Adolescent crimes composition

  • Category: Society
  • Words: 1389
  • Published: 12.03.19
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Young crimes inevitably are those crimes that happen to be performed simply by people maturing between 13-19 years old. These types of crimes will be performed all over the world but regrettably these criminal activity have been increasing in Pakistan for the last five years. Our objective was to find out whom are responsible pertaining to the increase in teenage crimes.

For this purpose all of us Conducted a survey from your fellow college students also all of us interviewed a Deputy Supretendant of Authorities to receive his landscapes about this particular issue.

The results we found showed that teen crimes can be a reason behind many problems of your country and steps needs to be taken to reduce this as quickly as possible otherwise current condition of our region will become much worse as a country simply cannot develop with out its youth. “The Children of today would be the future of the next day and a country cannot grow and develop without the contribution of its youth: – (Bill Gates)


Teenage Criminal offenses

Teen Crimes or perhaps Juvenile criminal offenses are all those crimes which can be performed by people in whose ages are between 13-19 Years.

Expert says that the criminal activity performed by this age group are the most dangerous for the reason that mind is definitely not mature enough to find out the full implications. This age is the most sensitive since it decides the whole life of the person whether he will be a civilized person or a felony.


Peer Pressure:

Peer pressure is one of the factors causing delinquency among teens. Most of the teenage crooks belong to 1 group or perhaps the other. Teen’s group often form a subculture that has a unifying theme of rejection of adult ideals. Teen’s peer group h usually put in a level of influence ontheir members to act in ways which may be antisocial. Usually teens get involved with such groups to acquire accepted inside the society. Owned by teen legal group can often be taken as a part of socializing. Lower income:

Poverty can often be blamed for leading to criminal offenses, however under is some thing more vital ” Society bombards all of us with industrial values, producing us need more and more materials things, to satisfy such needs one will perform anything (including criminal acts) to acquire satisfied. Poverty is the main economic factor that plays a big role in teenage crimes.

A high level of adolescent crimes is seen in low-income communities. Teenagers who reside in poor areas have substantially higher risk of engaging in teenage criminal actions than those whom do not. fortunately they are more likely to drop-out of schools, engage in substance abuse and improvement to adult criminal acts. Media / T. Sixth is v violence:

One more factor ultimately causing teenage criminal activity is commercialized mass media and culture. For instance, watching violent movies and playing violent games might reduce the abhorrence of several teens toward brutal works, making it easier to enable them to commit this kind of offenses.

As well, the entertainment industry at times presents not possible lifestyles to susceptible young ones making it appear like the ideal activity. A generally cited figure says that the child wrist watches 16, 000 murders and 200, 1000 violent acts on Big t. V when the child gets to the age of 18. Exposure to Television violence makes children significantly less empathetic in front of large audiences, more fearful, more hostile and receiving violence. Poor Parenting Expertise:

Children who have come from broken families which experts claim not incorporate frequent entry to their daddy or a confident male function model have got greater example of playing some felony act. The possible lack of guidance that the father or positive man role style can provide typically results in behavioral issues and lack of guidance in identifying right and wrong. This lack of direction often causes greater incidences of chaotic acts than with children who have reside with both parents. Conclusions


Our Study was carried out in FAST-NU. The age group was 18 to more than 20 years. We executed our survey from 13 males and 12 females. Some of each of our questions were whether teenage crimes are recorded the within Pakistan. Many the people explained yes. Another question was that what the biggest teenage crime is. The scholars had to pick from Abuse, Avenue Crimes and illegal medicines. The vast majority selected Illegal prescription drugs as the largest crime. One other question is that is it a social responsibility of the culture to stop teens from crime. Majority of those said yes. Interview

We all conducted a job interview from Deputy Supretendant of Police to get his views on this kind of topic. A number of the questions that were asked had been Are Young crimes elevated or lowered in the Past five years? Undoubtedly in this that teenage offences are on the rise in Pakistan over the last five years Precisely what is the cause with this increase?

The primary cause is definitely poverty. Multimedia also takes on an important function. When a kid watches violent movies his mind would not understand the consequences of doing this in the actual. What is the us government doing concerning this?

Our Authorities Does not be familiar with gravity on this situation. Aside from making a useless division who is doing nothing the us government has not used any key steps. Within your opinion what steps should be taken?

The federal government should help to make a clear plan about this as this is the junior we are speaking about it’s a serious problem. Also the media is a great pillar of power pertaining to conveying a note. They should likewise play their job. But the biggest role is of the parents they need to up provide their children in such a way that they should not really go towards wrong way.


After conducting the study and the interview we reached conclusion that teenage criminal activity are a vital issue in the country. Teen crimes should be thought about seriously since it is that period where the brain is premature. So we ought to “Nip the Evil in the Bud

Because these patterns will become long term with time after which it would be extremely tough to correct them. Our beloved homeland is great threat and its only hope is a youth on this country. And so we should perform everything inside our power to end this. Because Kurt Cobain Said “The duty of the youth should be to challenge file corruption error as they themselves make their particular future






Mr. Zaheer Ahmad



1: Do you think teen-age criminal offenses are raising in Pakistan?

a)Yes b) No

a couple of: Is the ratio of teen-age crimes is usually greater in Pakistan than other countries? a)Yes b) No

three or more: Is monetary reason a factor to become a teen-age criminal? a)Yes b) No

four: Do you think peer pressure takes on an important function in teen-age crimes? a)Yes b) Zero

5: Are hostilities (away by home) are more involved in such crimes? a)Yes b) Simply no

6th: Does insufficient parental interest lead them to crime world? a)Yes b) No

7: Does videos with criminal stuff promote teen-age lawbreaker activities? a)Yes b) Simply no

almost eight: In your view, which one is a biggest teen-age crime? a)Abuse b)Street-crimes c)Illegal Drugs

9: Do you consider family existence of teen-age criminals likewise impact because of their activities? a)Yes b) No

twelve: Do you think, it is a social responsibility to prevent teens from activities such as? a)Yes b) No

Tavern Chart in the Questionnaire

Q8: In Your thoughts and opinions which one is definitely the biggest teen-age Crime? Maltreatment 10 %

Street Crimes 30%

Illegal Medicines 60 %


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