Literature research Essay

  • Category: Book
  • Words: 780
  • Published: 01.15.20
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I discovered a lot of valuable info from performing my literature research.

I was able to see that many individuals have different answers on how to fight bullying. I also found away very interesting statistics on intimidation over the past three years. They showed me that every year there is an increasing volume of children contacting child line about intimidation issues in comparison to the previous years.

This is statistical evidence to back up my hypothesis, bullying can be spiralling away of control. If I have been able to perform my interview my effects would have been much more valid. Valid data is a the case picture of what is staying measured. From your interview that we did conduct I was capable of look at the landscapes of a brain teacher who had been in education for many years so was able to see if bullying really was getting even worse. She is convinced that lovato hasn’t acquired any worse it is just society now has a greater understanding of it.

In addition, she says because there is now far more media protection that gives the younger generation ideas to do different things in people to obtain attention. This could refute my hypothesis but since this is of only one individuals view it can be not as valid as I want. When conducting my forms I had 15 participants to get the adult questionnaire and 10 members for the children’s customer survey.

This was pretty small scale therefore making it lass valid. Basically had a longer period of time I would be able to get far more respondents and get them via a wider area making my outcomes more valid and more dependable My comes from the adults questionnaire revealed me that most the respondents believe that bullying isn’t spiralling out of control the just society has a higher awareness of it. 70% of my participants were also aware about bullying if they were at school. My personal questionnaires i received through the children demonstrated me they have a lot expertise on the subject. All of the children said that bullying had been around for some time and 0ver half of all of them thought that it was getting even worse.

This could be because as the get older they are starting to experience more bullying situations to see this since it is due to the fact that intimidation is getting even worse. In conclusion my own results both equally support my own hypothesis ( bullying can be spiralling away of control) and refute it. I came across supporting evidence for both of these so I can’t say which I believe is true. My forms and interview are supporting evidence for my personal hypothesis nevertheless the literature research shows me good evidence to refute it especially the record evidence I found.

Therefore I cannot conclude from my analysis that bullying is spiralling out of control nonetheless it is a solid possibility that society is actually more mindful of it that might make intimidation look like it truly is spiralling unmanageable with all the new media attention there has been. If I repeated my personal research project to make it even more valid and reliable I might do a longitudinal survey. With these I would be able to review the changes of bullying and make evaluations over time producing the benefits I have already more reliable as I would be able to backside them plan these repeated results. I would be able to gain a lot of quantitative info which would enable myself to produce very reliable stats that help me to analyse record data more than a longer period of time.

I could also use supervised forms as I will then know the fact that person that I needed to complete the questionnaire actually would making them even more valid. A way of getting more participants to fill up my set of questions within the short space of time that I would have will be to use postal questionnaires. I could cheaply reach a large amount of persons making my own results more valid.

The challenge with these types of is that they have got a low response rate (less than 50%). I could also look at bullying from a different sort of angle, to get a better comprehension of it. I could look more at the types of lovato that happen and the distinct effects it has on the victims.

This could produce a further insight into the several aspects of lovato and could probably show me ways in which bullying could be stopped.

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