Is peace possible term paper

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Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, Hamas, Spartan

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Peace Conceivable in the Modern World?

Is peace possible in the world as you may know it today? One area of the human brain, if idealistic, might respond: “Certainly tranquility is possible, even perpetual peace, but it is achievable only if futurist, bold and intelligent leadership emerges in key foreign places. inches The other side of the brain may answer such as this: “Are you kidding? There are too many terrorists, and way too many greedy, power-crazed nationalist market leaders pushing and shoving and developing weapons to ever before expect a peaceful community. ” And meanwhile, what did some of the great thinkers and philosophers have to say regarding the potential customers of peace?

THUCYDIDES: Thucydides, in writing about the Peloponnesian War, helps it be clear that human nature is likely to dictate how history performs itself out, and he does not fault the Gods or other forces just for this war. Thucydides, who is a young man, and an perceptive, is surviving in Athens; this individual writes (38) at wonderful length about the many variations between the Athenian life (his life) as well as the style of surviving in Sparta. In his explanation in the differences among education in the city state, Athens, and education in Sparta, this individual writes that “from their earliest boyhood” the Spartans “are published to the the majority of laborious training in courage”

. The Athenians, however, according to the writings of Thucydides, “… pass our lives with no all these limitations, and yet are only as prepared to face the same dangers as they are. “

While more proof that Athens is the even more worthy, the more generous, literate, informed and intelligent world, Thucydides (39) writes: “We Athenians, within our own folks, take each of our decisions in policy or perhaps submit those to proper talks: for do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and actions… ” What is bad for a nation, he continues, “… is to run into action before the outcomes have been correctly debated… we could capable simultaneously of taking risks and of estimating all of them beforehand. inches

(Here, Thucydides is saying about war in the time what others in 2004 assert about the U. S. war on – and occupation of – Iraq. Director George T. Bush, in accordance to his opponent, Senator John Kerry, did what Thucydides says a country should not do, and that is “rush into actions before the outcomes have been properly debated. ” Is serenity possible beneath Thucydides’ sagesse? Idealism is very important, and minds rather than guns make for what should be a peaceful society. But while Thucydides the very intelligent argument to get a thoughtful approach to building a culture that can succeed a battle, and then bring back peace, Athens lost the Peloponnesian Warfare. )

NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI: This kind of thinker presumed that when a conquering country seizes charge of another area through war, and that area is “in the same country, with the same language… It is very easy to hold them, especially if they are not used to governing themselves”

(259). From what Machiavelli publishes articles, he is most certainly not talking about approaches to bring about tranquility on the planet during his period (in the first 16th Century), but rather he can writing “political realism” – and to some extent based on his readings of ancient Roman power and politics.

The philosophy this individual promoted for any nation to hold on to power the moment that nation rules a colony should be to become “a protector with the neighboring minor powers and contrive to weaken individuals who are powerful inside the country itself” (260). “Contrive” is a expression that does not could be seen as sincerity, and it is not; and further, on page 261, Machiavelli identifies what a ruler must do to “maintain his power. inches If that ruler, Machiavelli writes, “persists in doing what ought to be done, ” then he “will challenge his electricity rather than maintain it. inch And, a ruler who have “wishes to maintain his electricity must be ready to act immorally” when “necessary. “

Is the Machiavellian frame of mind correct to get building peace in the world? That seem that way at all. But since “peace” for carried away and ruthless leaders means controlling other countries, from that point-of-view, the world – which will already offers

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