Presidential political election of 1856 essay

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Title: The Contenders

For the presidential election of 1856, the Democrats nominated James

Buchanan and Steve Breckenridge, the newly formed His party party nominated

John Fremont and Bill Drayton, the American or Know-Nothing party

nominated past president Millard Fillmore and Andrew Donelson, and the

Abolition Party nominated Gerrit Smith and Samuel McFarland.

Buchanan began his politics career as a state agent in

Pa, was selected to the U. S. House of Reps in 1821

designated minister to Russia in 1832, and elected ALL OF US Senator in 1834. He was

appointed Admin of State in 1845 by Chief executive Polk

in addition to that capacity helped forge the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which

ended the Mexican War. He was appointed by President Polk while minister to

Great Britain in 1853. As such, he, combined with the American ministers to

The country of spain and France, issued the Ostend Manifesto, which recommended the

annexation of Emborrachar to the United states of america. This endeared him to southerners

who assumed Tanque would be a servant state.

He was one of several northerners supported over the years by the southern part of

Democrats internet marketing amenable to slaveholders’ pursuits, a situation

beginning with Matn van Buren.

Buchanan’s two major competition for the nomination, Franklin Pierce and

Stephen Douglas, were the two politically tainted by the bloodshed in Kansas.

Buchanan was untainted, seeing that he had been abroad during most of the

controversy. Even so, he did not safeguarded the nomination until the 17th


Fremont was best known as an explorer and a war hero. This individual surveyed the

land between your Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, explored the Oregon Trek

territories and crossed the Sierra Madres into the Sacramento Valley. Like a

captain inside the Army, he returned to California and helped the settlers

overthrow Mexican guideline in what became known as the Bear Flag Innovation, a

sidebar to the Mexican War. He was elected among California’s initially two


The infant Republican party was developed from the ashes of the Whig party

which in turn had endured spontaneous burning as a result of the slavery concern.

The party’s convention was obviously a farce, just northern states and a few edge

slave declares sent delegates. Sticking to all their Whig root base, they nominated a

conflict hero, albeit a minor 1. William Drayton’s runner-up intended for the VP slot

was Abraham Lincoln subsequently.

Fillmore, having been the thirteenth director following the fatality of

Zachary Taylor, located himself addressing the American party following many

upper delegates remaining the conference over a rift caused by the slavery

concern. Their doubt was that the party system was not sufficiently strong

against the pass on of captivity. The

party’s vice presidential nominee was obviously a nephew of Andrew Jackson and the

editor of the Wa Union. The party, also known as the Know-Nothings

was incredibly antagonistic to immigrants, Catholics and other assorted

minorities. The party was created in 1850, when a lot of covert “Native

American communities joined with each other, their secret password staying “I find out

nothing. 

Smith was nominated by Abolition party in Nyc, which had

nominated Frederick Douglass achievable York admin of express the year before

under the label Nyc Liberty Get together.

The Campaign: None Buchanan nor Fremont campaigned themselves.

Conservatives declared Buchanan dead of lockjaw. Fremont, however , had a

splendid marketing campaign substitute, his beautiful partner Jessie, forcing “Oh

Jessie!  advertising campaign buttons. The Democrats tried out desperately in order to avoid the

captivity issue totally, opting rather to follow the conservative effort

to preserve the Union. The Conservatives, on the other hand, actively attacked

slavery. Their campaign slogan was “Free Dirt, Free Guys, Freedom, Fremont.

Shields-West, pgs 78 & 80

The self-serving efforts of Sophie Douglas do more to mold the

campaign of 1856 than did some other single event. Although this individual did not

purposely destroy the North-South stability created by

Compromise of 1850, his focused quest for the Light House triggered him to create

some foolish choices. Douglas coveted a rail head in Chicago, il for the modern

transcontinental railroad. This would produce Chicago an important trade center for

the nation, not unlike New York City when the Erie Cacera was accomplished. He

knew increased monetary power pertaining to his residence state might translate since

increased politics power to get him. The South, on the other hand, wanted the

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