Precisely what is communication article

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Clarify communication as a process and as a transaction

Communication is the way in which we express emotions, ideas and share information. This kind of activity begins from labor and birth. A new created baby communicates with his mom? when baby cries this kind of sends a message to his mom, either that baby is hungry or sleepy. Connection develops as we get older. A child at age several wouldn’t cry to show the girl is hungry but instead cry the moment she declines off her bike while playing to express pain.

To express hunger, the lady may basically state to her mother that she is hungry. This method of communication is called speaking. Other types incorporate reading, writing and hearing.

Hybels and Weaver (2007) define communication as “any method in which people share information, ideas and feelings”. It involves not only the spoken and written term but also the body language, personal mannerisms and style — anything that brings meaning to the message.

Since communication is a process this implies that it is continuous.

It is a continuous actions as long as the participants prolong the exchange. Communication consists of various factors which include sender-receivers, messages, reviews, channels, noises and establishing. These elements hold the outcome of communication, stated in another way; these elements impact the results of the interaction process.

The method of communication begins with conceiving a message. The sender is one who wants to transfer a message. If one has something to share — emotions, ideas or information — one forms whatsoever they wants to communicate.

The second stage is encoding the message. This involves structuring the message in such a way the fact that receiver recognizes. Language, tones and actions are part of encoding the message. This kind of severity of those factors would depend on the situation. For example a manager conceives that he wants to address Kerry a subordinate in his business office. The desperation of her presence in his workplace would be translated by him in the way he encodes the communication.

This crosses into the next thing of the interaction process, selecting an appropriate route. This step is the method the sender uses to convey the message to a receiver. Telephone, net, letters are communication programs. In face-to-face connection sight and sound are definitely the two main channels. One could see the receiver (sight) and hear (sound) the device.

Once an appropriate channel is selected and employed the receiver now obtains the meaning. Here he must decode the communication. Meaning is attached to the numerous symbols and the channel employed by the tv-sender and now the receiver must interpret the message. This interpretation requires gaining an understanding from the concept and is influenced by the receiver’s personal encounters, relationship together with the sender, understanding, perceptions and culture.

Opinions is the final step in the communication procedure. Feedback is the response the receiver directs to the fernsehsender. In feedback the receiver conceives, encodes and selects the channel just like the original sender did. The first sender then becomes the receiver since he decodes, expresses and responds (feedback) to the response (feedback) the original receiver sent. Therefore communication is a process, it is continuous. It informs the sender on the efficiency of the meaning and allows the fernsehsender to clarify misinterpreted meanings. “Feedback plays an important role by indicating significant conversation barriers: distinctions in background, several interpretations of words, and differing emotional reactions” (Bovee & Thill, 1992).

Since communication is an act of sending and becoming it can as well be described as a transaction. A transaction in general relates to some form of exchange thus giving and receiving. Transactional conversation consists of three principles, the first being that participation is continuous and coexisting. One could the two be a receiver and a sender for example Rob is crying over the loss of life of his grandpa and his friend Sean is consoling by extending a hug.

Sean receives the meaning of Rob’s grief and responds by hugging him thus Sean is both a receiver and fernsehsender in this condition. The second theory is that transactional communication offers a past, present and long term. Past activities influence what your expectations of people and situations. Knowing that an individual is a CEO you should expect him/her to be intelligent, easy and state. In communication roles are also performed. People do not behave likewise with everybody. For example a teacher would not play the role of lover to her students but that of an informative teacher, and lover to her husband.

Discuss four limitations to effective conversation and state how these can be overcome

Conversation is not as easy as it seems. Certainly, we inherit it from birth yet effective communication is a skill that is mastered like any other skill through practice. As we grow old our experiences have profound impacts on how we express ourself and since we live in a vast globe experiences between persons can differ. This kind of difference triggers communication limitations such as language, noise, supposition and lifestyle to arise.

