Mongols dbq article

  • Category: Society
  • Words: 592
  • Published: 02.20.20
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Over time the Mongolian military has become identifiable with the term barbarian. The definition of philistine is unsophisticated, primitive, and savagely vicious. These terms do not provide the Mongols enough credit. I really believe that they weren’t completely philistine though they did have some intense techniques. They were advanced strategists for their time period. The Mongolian army was run having a strict order and hefty emphasis was placed on living by the guidelines that were place.

Their military was executed a specific approach and there was clearly no space for noncooperation.

A basic 12 grouping program was a key component in to be able to control this kind of a large mass of warriors (Doc 2). The same rule of how few can rule many as well contributed to a successful and trained army: they will used fear. All cowardice was really frowned upon many always resulted in death. In the event three or maybe more of a group of ten a warrior fled the battle, most ten had been killed. When a whole band of ten leaped away, the whole group of a hundred was slain (Doc 2).

Considering that the Mongols were strategists, that they knew that battles were known to last many several hours and even days and nights. They would send out their a warrior to battle in alterations so as to continue the strength and power of their very own army and never lose given that they ran out of energy (Doc 3). There was simply no tolerance pertaining to anything that had not been the best and it undoubtedly paid off. These people were sophisticated enough to know that groups of many learn by example and had to be firm in their control.

The Mongols had various rules. Guidelines and laws and regulations helped with keeping order and structure in that huge disposition. Many of them were as certainly common sense: “The whip isn’t very yours? May touch it (Doc 7). Simple rules like that aided in rooting out fraud on any kind of scale. Two of the main subject areas that laws concerned were hospitality and adultery. The Mongols got taken hospitality to the next level by putting this in writing that even if you have to go days without food, your guest can eat a lot and you will work asthough you are complete (Doc 10).

A unfamiliar person anywhere in the Mongol disposition never needed to worry about places to stay or essentials with a set series of laws and regulations like the one previously mentioned. Another important topic addressed was adultery. Coitus was no kidding matter to the Mongols. Anyone guilty of committing it was performed ” not any exceptions. A married girl in Mongolia was not to be touched under any circumstances even if she was captured. Her captor had to kill her hubby before beginning any kind of relations with her (Doc 10). Transgressions against Mongolian laws weren’t taken softly: this way of ruling was definitely good for its success as being a dominating disposition. There is absolutely nothing savage or perhaps cruel about order.

Given all of this data, it is difficult to view how the Mongols could be labeled as barbaric and ancient. Though they were doing have questionable methods of strike, they were tacticians above all else. Much more ways than one the Mongolian disposition was fashionable in laws and regulations and framework. To find out who have the true barbarians are, it truly is all about point of view.


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