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EXPERIMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROJECTS: The Effect of Salt on the Cooking food Temperature of Water(Initially made by a next Grade student)To quickly bounce to a section below click on: INITIAL OBSERVATIONCooking instructions let you know to add salt to water before boiling it. JOB TITLEThe A result of Salt around the Boiling Temperatures of WaterPURPOSE OF THE PROJECTTo find out how table salt affects the boiling temperature of water. HYPOTHESISAdding table sodium to hot water will cause water to steam at a higher temperature.

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTTable Sodium Distilled Drinking water 2 Quart Cooking Weed Pint computing cup Teaspoon and tablespoon measuring spoons Thermometer Stirring spoon EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDUREBoil one quart of distilled drinking water on a range. Measure the temp of the boiling water. Record the very best temperature examining. This is the control to compare with. Measure away table sodium using a home measuring tea spoon. Level the spoonful. Put the assessed salt for the boiling water and stir.

Measure the temperature from the boiling water with all the salt in it. Record the highest temperature reading. Repeat for additional amounts of sodium. DATAData Attained: 2/25/95, Mankato, MN|| Amount of cooking food water|2 Cups| Temperature of boiling water (Control)|212. 9F| Volume of table salt included with boiling water: Work #1|1 Tbl. | Temperatures of boiling water after adding salt: Operate #1|215. 6F| Additional volume of desk salt included in boiling water: Manage #2|1 Tbl. | Heat of hot water after adding salt: Run #2|218. F| || EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONSWhen it was put into boiling water it bubbled up more, and then stopped cooking. Shortly later on, it hard boiled again. In the event the thermometer stretches beyond the exterior of the pot that reads an increased temperature. Temperature from the oven burner makes the thermometer browse higher. Maintain your thermometer above the pot when coming up with temperature measurements. CALCULATIONSTotal amount of desk salt added for Operate #1: zero + one particular = you Tbl. Total amount of table sodium added intended for Run #2: 1 + 1 = 2 Tbl.

RESULTS|| Temp of hot water (Control)|212. 9F| Amount of table sodium added to boiling water: Run #1|1 Tbl. | Temperature of boiling water after adding sodium: Run #1|215. 6F| Total amount of table sodium added to hot water: Run #2|2 Tbl. | Temperature of boiling water following adding salt: Run #2|218. 3F| || Amount of Table Salt Added VersusWater Boiling TemperatureCONCLUSIONSIs the hypothesis correct? Certainly. Adding stand salt to water causes the water to boil by a higher heat. Problems with doing the experiments.

The temperature blood pressure measurements were hard to make. Mitts had to be donned to keep my personal hands from getting as well hot. Needed to be careful which the stove temperature was not striking the thermometer. Other things learned. Be careful the moment adding sodium to boiling water. It makes the water boil vigorously for the second or two. RELATED QUESTIONSWhy do you think food preparation instructions tell you to add salt when boiling water? When the drinking water is sexier, you can prepare food quicker. Salt also makes the meals taste better. || HOME[-&gt, 0]|| [-&gt, 0] ,.. /index. html

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