Patient privateness protecting patient privacy

  • Category: Law
  • Words: 427
  • Published: 03.09.20
  • Views: 515
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Patient Privileges, Patient Security, Patient Protection, Patient Proper care

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Just those that are supposed to have access to that information may have all of the right keys to unlocking this. Advanced technology including retinal tests, or fingerprint matching could be employed at most sensitive levels.

The execution of such a program would be lengthy and difficult. The first step is the development and testing in the software package. The second would be schooling bedside staff to enter data into the program properly. Another would be to encode existing patient information in to the system. Up coming, a system for dispersing use of the various levels would have to be developed. Each one of these components results in an integrated program that would result in the highest degree of patient confidentiality, yet would allow those that require confidential use of have it. This product would provide the requires of the patients by way of quality improvement and would provide the ideal level of protection possible.


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