New product managing overview american literature

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  • Words: 437
  • Published: 03.11.20
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Medical Management, Meals Labeling, Food Industry, Junk food

Excerpt via ‘Literature Review’ chapter:

NPD Measurement and Quality Rendering – Naturally , without proper way of measuring metrics, virtually any NPD model will are unsuccessful, and it is within the metrics that decisions for the next round of strategy will certainly occur (Anderson, 557). Alter is necessary inside all frames of business. Just as demographics and psychographics evolve, thus must the foodstuff industry. However , innovation for the sake of innovation is likely to be not the direction the industry ought to pursue, but instead a more researched approach and utilization of the tools of Advancement Management to drive quality and proactive implementation of new food products (Costa, 2008).

Conclusion and Future of NPD – In the past, there has been an increased rate of failure in the food industry’s NPD. This may be the consequence of too many products bombarding the market- seeking market share, and also the lack of quality and confirmable research (Stewart-Knox and Mitchell, 2003, 58). Scholarship discloses just how important marketing studies prior to the launch of virtually any new product. That, combined with an industry agreed upon common of Best Practices, should give a greater framework by which continuous, and substance, strategic managing issues arise (Kahn, et. al. 107). NPD, while essentially ad advertisement function must, however , give greater attention and idea to the large amount of research that indicates and improvement in quality standards can only become met through a better understanding of consumer behavior. Granted, a CEO may receive just 120 consumer complaints about an item that has shipped in the thousands, but which is not the cause pertaining to retooling or regenerating a brand new “improved item. ” Instead, utilize the marketing and scientific paradigms to improve decisions and increase ROI (Krishnan and Ulrich, 15).


Anderson, A. (2008). “A Framework for NPD Management. inch Food Scientific research and Technology. 19 (1): 553+.

Costa, A. (2008). “Food Development Management. inch Food Science and Technology. 19 (3):

Hart, H. And M. Baker. (1994). “The Multiple Convergent Finalizing Model of Cool product Development. inch International Marketing Review. 14 (1): 77+.

Kahn, E., et. ‘s. (2006). “Perspective: Establishing a NPD Guidelines

Framework. inch Product Advancement Management. twenty three (1): 106.

Krishnan, V. And T. Ulrich. (2001). “Product Expansion Decisions: An assessment The Literature. ” forty seven (1): 1+.

Lehman, M. (2006). “It’s New, Yet is it Very good? New Product Expansion and Macromarketing. ” Record of Macromarketing. 26 (1): 8+.

Stewart-Knox, B. And

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