Gardenia bakeries kl sdn bhd

  • Category: Business
  • Words: 1109
  • Published: 01.27.20
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Bread, Business


A company which I possess chosen is usually Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd in Malaysia. The founder on this brand is an American man called, Horatio Sye Slocumm. In 1969, he was directed by International Executive Service Corporation (IESC) to kick off a bakery in East Malaysia. Singapore and Philippines also have Gardenia Bakery. This company had offered and developed an assortment of breads which are the highest quality, great tasting, nourishing and so on. Gardenia bread includes various species of bread just like white loaf of bread, grain bread, flavoured loaf of bread, snack, truffles and so on. Apart from this, it offered bread which is halal certified for those who are Muslim person. In addition , its bread is affordable for people via all areas. In the era of globalization, most of the people include started putting an emphasis on their overall health so it suggested many healthy and balanced options which usually contains the substantial nutrition level like nutritional B and E and mineral. Consequently, its loaf of bread is more well-known compared to other brands of bread.

Market segmentation

Gardenia Bakery (KL) Sdn. Bhd had segmented their dedication customers into two categories, psychographic factor and demographic factor. In psychographic aspect, Gardenia differentiates their consumer into handful of sectors based upon their foundation personality, purposes or lifestyles and how that they behave inside their daily lives. Firstly, this focuses on all customer’s way of life. Gardenia more focuses on rewarding and getting together with the demands of shoppers who with regard to, comfortable and so on. Currently, clients need more specific taste of the bread and they hope eating healthy and delicious breads. Hence, this still maintains to hold and provide refreshing and healthier breads with their customer and delivery channel where help them resell goods such as supermarket, emporium and so forth. It also developed the breads which is “Halal” for all persons especially Malays and vegetarian. Thence, Gardenia is suitable for every ethnic person. Apart from that, in demographic component, Gardenia is targeted on the age of consumers. Gardenia divides the customers in to adolescents, adults and senior citizens. It focuses on providing a high level of blood sugar of the bread to the children because they require more energy to consume. Hence, Gardenia had manufactured a new good which is waffle bread to satisfy their needs. There after, Gardenia produced new taste of the loaf of bread that is State Cheese breads. The mozzarella cheese bread contains two various sorts such as traditional cheese and pizza mania., It concentrates on providing healthy and soft breads pertaining to the adults and citizens. This is because they will in at present had started out focusing on their very own body well being, so they are going to consume the bread that includes a low fat, low sweet and also more supplement and dietary fibre. Gardenia got invented the entire grain bread which contain if you are a00 of dietary fibre and nutritional vitamins to fulfil their needs.

Marketplace Targeting

After Gardenia Bakeries Sdn. Bhd segmenting their market, its bread are made pertaining to targeting absolutely free themes who like the its bread and reseller who helps them to showcase their breads to different peoples. Gardenia Bakeries will certainly hope to increase their earnings, so it creates new product to draw more consumers. it targets what the common needs of customers instead of about what is distinctive. Although it provides small level of the customers industry but with numerous customers so that it has an substantial sell could be realized. It created and offered selection of breads for customers to let all of them have more choices of the selections of it is breads. Reseller market who have aids these people by releasing and providing their bread is also types of industry for it to. For example , supermarket like Petrol station, Giant or coffee shop and also convenience store like 7-eleven. The customers can go through the route of reseller market to learn and be familiar with Gardenia. In the event the reseller who may be well-known and popular very easily controls the customer market, therefore it would be immediately promoted towards the customers immediately.

Market Placing

Gardenia have extremely positioned their brand in the consumers’ minds in respect of advantages of their products. As an example, Gardenia has an own tune and slogan which is “So good¦you may also eat this on the own”. Therefore, the customers with listened to this kind of song, they are going to decide to purchase their breads and didn’t consider other brands. In the brains in the customers, they will think of the healthy and freshness Gardenia breads, and so customers will choose which will brand of loaf of bread to consume. Absolutely free themes will select Gardenia bread as a breakfast as Gardenia breads include a high level of nutrition as well as the price is affordable for everyone. Absolutely free themes will also keep in mind the symbols and picture company of Gardenia. Besides, Gardenia also guarantees and assures that their products “Halal” to make sure that people who find themselves in different religious beliefs can ingest. Apart from that, buyers will create their minds about the taste, structure and appearance the of item that Gardenia that provides one example is Gardenia Initial Classic and Gardenia Fruición.


In a nutshell, Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd used online marketing strategy to attract their target customers and boost more business opportunity. One of the marketing strategy which utilized by Gardenia is usually market segmentation, they had segmented into two main classification which are Psychographic and Market. Gardenia is targeted on the age and lifestyle in the customers, therefore they have provided and created new products in order to meet the needs of all age group people. Moreover, Gardenia as well used marketplace targeting which can be marketing strategy to focus on its marketplace which is the costumer market and reseller market. Gardenia targets the costumers who have are dedicated and enjoys their breads as well as shops who make them promote and sell all their breads. Furthermore, Gardenia located their brands in the minds of the customers strongly by song. The shoppers will take into account the Gardenia breads which are fresh and healthier deep inside their minds. Every one of the breads coming from Gardenia don’t have any artificial or perhaps preservative. Gardenia remains their very own bread which is healthy, clean and more creativity. Gardenia is an excellent bread for all of us to purchase as this is a right decision-making.

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