Human struggling in the midst of progress term

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  • Words: 626
  • Published: 02.13.20
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Reproductive Program, Syntax, Individualism, Psychoanalytic Theory

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Individual Suffering in the Midst of Progress in the Works of EE Cummings Mark Rothko

At the turn of the 20th century, American culture provides flourished substantially, especially with the emergence of important areas of self-control that stimulate individualism and free appearance in works of art created simply by American artists. This happening is especially noticeable after Ww ii, where the turmoil among the planet’s nations acquired affected the psyche of American society and nation, one of the major players in the recently determined war. Following WWII, diverse lifestyles include emerged in the American world: consumerism, urbanism, and hedonism. These life styles gave delivery to individualism and independence of appearance among people, specifically now that the mass media managed to get possible for the society to switch and extend messages and information to people located in different areas. However , despite these advancements in American life, people have initially become disillusioned and disoriented about life, primarily due to the negative effects of the war, which lead to millions of deaths of people’s lives and destruction of the physical environment of societies via all over the world.

This paper talks about how the theme of disillusionment and disorientation inside the American world prevailed in the works of American artists, especially in the realm of visual arts and literary works. This paper studies and analyzes fairly the work from the poet elizabeth. e. cummings and the painter Mark Rothko, and explain through their particular works just how individualism and expressionism started to be the ideologies that helped illustrate your human suffering in the piece of art “Gethsemane” by Mark Rothko and “pity this monster, manunkind” simply by e. elizabeth. cummings.

Edward Estlin Cummings, popularly known as e. at the. cummings, is usually an American poet person who is reputed for his non-traditional poetic designs in his literary works. e. e. cummings’ poetry is mainly described as non-traditional, because he varies from the classic technical information in poems. These deviations from the classic poem design and methods include the make use of small albhabets instead of capital letters (notice that call him by his name is also abbreviated and written in small letters), nonconventional typographical styles, altered syntax, unconventional punctuation, plus the use of new words. These unconventional graceful styles and techniques are illustrated in the poem eligible, “pity this monster, manunkind, ” in which the theme of individual disillusionment and suffering amidst the progress of world after WWII is plainly depicted.

Made in 1944, “pity this monster, manunkind” is a great illustration of cummings’ non-traditional poetry, in which he uses non-syntax forms in creating his poem. Organization of terms in every line will not follow virtually any stanza business, where every stanza may contain a variety of 1-3 lines. Notice also that the title (pity the huge, manunkind, ) is a extension of the first line of the poem. It can be surmised how the title may also be the first line of the poem, but mainly because cummings’ poem does not stick to conventional poetic styles, the business of the lines is unclear in the composition. Furthermore, cummings also fuses two terms together, method that is uniquely associated with the publisher: “… into a mountainrange; improved lenses extend as well as unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish / earnings on the unself… inches (lines 6-8). The words “mountainrange, ” “wherewhen, ” and “mountainrange; lenses” show that cummings would not follow spacing rules in the work; he use words and phrases and put these people in his poem in any way this individual wishes. These unconventional models in cummings’ poem demonstrate the ideology of individuality

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