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Lucy Grealy’s Masks Research In the account “Masks” Sharon Grealy is battling a lethal type of cancer yet her have difficulty through the tale is her self-confidence regarding her looks. As Sharon is growing up, the teasing and her self-consciousness about her appearance keep elevating. People’s physical beauty is definitely somewhat important to how they see themselves because it affects all their confidence.

At times when people happen to be nicely outfitted, do their hairs or makeup, that they feel well informed about themselves than they actually if they will didn’t.

In our culture we all almost get a lack of physical beauty or maybe a physical deformity as a handicap that helps prevent you by being just like other people. We all allow each of our confidence and self-esteem effect our skills. The more confidence a person has the less limit they put in themselves. A person which has a physical impairment or deformity might experience less free of charge or assured about themselves because how society might perceive them. For example , initially Lucy has on her hide when she’s celebrating Halloween she says, “I felt such freedom: My spouse and i waltzed up to people faultlessly and boldly. When she wore the mask initially she noticed how self-conscious she involved her presence and how that affected her confidence. Many people would probably go through the same way Lucy did if they had faced what Lucy got through her life. Though she was a brave and strong person for preventing her disease, the thing that influenced her assurance the most was her looks. Our culture all judges a book by its cover. People usually will assess other people by their physical appearance after they first meet someone.

That first impression can be how we think a person is whether it been smart, good, confident, or the opposite. People make that so important to become looked while “normal” that they can behave and look a certain approach just to be perceived as typical by the people around them. A person’s physical appearance will likely influence the way people interact with each other. We come across with Lucy the way her harassment regarding her appears influences her. When the bullying comes from a smaller group when Lucy was younger she’d retaliate by simply retorting issues back on the boys bothering her.

Because Lucy have to junior substantial and the group was greater and your woman knew significantly less people, the lady became even more isolated. Lucy stated that after she was teased in the hallways in the schools she would “simply appeared down with the floor and walked quicker. ” The teasing got to such a place that she would completely isolate herself during lunch by consuming with her guidance counselor. As the girl got older she, “viewed other people equally critically and sympathetically. The girl tried to figure out why people would act the way they did with her and general, as a way to cope with her situation. Many people have the frame of mind that they are a lot better than someone with a physical problems or physical handicap because they will don’t look “normal, ” which they practically see as a handicap. It would help in our culture to break that perception simply by knowing even more stories just like Lucy’s in which you can see just how strong a person you have to be to have gone through the challenges she had.

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