Education in Egypt Essay

  • Category: Education
  • Words: 941
  • Published: 09.04.19
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Education is an important factor to a new and improved Egypt. But unfortunately the education we now have here in Egypt leads to high literacy level. This was tested through out the research. Also that large literacy level is due to the deterioration in the educational program and governmental schools.

The study was based upon a customer survey made and distributed amongst students and parents randomly. The questionnaire was divided into 5 queries. First learning their profession either college students or parents, second was either finding public or private educational institutions, for third question the quantity of students inside the class at this point and so what do they choose the most, out was techniques for increasing, and previous question will either be the literacy rate is usually effected from the way of education we have and why.

The Research had sixty two samples, these people were all both students or perhaps parents, these people were random selections, and all pupils where college students. The results extracted from the questionnaire showed 61% were students and 37% were father and mother. As for the other question there were a huge difference, there was 95% who choose private and later 5% select public and reasons had been defined. Pertaining to the third question there was very different results, relating to question (3 a) there was clearly 27.

42% answered 15 to 20 students, 37. 71% stated being in classes of 25 to 30 students, 29% solved 35 to 40 college students and only some. 84% solved 40+. Nevertheless question (3 b) experienced most of the selections answering similarly, having just 2 answers 71. 3% wanted fifteen to twenty students in class and twenty-eight.

7% accepted 25 to 30 learners as for the remainder 0%. To get the out question the participants acquired different viewpoints in responding to it since it is an open-ended question. Last question got 77. 4% answered certainly, 14. 5% for Not any and almost eight.

1% had neutral because their answer, throughout the question was also open-ended. Concerning query two so why they choose either community or personal, for people who select private universities was mainly because they have better education, educators are well qualified, more attending to students, the colleges are neater hygienic sensible, having the same social standard colleagues, the private educational institutions having better working surroundings, also for not just relating to on academic levels nevertheless also manners and ways. However for the few others who clarified public was because it is less expensive, near the property and because the parent job there it is therefore easier.

Heading back to the literary works review, yes searches performed get away that most persons or father and mother send youngsters private schools as for every one of the reason mentioned by the individuals. Regarding the on question there was so many ideas, some of them will be that changing the subjects, teachers having higher wages so they may have motivation on working better, changing the way of teaching, producing public and private schools going on the same subjects, reduce the quantity of students in classes to ensure that students and teachers could concentrate, low academic programs so that students loves the school and find out its crucial, having a better working environment for young students in classes, adding a lot of critical thinking so students do not get away of school having the technique of memorizing simply, improving the hygienic point out of the classes and WC.

Referring to what (Moussa) stated in the books review was same as a number of the participants’ effects about having overcrowded classes and the attention in class. Also as the educational institute claimed about take notice to the subjects and to continuously work on bettering it was also one of the individuals answers which shows that there is similarities between what the searches said as well as the questionnaires answers.

Although depending on (Helmy) the country’s curriculum and assessment systems highlight the memorization of information, which works against ground breaking thinking and knowledge creation is common to one of the answers about the critical pondering and not memorizing Finally question five folks who answered having a yes was because they presume government should certainly provide in public school a similar curriculum and importance of those men so learners would want to move, also they cannot give a attentiveness for those people who are in areas which you will find no schools so they cannot even care for learning, and so these are a few of the reasons that leads to excessive literacy rate however who had a simply no answer was because they presume that it is individuals does not would like to learn not because we have a negative education but because they presume working are certain to get them cash faster than studying initially then working, and natural did nevertheless education a lot of times is actually a main problem pertaining to literacy because it is not as good as it must be but it is sometimes not the barrier because if a person wants to study they will get their way to learn. To summarize hypothesis was supported, for most of the participants had similar answers as where in the books review since showing education is accountable in elevating or lowering high literacy rate, as well the quality of education in Egypt should be changed as for it truly is found out simply by margin that many of the people think precisely the same about education in Egypt.

Education is an extremely important aspect in everyone’s lives. It’s the education that makes all of us knowledgeable, respected, civilized persons so we have to take a very good care of it.

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