Language plays an important role in communication particularly through oral and written channels not non- verbal signs as they commonly do not involve the use of words. The wider the vocabulary of senders and receivers the much more likely the communication will be clearly encoded and decoded. State persons are often better at explaining their feelings and tips since they convey more choices to choose from my spouse and i. e. phrases. The choice of words is vital because the sender wants the concept to be understood. Such as a lecturer must adjust his speech to fit the academic level of an audience filled with mostly juniors.

People as well tend to attach meanings to certain words so speakers should be aware of any adverse meanings attached to certain phrases in certain nationalities. For example the phrase “nigger” is used to refer to people of the dark ethnicity, if this word is used in America or anywhere else for that matter, black people consider it as very offensive. Even so if one uses that words amongst his own cultural group (black says to black) it is tolerated.

Speakers must also be aware of specialist lingo, dialects and slang when ever communicating with particular people. A doctor would make simpler an illness to his patient employing general phrases instead of the complicated medical terms since one who studies medicine might understand these kinds of terms. He would however speak to his assistance using the lingo since she would have analyzed medicine and also have experience in the field consequently he adjusts to her educational background knowledge. Changing one’s terminology according to these factors provides receiver a better chance at accurately decoding the message; effective communication is achieved.

Noise, one other communication buffer is any function that obstructs the clarity of the message. Noise may be further broken into three types. Internal noise refer to obstructions in peoples mind i. electronic. what they or thinking or their state of mind. Anger, joy, aggravation can almost all alter the method in which a message is understood and for that reason affect the feedback of the concept. External sound is occurrences in the environment that block or alter the meaning or comprehension of the message such as, not comfortable weather and chaotic area. Semantic sound is the meaning one hooks up to word therefore your psychological reaction to the word. This varies through countries as well as the various civilizations. It is important that receivers obvious all contradicting mental thoughts in order to interpret more accurately the message directed.

Assumption and judgment is another communication buffer. People generally hold opinions to various situations. Their opinions are somewhat unreasonable simply because they draw findings from one occurrence. A typical example of this is stereotyping which are preconceived notions or ideas about people or situations. Take the Guyanese issue in Barbados. Barbadians hold the watch that all Guyanese immigrate in their land to steal their careers.

However , this might not be entirely true, might be they arrived to experience the advantages of a much even more stabilized region, better home for that pet, better education, all of which do not display an intent to “steal” jobs coming from Barbadians. This conception provides caused stress between the two nationalities. Misconceptions generally cause tension since people don’t wait to ascertain the full photo; instead that they draw a conclusion from one event and label it on all additional similar situations.

Culture is the set of norms, traditions and customs applied by a society. Lifestyle varies from nation to country as different encounters and incidents have taken place between the countries. Cultural dissimilarities therefore happen to be another kind of communication obstacles. Difference between persons could cause a message to be interpreted incorrectly. Persons interpret messages based on their experience and knowledge. While using culture buffer the two participants’ culture will vary hence the receiver can interpret the message in another way from the actual sender meant to encode. In France it is a norm to be late for a meeting or any involvement however in the American culture this is considered as rude shortage of interest and disorganization. One more illustration is where in American civilizations maintaining eye-to-eye contact while speaking displays assurance and surety whilst in Japan this is seen as impolite.

Centered on the boundaries defined above the chances of the barriers impacting communication can easily be minimized by the sender and receiver being aware of their variations i. electronic.  in culture and language. One should use basic words, terms that match the academic or social level of the receiver. In terms of the presumption barrier folks should recognize that grouping conditions into one number because of one or few situations is not recommended. Persons need to communicate objectively and rule out thoughts and feelings that categorize the other player (receiver) and rather take the person in their context and try to communicate on a level that will give them a fair chance.

The ultimate barrier sound can be avoided by persons paying attention of their surroundings (external noise) and them trying to find a quieter and peaceful place to communicate. Inside noise can easily be avoided if both sender and receiver clear their minds and later think thoughts related to what is being communicated. Semantic noise can be avoided if the fernsehsender is aware of words that people attach meanings to. Semantic noise is very similar to the use of language during conversation and the stage highlighted in the “nigger” example refers to this point as well.

