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A writer’s life could be characterized by risk and excitement. Those who follow their vocation with enthusiasm and commitment cannot probably live a dull your life.  A writer’s life is packed with danger because he or she’ll have to go the unconventional way in order to do well.

It is also a lifetime of excitement for the reason that unpredictable effects of the crafted word can make a person well-known, rich, or perhaps dead depending on the content make where the part was drafted.

Bozena Mencova is the 1st major female writer ever produced by current day Czechoslovakia – formerly generally known as Czech Republic – in the midst of the nineteenth century. And this writer epitomizes the twin attribute of danger and excitement. Her life was fraught with risks since she experienced the misfortune to be created in a land torn simply by politics, ideology, and contest. Furthermore, your woman lived in a period when females are considered a distant second to their men counterparts.

Yet, her lifestyle was as well full of excitement. She was able to show that talent increases to the leading irregardless of gender and economic status. One of her celebrated works is the tale of a grandmother (Babieka) who had been torn between love and duty, when the writer offers interwoven her views on social, political, and in many cases religious causes that are framing her nation.


The interesting existence of Bozena Nemcova did not begin and end in her being a hype writer. Actually Nemcova is likewise a “…poet, journalist, collector and manager of folk narratives, key physique of the Czech National Rebirth and representative of the countrywide literary cannon. And if this did not include enough the girl was major to widely address problem of could identity and� their situation in society” (Haan, Daskalova, & Loufti, 2006).

Bozena Nemcova was created in 1820, almost two hundred years following the Germans defeated the soldires of the Czech Republic. The extreme “Germanization” from the populace led to the degeneration of Czech literature and culture. The National Rebirth that occurred in the nineteenth century through which Nemcova played out a major component was in response to the decline and The Grandmother is one of the main literary performs that provides to awaken nationalistic veneraci�n (Iggers, 95, p. 49).

The Granny

The story of “The Grandmother” is a nicely written piece. It really is enjoyable to learn because it originated in another time and place, with all the added added bonus that it originated from another terminology. It is always great to read translated works since it gives the audience a windows to another traditions. In most cases the study of these types of books results in the realization there is much in common even between two different people groups, competition, culture, and nationalities.

This is especially evident the moment reading the introductory portion of the story. Grandmums in many parts of the world can relate to “Granny” – of growing old and living exclusively, their children far having their own families. The dilemma, on if to live on their own or move around in with one of the children is usually common problem around the globe.

The trend proceeds when Granny began the journey from her primitive hometown into a “foreign” property where her daughter right now resides with her hubby and kids. The universality of the tale persisted inside the longing with the grandchildren to know their grandma and the same strong emotions were reciprocated by the grandma.

Then the tale begins to display its unique flavor when Nana began to decide in. After having a while, Gran began to notice the difference in language, tradition, and good manners being demonstrated in the home of Mister. Prosek. It had been a battle between the new and the older, between the practices of the countryside and fresh rules of modern living. Inside the story Gran remarked to herself that she scarcely recognized her daughter mainly because her concept of her is that of a merry country woman and here she is now, poised, elegant yet there is something that is certainly missing.

This kind of nagging sense is emblematic of what’s going on in the hearts and thoughts of Czech intellectuals in those days. They were split between the known benefits of the cultural and technological exchange with the Germans and at the same time unpleasant because deep-down the real personal is covered up unable to break free in music and merriment.

Religion has always been a scrubbing point and this case, Nemcova would like you to know the inner struggle from the native Czechs when it comes to a seemingly incomplete view of God by way of a new rulers. In the tale Granny often “cross” very little and wished her croyance to rub-off on the children and the whole family.

In the latter part of the tale one gets a huge dose of these types of reviews. Mencova was able to contrast the differences in traditions when he composed about the pilgrimage into a church in Svatonovice. Along the way the children saw what they were deprived of, it is the happiness and psychic blessing obtainable in heading back to their root base which is the intricate traditions of the Ay Roman Catholic Church and the beauty of the countryside using its own exceptional wisdom and charms.

The storyplot of The Grandma is not only about symbolisms directing to National Revival of ancient Czech culture, religious beliefs and its practices. It is a lot more than that. It is also a bit where Nemcova was able to pour his heart out to communicate ideas and queries not really acceptable in society. In a single section of the storyplot, Nemcova released Victorka to contrast that with the personality of the granny. Victorka was imprudent and speaks her mind. By doing so she surely could communicate what may have been experiencing her head and cardiovascular. This is because Nemcova had an unhappy marriage to a man 15 years her senior (Iggers, 1995).


In 1620 the Czech army was defeated by the Hapsburg military. This period started the fall of Czech culture and literature. Powerful “Germanization” happened, the predicted result after victors would normally firmly insist that all their culture and language is far better than the vanquished foe. And most cases, the weakened nature of the conquered people willingly oblige for the cultural intimidation. In the case of the Czech Republic, Craig Craven remarked, “The Czech vocabulary had not not survived, but it experienced retreated towards the countryside as well as the kitchen to be the patois – slang or nonstandard language – of peasants, cooks, and servants” (2006, p. 88).

The aforementioned discussion serves as the backdrop from the Grandmother drafted as a respond to the� Revival, Czech intellectuals doing aggressive steps to regain lost earth in terms of lifestyle, literature, and national id. In these patriotic times Mencova was shifting from town to area with his patriot husband and in the process was exposed to the politics and ideologies through the day. Thus, your woman began to be motivated by a new breed of Czech natives yearning for the good old days.

This hope of the new and better Czech Republic depending on long ignored ideals is very much evident in the history. As one would recall Nana reacted that her son-in-law did not speak Czech, only German while her children and grandchildren on the other hand – including the maids in the home – can simply speak her native dialect. This produced Granny uneasy and made her to contemplate going back with her quaint very little village.

The girl was confident to stay also to keep her mind off of the things that bothered her, she began to plunge himself to work as some kind of an overseer to the household maids. Then she began observing other things just like the modern technology that made her more unpleasant. This is also synonymous with the issue with regards to accepting the obvious benefits associated with German influence – particularly in technology – while on the other hand rejecting the bad impacts like the loss of piety especially when it comes to the traditional chapel.

Aside from the nationalistic undertones in the “Granny” what attracts someone to an specific study on this piece of literary works stems from the realization this is a 19th century operate of fiction, written by women in a time make where incredible odds are stacked against her. And yet the girl prevailed and showed her countrymen plus the whole community that skill and a burning love for reality is enough to overcome all obstacles.

Lacking in formal schooling and education required for an important writer, Nemcova was able to pay with her enormous talent. It is amazing to read a fine work, with such a vivid description of Czech rural way of living and the benefits of her writing to make the character types come alive. It is difficult to go through the storyline without agreeing to her ideas or with out wondering if perhaps Nemcova was really writing fiction because the discussion could have easily make been documented from actual conversations.

In this regard Nemcova must not only be emulated and recognized as a article writer but as well as a heroine. She is a shining example for a nation that has found better instances. She is also a good part model for a lot of women who had trouble to find their particular place in a male-dominated society. But her story ought to be retold in places where women are treated as things and not since human beings. Her life will definitely convince these people that they can go above it all if only they can focus on something aside from themselves.

Functions Cited

Cravens, Craig. Culture and Customs of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Westport, CT:

Greenwood Press, 2006.

Haan, F., K. Daskalova, & A. Loutfi. A Biographical Dictionary of Could Movements and

Feminism. Ny: CEU Press, 2006.

Wilson, Neil. Prague. CA: Lonesome Planet, 2007.

Iggers, Wilma. Women of Prague. Providence, RI: Berghahn Books, 1995.

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