Leadership organization and unsupported claims

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  • Words: 432
  • Published: 02.25.20
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Hillary Clinton, Leadership, Trust, Leadership Experience

Excerpt coming from Essay:

Leadership, Organization and Rhetoric (Perception of Leadership Styles and Trust across Cultures and Gender)

I agree with most of the author’s findings individuals that connect with gender, traditions, trust and likelihood of voting influenced the outcome of the Democratic Party primaries in 08. This was plainly displayed from the numerical screen of predictable voting patterns in some says and these states acquired predominant cultures and races that achieved it possible to foretell or predict that they will political election and/or whom they will political election despite the plans of the get together, the basic thought would be the prospect himself. However , I have some reservations about some of the writer’s pronouncement and assertions that attention needs to be placed backside upon transactional leadership which was initially belittled for being less effective than life changing leadership in the present00 (Quader, 2011). Transactional command is experienced once there is component of exchange, or aspect of reward and punishment in whichever form. As a result of unique challenges that commanders face in carrying out all their mandate there is not any single leadership theory that may be applied in all circumstances. An issue at hand ought to be critically checked out and a remedy contingent with all the situation implemented (Mind Tools, 2013). Tis them implies that employing the reward-punishment command style since suggested by the writer is not universally applicable and would rather be intégral rather than successful in command. That Obama is honest, forward looking, and motivating while Hillary Clinton proficiency can be be subject to protracted argument. However , the author’s placement that Obama is a qualified planner and a skilled organizer is accurate and noticed in his management of the region during his first and current term. This can be attested to by fact that this individual built a 700 person organization that enhanced his fund raising efforts during Democratic primary election campaigns (Quader, 2011). I agree while using author and his position that traits expertise, honesty, measured leadership among other characteristics cannot be used to justify if Obama or Clinton work leaders and that it is essential that individual leader’s behavior and elegance should instead be looked at vitally and considered when analyzing their management style plus the effectiveness of the identical.

The author’s assertion that transactional leadership theory, life changing leadership theory, trait theory, situational theory and a contingency approach are the most recognized management theory is suitable. The article writer correctly described that these behaviors and styles are determinants

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