What is Strategic Flexibility?

A business operates to satisfy customers and to outmaneuver rivals in order to achieve a competitive edge. Strategic overall flexibility is a characteristic the majority of organizations need to possess as it allows the business enterprise to examine the internal and exterior environment so appropriate adjustments to resource use can easily be made and decisions can be implemented to adapt to the changing environment. Proper flexibility supplies a range of alternatives when making ideal decisions and it provides a source to learn from mistakes so it is a favorable characteristic for just about any organization.

Strategic flexibility stresses the idea of being able to adapt to the environment. Slocum and Hellriegel (2007) describes perception as the procedure by which people select, organize, interpret and respond to information from the community around them.

Describe fully the notion of strategic overall flexibility as it relates to perception, self idea, intercultural conversation and spoken communication

Self-concept is how a single thinks or feels about themselves. A positive home concept exerts confidence while a weak self concept exerts little self-confidence. Perception is how one appears at others and the world around them. So perception and self idea are related in that you perceive the world in ways which have been in keeping along with your self concept. How you seem at the community depends on what you think of yourself, and everything you think of yourself will impact how you look at the universe.

Strategic flexibility in relation to self perception and self concept depends on what perceptions managers have of the company and the self- strategy of themselves (if they are capable in driving the business in to success). For example a newly proven firm with low profits. When managers decide to carry out a SWOT analysis their perception and self strategy will have an effect on the business. A weakness may be discovered however since their perception of the business is negative no effort is made to override this weak point and mould it into a strength.

Therefore in strategic overall flexibility managers need to possess positive self ideas and awareness in order to adapt to the environment and also place strengths which may be hidden in the form of a weakness and chances in the form of threats. Belief and self-concept therefore possess a bearing on the success of the business and when these factors are acknowledged positively the opportunity of success is greater.

Intercultural connection is how a single communicates with others that possess differing backgrounds and experience i. elizabeth. culture. In today’s world globalization is taking a profound effect on the success of businesses. Since the universe is becoming more integrated the chance of facing intercultural differences is inevitable and could business lead to conflicts if not handled properly Therefore there is a need to get effective expertise in intercultural interaction in growing businesses.

When businesses possess great intercultural conversation skills this enhances the electricity of strategic flexibility in the business. Strategic flexibility-adapting to the environment — goes in line with intercultural communication since this is an issue which deals with dissimilarities. In dealing with foreign makers, distributors or customers culture differences will come up and the capability for managers to successfully fix problems by their awareness and patience proves the importance of intercultural communication in strategic flexibility.

Spoken communication is another element of strategic flexibility. Conversation in its entirety is vital intended for without it how could we understand each other peoples feelings, would like, and challenges and so on. Within the organization communication is the medium whereby the daily operations are discussed, problems solved and objectives developed and responded. The continuity of the business is dependent on the effectiveness of communication between company, employees and customers seeing that communication abilities can either help to make or break businesses.

The better one recognizes verbal connection the higher the possibility that the communication will be communicated accurately. Also in strategic flexibility how managers express all their messages is going to influence how they perceive talents, weaknesses, chances and threats. Therefore in strategic flexibility wonderful verbal conversation skills required. It provides sharper and more appropriate anticipation, evaluation, evaluation, collection and software of major businesses.


  • Saundra Hybels and Rich L. Weaver (2007) Interacting Effectively, 8th edition, g. 4-14, 30-31, 56-57, 107-109
  • John Watts. Slocum Jr. and Don Hellriegel (2007) Basic principles of Organizational Behavior p. 340
  • Robins and Coulter, Administration, 9th release Chapter 8, Proper Management
  • Management informationAvailable at: Date Accessed: [October 19th 2008]
  • Communication Process by Nick SanchezAvailable at: Seen: [October 16th 2008]


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