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Jonathan Swift, Simple Proposal, A Modest Pitch, Letter From Birmingham Prison

Excerpt by Term Paper:

Rebellion and Conformity in the Rhetoric of Fast and Ruler

Introduction to the texts

Authorial ‘position’


Leaders/literary employees

Authorial Purpose



Authorial Design

Similarities and differences utilized of indirect address


Concluding Commonalities

Jonathan Swift’s 1729 “A Modest Proposal” and Martin Luther King’s 1963 “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” are both performs written in protest simply by authors who were social critics of the contemporary mores with their society. Swift used satire to condemn the callousness showed by British society towards Irish and Irish children. Martin Luther King utilized direct and forceful polemical prose to attack the conformist ministers of the express of Liverpool where Full had arrive to engage in acts of civil disobedience, in the name of evolving the larger cause of civil rights in America.

Both King and Swift published as outsiders to their respective societies. Speedy took a bad view, individually and critical, of the take care of the Irish people by the English populace in 1729. To demonstrate this kind of sense which the Irish had been oppressed by famine and British cruelty, Swift advised a hyperbolic solution, the fact that Irish take in their own kids, thus ‘solving’ the problem of starvation in addition to the presumed difficulty of overpopulation. I “am not so strongly bent after my own opinion as to reject any provide proposed by wise males, which shall be found similarly innocent, cheap, easy, and effectual. inches (Swift, 1729) By using affectation, Swift displays the cruelty of the British oppressor’s errors, and how mistreatment of the Irish has become this kind of a norm that nobody saw its extremity, until it was brought out though the use of satire.

King’s verbal methods strike the contemporary target audience as entirely different in their presentation. The activist attempted to move the reader through relaxed, measured, and forceful facts, underlining just how again and again, African-Americans had been rejected their personal rights throughout American history. His language was not basically different when compared with Swift’s mainly because King was a 20th hundred years American, rather than 18th 100 years British essayist. King attempted to move his readers through direct talk, rather than through more roundabout techniques of humor. “But since That stuff seriously you will be men of genuine great will and this your criticisms are truly set forth, I want to try to answer your transactions in what I am hoping

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