Of Mice and Men Character Analysis Essay

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  • Published: 10.23.19
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Create a study with the character of Crooks, displaying how Steinbeck uses him to tell all of us more about the different characters, and about the cultural and cost-effective context with the book? This novel takes place in the 1930’s, it was a time of great despression symptoms, there was ethnicity prejudice to coloured people and there was very few work opportunities which makes it hard for individuals to have a good standard of living.

Steinbeck wrote this kind of novel to show us the daunting and alarming conditions for staff at this time; this individual chose each character to represent a different kind of person. For instance , one of the characters Crooks presents coloured people. When browsing the story of mice and man we learn that Crooks is a kind and considerate man “You told me to warm up tar for the mule’s foot. I acquired it warm” this tells us that Thieves is generous man which is always happy to help. “I can do it if you would like Mr Slim” when Thieves is speaking to Slim, he can deferential to Slim and treats him like a outstanding by calling him Mister Slim.

Though Crooks is actually a kind guy he is certainly not treated reasonably and adequate all credited racial misjudgment “they allow the nigger are available in that night” first of all he’s not even called by his proper identity instead each uses racial splendour to point him out as he is referred to as intimidating and awful words and phrases such as nigger and secure buck. This individual does not hokum with the others workers because the other personnel are hurtful towards him and all because of his shade Crooks needs to live in a well balanced buck wherever all the other family pets live as he is certainly not treated while an equal, “had his bunk in the harness-room; a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn” this tells us that Crooks is definitely treated wrongly as he needs to live in appalling conditions.

We all also get the impression that Crooks is usually isolated from the other employees making him feel unhappy and abandoned “Crooks explained darkly: men don’t come into a colored man’s area very much” this lets us know that Crooks has no true friends, this may not be because he is known as a atrocious guy, it is because of racial misjudgment. Another reason so why Crooks is lonely is the fact he segregates himself from your white staff as he’s the only black worker around the ranch. We all learn that Crooks is usually well educated as he has ebooks in his place “And he had books, also; a tattered dictionary and a maules copy with the California civil code pertaining to 1905. ” This likewise tells us that although there is ethnicity prejudice, Criminals knows his rights.

We get the impression that Thieves is realistic and scornful and once desires for owning his own farm “You’re almonds. Crooks was scornful. I realize hundreds of males come by around the roads an’ on the ranches with their bindles on their back again an’ that same darn thing on the heads. ” This tells us that Thieves is like any ordinary person, he even offers dreams to own a farm one day. “…If you…guys will need a side to help nothing – just his keep, so why I’d come an’ lend a hand.

This shows that Crooks is definitely desperate to get free from this ranch and he could be hoping he will one day individual that farmville farm. “Well, jus’ forget this, said Crooks. ‘I didn’t mean this. Jus’ foolin’.

I wouldn’t want to go no place like that” Crooks today realises there is absolutely no way he will probably ever get free from the farm and use a farm therefore he attempts to convince himself he by no means wanted a farm to begin with. “The door opened quietly and the steady buck put in his head; a lean negro mind, lined with pain, the eye patient. ” This tells us that Crooks should be patient when living with the employees as he is aware of he is below the other workers because he is known as a coloured guy and if Thieves was to make a slight move out of series there will be concerns and arguements will use. When Thieves is talking to Candy, Crooks has to deal with him well otherwise difficulty will use, “you come in if you want” Although Criminals does not wish Candy to come in this individual has to treat the additional workers with respect “Candy seemed ashamed.

I do know. Study course, if en este momento want me personally to” We have the impression that Chocolate feels ashamed to go right into a coloured mans room. “I was born the following in Cal. My old fart had a poultry ranch, bout ten massive areas. The white kids come to play in our place” this tells us that in Crooks previous life, there were nor often racial elegance and he was once remedied as an equal and as this individual got older there was more racial prejudice.

Most of the various other workers treat Crooks without respect except for Slim who also treats Crooks like an similar and in return Crooks snacks him like a superior. “Huh? Oh’ Hi there Crooks. What’s ‘a subject? ” To start with, this lets us know that Slims treats Criminals with value by dialling him simply by his proper name, we all also get the impression that Slims displays consideration to Crooks simply by asking him “What’s ‘a matter? ” Slim may be the only staff member that aspects Crooks pertaining to who this individual actually is. “Well, he ain’t doin’ no harm.

I give him certainly one of my pups. ” This kind of shows that Thin is kind and friendly towards everyone and not just Thieves. The majority of the personnel at the farm treat Criminals will zero respect and possess no account “where the hell is that The almighty damn nigger? ” the first impression My spouse and i get is that the workers usually do not treat Thieves reasonably, as they do not contact him simply by his name, they will call him racial terms such as nigger and secure buck. If the workers obtain angry all anger is taken out on Crooks, this tells us that Crooks is definitely not cared for like a human being all because of racial bias. “Cause I’m black. They will play playing cards in there, but I can’t play mainly because I’m dark-colored.

They say I stink. ” This reveals us that not only a modest amount of workers are racist to Crooks, the vast majority of workers will be. “Smitty says he woulda killed the nigger” this kind of tells us the workers not only hate him but they need to destroy him, this provides us the impression for the amount of racial splendour. Even Curley’s wife who will be not a member of staff at the ranch is racist towards Thieves “Listen, Nigger, she explained.

You no what I can easily do to you personally if you open up your trap” Thieves is take care of badly by majority of employees on the ranch due to ethnicity discrimination Criminals has to treat them very well “Yes ma’am” Although Criminals knows his rights, this individual has not many of them and he has to show admiration towards the various other worker The other personas show not any respect towards Crooks because they are racist, unjust and inappropriate towards him, the majority of the personnel do not even call Thieves by his name and call him racial phrases such as ‘nigger’ “where on earth is that The almighty damn nigger? ” The only character who shows virtually any sign of respect to Crooks can be Slim, Sleek treats him like an the same “Hello Criminals. What’s ‘a matter? ” Although inside the time this kind of novel was set there is racial elegance Slim has not been racist to Crooks as they was a reasonable and reputable man. In exchange Crooks goodies Slim like a superior “I can do it if you would like, Mr Slim” We get the impression that Lennie would not even zero who Crooks is as he has a incredibly immature actions and a childish head

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