Freedom of speech can be granted to united states

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  • Words: 589
  • Published: 01.10.20
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zens within the firstamendment in the Constitution. Various people, nevertheless , seem to think that this

proper is often exercised too freely on television. If this is true or not is

a large controversy. Although most people believe in speaking their minds

on tv, it is also realized by most of the people that flexibility of presentation can

become carried too far, which is kind of ironic for the reason that constitution says that

US Citizens can say no matter what theyd want to say at any time theyd love to say


Violence is usually something that lots of people have a problem with once

they view it displayed on the television sets. This hasnt been determined in the event

television triggers people to take action violently or perhaps if violent people watch a lot of

television(Sensational TV SET 34), most viewers believe that violence is wrong

just the same. Researchers are, however , studying the effect tv set has on

cultivated adults. To get this done, however , they need to look back to the adults

childhood. Researchers believe that people might find over 100, 000 works of

simulated violence inside their childhood(Sensational TV 46).

The situation with freedom of speech and tv isnt just on the

audiences side. The people who are on television have got problems as well.

In April 18, 1996, Oprah Winfrey said some things on her talk show

regarding beef that may have business lead her followers to become scared to eat certain

cattle products. Oprah couldnt think this was that big of a deal, but recognized

her mistake when she was sued for $11 million for causing a decrease in

cattlemens promoting of meat. Oprah received the courtroom case since she hadnt

really done anything wrong. She was simply showing her audience some

simple stories and sharing information about the infamous mad cow


Another incident occurred when an emu rancher in East Texas believed

that a 1997 television business refereed to emus since meat. Inside the

commercial a male named Joe, who was gonna an emu ranch, was told that

emus was your pork of the future. Buckeye Egg Farm is suing for the reason that

commercial says emus can be meat, and theyve been accused of repackaging aged


Each of the problems with flexibility of talk on television may be

prevented and controlled. The V-Chip is definitely one thing that may be being used to help

control what children find on television. The V-Chip is one of Leader

Clintons the majority of prized procedures. It helps position the remote control in the

parents hands.

Another answer to the problem is the Childrens Tv Act of

1996. This told tv producers that they would have to be more aware of

childrens educational needs in their programs.

In conclusion, there are many those who are on television on a daily

basis and they have to be responsible for what they say. Though you have

the justification to say whatever you want to, you could be harming other folks when you

declare certain points.

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