telephone calls or giving messages When you have established who also the caller is and why they may be calling afterward you need to send them to the best or best suited person. I would explain to all of them that I was transferring these people on to please keep with me for the minute while I do so. Up coming I would force the recall button plus the appropriate extendable number. I would personally tell the member of staff I used to be forwarding them on to, who have the unknown caller was, where they were contacting from and any information I had fashioned about what all their call was regarding. When taking a communication for someone at the job I have truly prepared a note slip which i use to make sure I attain all the appropriate information. Within this slip We record the caller’s identity, where they are really calling via, what the caller’s contact number is usually, who the message is made for, the actual communication, I as well record the date and time of the decision so when I pass the message upon they are aware about timescales.

2 . 7 Illustrate how to discover problems and who to relate them to Problems we have recently experienced at the office is cell phone calls being shed when becoming transferred between phones. In this instance I would get in touch with the employee who was copying the call to me to see if that were there the caller’s phone number or any information about these people so I can call all of them back. Calling them back will show that you care and that you are effective in your job. If this is a problem that is constantly on the happen it must mean that there is a connection fault of some sort so that it should be reported to the switchboard to the THIS department to enable them to log this and with any luck , sort that.

2 . almost 8 Describe tips on how to follow efficiency procedures the moment receiving a phone call When getting calls within the department we always answer with our name and the department we are in, this way the caller is going to instantly understand if they have phoned the ideal location which will also preserve wasting anybody’s time. One other of the trust’s procedures is definitely answering thetelephone within three rings, this is very important to do as nobody enjoys being kept waiting for anyone to answer a call, especially when it could be stressed patients or patient’s family members.


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