Ap human geography chapter 1 outline composition

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Intro to Human Geography

Field Note: Human beings are geographers by nature. They can think territorially or spatially and have a comprehension of, and curiosity about the distinctive character of places. Even kids possess characteristics of geographers, creating carefully mapped realms in tiny places. Areas possess a great emotional top quality, and we almost all must belong somewhere.

Humans’ insatiable interest and the place-centered element within us gave birth to geography because an educational discipline. Conquest and commerce generated a purpose to know regarding the world and pragmatism was added in the past by dealers and explorers.

Geography virtually means “to describe the planet earth,  plus the practical facets of geography initial arose among the Greeks, Aventure, Mesopotamians, and Phoenicians.

I actually. What is Individual Geography?

A. Human being Geography: How people help to make places, how we organize space and world, and how we interact with each other across space

N. Globalization: Globally integration and development

II. What Are Geographic Questions?

A. Physical Geography: The branch of location concerned with normal features and phenomena with the earth’s surface, as landforms, drainage features, climates, soils, and plants.

W. Spatial: Existing or taking place in space

C. Space Distribution: The arrangement of the phenomenon across space D. Pattern: What relationship exist between distinct places and things Electronic. Medical Geography: The syndication of a diseaseF. Pandemic: An epidemic of infectious ailment that has spread through human foule across a sizable region (sometimes spread approximately worldwide) G. Epidemic: A widespread event of an infectious disease in a community by a particular time.

H. Spatial Perspective: A technique used in location to identify, foresee and

explain the physical and human habits in space

I actually. Location: Geographical position

J. Position Theory: Some contemporary human geography that seeks answers to a a comprehensive portfolio of questions-some assumptive, some useful K. Human-Environment: A space perspective that invites concern of the marriage among trends in person places-including between humans and the world

T. Region: The on Earth’s surface noticeable by a degree of formal, functional, or perceptual homogeneity of some sensation M. Place: A location

N. Perception of Place: State of mind derived through the infusion of a place with that means and sentiment by recalling important occasions that took place in that place or simply by labeling a place with a selected character. Um. Perception of Place: Belief or “understanding about a place developed through books, films, stories or perhaps pictures.

S. Movement: The mobility of men and women, goods and ideas across the surface of the planet. Q. Space Interaction: Both Complementarity ( A condition that exists when ever two locations, through an exchange of recycleables and/ or perhaps finished products, can particularly satisfy every other’s demands) and Intervening Opportunity (The presence of a nearer opportunity that considerably diminishes the attractiveness of sites farther away). L. Distance: Dimension of the physical space among two spots. S. Ease of access: The degree of ease with which it is also possible to reach a specific location from other locations. Capital t. Connectivity: The degree of direct entrave between one specific location and also other locations within a transport network. U. Landscape: The overall presence of an area

V. Social Landscape: The visible imprint of liveliness

T. Sequent Occupance: The notion that successive communities leave all their cultural imprints on a place, each causing the total cultural scenery.

III. How come do geographers use maps, and what d maps tell us?

A. Cartography: The artwork and scientific research of making maps, including info

system, layout, and design. Also concerned with the interpretation of mapped patterns.

N. Reference Maps: Maps that show the overall location of places and geographic features determined by a frame of reference C. Thematic Maps: Maps that tell testimonies, typically displaying the degree of some attribute with the movement of a geographic phenomenon.

D. Absolute Location: The positioning of place of a certain item on the area of the Earth as expressed in levels, minutes, and seconds of latitude

E. GPS DEVICE: Satellite-based program for identifying the absolute site of locations or geographic features.

F. Geocaching: A search for a refuge, the GPS DEVICE coordinates which can be placed on the Internet by additional geocachers.

G. Family member Location: The regional placement or condition of a place relative to the position of other places.

H. Mental Map: Image of picture of the way space is usually organized since determined by an individual’s perception, impression, and understanding of that space. I. Activity Space: The room within which usually daily activity occurs.

L. Generalized Map: When mapping data, if human physical geographers, cartographers, the geographers who generate maps, generalize the information the current on maps. K. Remote control Sensing: A procedure for collecting data or info through the use of tools that are physically distant from the area or perhaps object of study.

L. Geographic Info Systems: An accumulation of computer hardware and software that permits spatial info to be gathered, recorded, placed, retrieved, manipulated, analyzed, and displayed to the consumer.

IIII. What makes geographers concerned with scale and connectedness? A. Rescale: Involvement of players at additional scales to create support for any position or an initiative

B. Formal Region: A type of area in which the housing stock mostly reflects varieties of building that are particular for the culture with the people who have inhabited the area.

C. Practical Region: An area defined by the particular set of activities or perhaps interactions that occur within just it.

D. Perceptual Region: A region that only exists as a conceptualization or a concept and not like a physically demarcated entity. Elizabeth. Culture: The sum total with the knowledge, behaviour, and recurring behavior habits shared and transmitted by members of a society. Farrenheit. Culture Characteristic: A single component of normal practice in a tradition G. Culture Complex: A related group of cultural attributes, such as applicable dress requirements and cooking food and ingesting utensils

L. Cultural Hearth: Heartland, origin area, advancement center; place of origin of a major culture. I. 3rd party Invention: The term for a trait with many cultural hearths that developed self-employed of each different J. Ethnical Diffusion: The expansion and adoption of the cultural factor, from its place of origin to a wider area. K. Time-Distance Decay: The declining amount of acceptance of your idea or innovation with increasing some distance from its point of origin or source.

T. Cultural Buffer: Prevailing ethnic attitude rendering certain innovations; ideas or perhaps practices unsatisfactory or unadoptable in that particular culture.

Meters. Expansion Durchmischung: The spread of an creativity or a concept through a population in an place in such a way that the number of those affected grows continuously larger, causing an growing area of dissemination.

N. Transmittable Diffusion: The distance-controlled spreading of an thought, innovation, or any other item through a local population by simply contact from person to person.

U. Hierarchical Konzentrationsausgleich: A form of diffusion in which an idea or development spreads by passing initial among the most connected places or peoples.

P. Stimulation Diffusion: A form of diffusion by which cultural version is created due to the introduction of a cultural feature from one more place.

Q. Moving Diffusion: Continuous relocation procedure in which the items being relocated are transmitted by their transporter agents because they evacuate the old areas and relocate fresh ones.

IIIII. What are geographic concepts, and exactly how are they applied inanswering geographic questions? A. Geographic Concept: Ways of seeing the world spatially that are used simply by geographers in answering exploration questions. B. Environmental Perseverance: The view that the natural environment contains a controlling affect over numerous aspects of human life, which includes cultural advancement.

C. Isotherm: Line on a map attaching points of equal temperature values. D. Possibilism: Geographic viewpoint- a response to determinism- that holds that human making decisions, not the surroundings, is the important factor in ethnic development. E. Cultural Ecology: The multiple interactions and relationships between a traditions and the environment. F. Personal Ecology: An approach to studying nature-society relations that is certainly concerned with the ways in which environmental issues both reflect, and are also the result of, the political and socioeconomic contexts in which they can be situated.

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