Marketing environment based on the essay

  • Category: Promoting
  • Words: 505
  • Published: 02.26.20
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Chocolates, Marketing Examination, Service Marketing, Environment

Research from Article:

On the other hand, technology makes will effect the Hershey Company because the technological understanding of consumers effects their desires for products. This is generally because technological advances have created opportunities achievable products, fresh methods for affecting customers, and new providing methods.

Strategies for Overcoming Risks:

Generally, the technological, societal, and financial factors give marketing environment factors that pose marketing threats to the approaches implemented by the Hershey Company is usually selling and distributing its products and services to it is customers. Marketing threats happen to be environmental elements that can hinder the organization from accomplishing the marketing objectives. The identification of these forces in the exterior environment is usually part of the proper planning procedure through executing a SWOT analysis. Therefore, the firm needs to defeat these hazards through implementing some appropriate and powerful strategies.

To get the Hershey Company to cope with these advertising threats, probably the most suitable approaches could incorporate monitoring, expanding new products, safeguard of customer base, and id and minimization of disadvantages (Linton, and. d. ). The need to monitor threats in the industry is supported by the rate of enhancements made on the economy in order to change the business strategy while new risks emerge. The firm should also incorporate new product development plans in its long lasting business technique in order to manage the hazards. In light from the emergence of recent competitors, the corporation should develop a customer commitment strategy in order to protect the customer base. Furthermore, the identification and decreasing weaknesses through prioritizing activities help the organization to deal with pushes that stand for greatest risk.

Notably, the achievements of marketing projects of products and services of the Hershey Firm is also influenced by capitalizing on chances in the promoting environment. This is achieved through various tactics like improving consumer confidence, creating awareness of products and services, and leveraging emotions. These approaches boost the existing marketing methods and enable the firm to optimize on opportunities in the environment.

In conclusion, the marketing environment is seen as some environmental forces which may have a considerable influence on the approaches for providing and releasing products and services. Since these makes are risks, they require effective strategies for coping with them to be able to maximize for the opportunities within the market.


Linton, I actually. (n. g. ). Strategies to Overcome Promoting Threats. Gathered September 19, 2012, by

Particularidad, M. (n. d. ). Chocolate Market Analysis 2012 – Costs and Developments. Retrieved September 19

2012, from

“The Hershey Company. ” (2009). Usa Securities and Exchange Commission. Retrieved September 19, 2012, from

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